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Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels / Artwork

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Posted (edited)

You can download the bezels one by one in this thread or download them all over here: 


Part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Bezels" series, for RetroArch bezels in this series see: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1950-mr-retrolusts-lights-off-retroarch-bezels/

NOTE: This project uses a reflection and scratch layer to add a realistic effect, it defines the style of the project, this is not for everyone. But please don't request "a clean verion" as I haven't kept the layer formats for all these games, this project is what it is.



Extract the zip files in mame/artwork/ and you are ready to go.



Most of the artwork used are from the most excellent @Mr. Do & the many team members: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/index.php
For NeoGeo artwork much artwork came from: http://www.neogeosoft.com/
For Flyer artwork the amazing: https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/ and https://www.flyerfever.com/
Some artwork used from: https://www.verticalarcade.com/ which has amazing vertical bezels, be sure to pay them a visit.
Photos from Museum of the Game® & International Arcade Museum® https://forums.arcade-museum.com/

For research the great Arcade Database by: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/

Special thanks to the following people, without them this project wouldn't be what it is: @ArsInvictus John Merrit, @Briball @cmgssilva @Orionsangel @Boz1978 @L4ZYD4NE @Manson976 UDb23 @IainSA TheGuru, Smitdogg, CAG, DrVectrex, tbombaci, italie, MAMEWorld, Ad_Enuff, UDb Raspbear, @destrowade @CKL @Thoggo @Antny @Dreamstate Andyaust @zugswang Spinhacker, CCF Gameplay, jkburks, Comboman, Tim Lindquist, TrevEB, Aaron Giles, Jumpman1981, @kloug666


Here's my first Mame 4K bezel

Shadow Dancer arcade mame bezel



Edited by Mr. RetroLust
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  • Unusual Gem 5
34 minutes ago, L4ZYD4NE said:

Awesome stuff bro, super stoked to see some more arcades done in your brilliant "lights out" style, I'll certainly be watching this thread closely.

Thanks bro, glad you like :) I'm working on Naomi as well in the mean time, a lot of dedicated cabinets and variations so it takes a while to get em done.

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6 minutes ago, GreenGriffon said:

Awesome work, thanks so much for this project.

Just curious, what shader are you using in those pics?


Thanks bro glad you like :) I'm using the HLSL shaders, if you are interested I think these are my settings, not sure how to share but this is a snippet from my Mame.ini settings, if you know an other way please let me know.

hlslpath                  hlsl
hlsl_enable               1
hlsl_oversampling         0
hlsl_write                auto
hlsl_snap_width           2048
hlsl_snap_height          1536
shadow_mask_tile_mode     0
shadow_mask_alpha         0.25
shadow_mask_texture       shadow-mask.png
shadow_mask_x_count       12
shadow_mask_y_count       6
shadow_mask_usize         0.5
shadow_mask_vsize         0.5
shadow_mask_uoffset       0.0
shadow_mask_voffset       0.0
distortion                0.0
cubic_distortion          0.0
distort_corner            0.0
round_corner              0.0
smooth_border             0.0
reflection                0.0
vignetting                0.0
scanline_alpha            0.50
scanline_size             1.0
scanline_height           1.0
scanline_variation        1.0
scanline_bright_scale     2.0
scanline_bright_offset    0.0
scanline_jitter           0.0
hum_bar_alpha             0.0
defocus                   0.75,0.0
converge_x                0.0,0.0,0.0
converge_y                0.0,0.0,0.0
radial_converge_x         0.0,0.0,0.0
radial_converge_y         0.0,0.0,0.0
red_ratio                 1.05,0.00,0.10
grn_ratio                 -0.10,1.00,0.25
blu_ratio                 -0.25,0.25,1.25
saturation                1.25
offset                    -0.30,-0.20,-0.05
scale                     1.15,1.05,0.90
power                     0.90,0.90,1.15
floor                     0.025,0.025,0.025
phosphor_life             0.25,0.25,0.25

yiq_enable                0
yiq_jitter                0.0
yiq_cc                    3.57954545
yiq_a                     0.5
yiq_b                     0.5
yiq_o                     0.0
yiq_p                     1.0
yiq_n                     1.0
yiq_y                     6.0
yiq_i                     1.2
yiq_q                     0.6
yiq_scan_time             52.6
yiq_phase_count           2

vector_beam_smooth        0.0
vector_length_scale       0.5
vector_length_ratio       0.5

bloom_blend_mode          0
bloom_scale               0.25
bloom_overdrive           1.00,1.00,1.00
bloom_lvl0_weight         1.00
bloom_lvl1_weight         0.64
bloom_lvl2_weight         0.32
bloom_lvl3_weight         0.16
bloom_lvl4_weight         0.08
bloom_lvl5_weight         0.06
bloom_lvl6_weight         0.04
bloom_lvl7_weight         0.02
bloom_lvl8_weight         0.01


  • Like 1

Thanks, I think you also need the "raster.ini" and "vector.ini" files from /ini/presets in your Mame folder. If it's not too much of a bother, that would be awesome if you shared them.

I like how your settings aren't overpowering. The scanlines look "right" in my 40-something brain as to what arcade monitors looked like back in the day.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, GreenGriffon said:

Thanks, I think you also need the "raster.ini" and "vector.ini" files from /ini/presets in your Mame folder. If it's not too much of a bother, that would be awesome if you shared them.

I like how your settings aren't overpowering. The scanlines look "right" in my 40-something brain as to what arcade monitors looked like back in the day.

Yep thats what my 40-something year old brain did as well lol i'll upload them in a few hours when i'm behind the pc again.


Awesome work.

Regarding the shader files, It has been a while that I wanted to ask about it. 

I am not an expert but, based on the file, it seems that you don't distort (or tilt) the screen to create the effect of a CRT monitor curvature, right? Any advice regarding distortions?

I think for arcades I use some shader call CRT (CRT-Royale, maybe). 

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9 hours ago, Flope said:

Awesome work.

Regarding the shader files, It has been a while that I wanted to ask about it. 

I am not an expert but, based on the file, it seems that you don't distort (or tilt) the screen to create the effect of a CRT monitor curvature, right? Any advice regarding distortions?

I think for arcades I use some shader call CRT (CRT-Royale, maybe). 

Thanks man :) There is a bit of distortion going on in my shader file; "distortion 0.15".

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