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BigBox causing Retroarch performance problem


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I bought BigBox and love the interface and have had fun setting everything up. Everything seems to work ok - certainly in terms of displaying my ROMs and loading up emulators.  However I have an issue with Retroarch.  I have retroarch set up as my default emulator for some of my platforms - for example Sega Genesis and it works exactly as it sould.  However with N64 BigBox loads the emulator and game except the is a noticeable, unplayable stutter and lag.  Of course I tested outside of BigBox by loading the games directly in Retroarch and they play perfectly, even with BigBox minimised.  My system is plenty powerful enough - Core i7, Geforce 660, 16GB ram etc.  Its almost as if BigBox launches the Retroarch N64 core with some sort of option or switch or setting which is causing issues because like I said its fine to play directly inside of retroarch.


Any ideas?  How should I start troubleshooting?

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I'm having the same problem so wonder if there's something more to this. Slowdown (for me) seems limited to snes9x core in Retroarch and only when launched by BigBox. Games play 60fps when running Retroarch direct or launched from Launchbox (vs. BigBox). Interestingly it seems to run OK the first time I run it following a fresh reboot but subsequent snes9x launches lose 5-10fps with stutter and audio issues. I've checked that closing retroarch and bigbox don't have any zombie processes but still persists after closing and relaunching. My PC is a KabyLake i37100 with 16gb ram on Win10 64bit. 

Thoughts? I'll play around with others to see if it's limited to snes9x core...



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It's definitely weird but it only happens when launching from BigBox mode and is repeatable. I don't recall this happening before the most recent LB update but then I'm a bit new to this and haven't spent much time on the SNES emulators. Performance is flawless on Retroarch launching different ways and like you said the PC should be plenty powerful enough to manage this.

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  • 2 months later...

I've also noticed slowdown and sound issues with snes9x (1.53) when launched through Bigbox (not using retroarch). Closing the Bigbox window fixes the issue immediately.

I've only noticed this in the last week or so, but I've not played a snes game in a while so I couldn't be certain when it started.

Edited by cunningmunki
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