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Found 1 dupe rom, "reactor" is actually the "Spikes Slam Pit Demo" rom. So now bang on 250.

And i'm 4 away from hitting 200 done. Today i shall be 4/5ths done !!

The logo took me bloody ages on this one... Had to crop it off the cartridge, size it up and clean it up and remake the revenge glow. The x-rated Spudsters Revenge game, unless he's poking her with a stick, in which case its a PG i guess for violence?


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Halfway through doing image number 199 (Star Castle, struggling to find a good middle). I didn't quite make it to 200 last night.

I decided to re-process everything this morning. The first 198 images have had their canvas size increased from 780x1014 to 800x1024. Theres no quality loss and the extra background squares are all added. 10 pixels per side, 5 pixels top and bottom added. Now when i view them they aren't scaled to fit my screen any more (my vertical res is 1024). I'm sure these more standard sizes will be a benefit in frontends and other things too.

I've also now settled on the corners for the center areas, i added a couple of grey pixels to each one, which gives a slightly more rounded look. It's so minor no-one would probably notice, but i am very meticulous. I've had to paste in those extra pixels on all images of course, that took a while.

But now i'm back on track, and should break 200 today.

Heres the last one i completed (not a very exciting one image wise). Includes the new edits. The extra canvas balances it a bit more i feel, spacing is better.Squarez.thumb.png.46ddfa94f3be2e4eff56c8bdc5332f6e.pngMore later.


204 of 249 (found another duped rom, The Star Wars Clone Demo is actually Star Seige, both the same rom by John Dondzila). I've just done a cover for it, and also the 3 star trek roms i have. Star Ship, Star Trek Motion Picture and Star Trek Debugged.

All 3 are using the same middle but with different logos at the bottom. Middle section needed usual straightening and cleaning and the main top logos took a while. Heres the main two.

682656390_StarShip.thumb.png.d2fef3f564968f2470c6daa76564a545.png2036514107_StarTrekTheMotionPicture.thumb.png.b84f487db0c33aaf8883127fecea2f7d.pngMore tomorrow.

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  • Unusual Gem 1

First rom set i got, one of the Tosec collections, after filtering out dupes, clones, bad dumps and alternative (a) versions, it still included demos, and homebrew etc. It was 113 roms large. I thought blimey, thats a lot as only 35 or so commercial games were ever released. And hey, its Tosec, these guys collect it all...

Now i'm at 249 unique roms, more than doubled since i started. I've travelled to both ends of the internet, saw Gollum along the way, but i think i'm pretty much done collecting the roms now. Hope so, it seems never ending. Every time i find a new rom, it means 1 more bloody cover to make... Almost there :)


Still 220 of 249, had to re-do this one twice. I messed up first time, then decided to do it a little differently second time. Ended up nice this one...
72090045_VecSportsBoxing.thumb.png.14181743facb2c4a3f55c6c5e37f00f3.pngPS4 time. More tomorrow.

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0 done today, after a little over 3 weeks doing them daily, a day off was needed. I started and finished the PS4 version of Dear Esther and played some Spiderman instead. Oh and watched a bit more Gangs Of London. Damn thats good... I will be back on these tomorrow. Home stretch, 29 to go plus some reworks.


No. Any overlay i may have used for these has been easily found elsewhere online, most overlay based middle images were already created too, the overlay creates the border and people who have made custom covers before me have slapped screenshots into them. I have just cleaned up and resized those for my template, so they can't actually be used as an overlay anyway. Theres no transparency on them either. I have't created any extra files other than these box fronts (apart from a small number of logos i created myself for these, also not going to share those). Most of the logos i may have created can be cut from the box fronts quite easily, most are hard edged.

Its all going to be just this one front cover set.

Now, Vectopia is next on the list... Must make some progress today :)


And another 4 done. Now 227 of 249. Quite happy with this one for Vectorblade, deserves someone to do some proper arty farty artwork for it. I'm sure closer to the games proper release something more official will appear, but this will do for now.
Vectorblade.thumb.png.f463c6d374a0a211699514d647de8d66.pngMore later.

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10 more roms added and 9 more images done today. Gotta be honest, been playing PS4 Spiderman a lot. Nothing was done yesterday on these due to web slinging. None of the images in todays batch are very exciting either, all just logos and screenshots. Total now 236 of 259.

Just 23 to go plus some reworks i simply must do...

577415574_BCGTower.thumb.png.4e2e732dd6c61fd190b061a2a65891e9.pngAlmost there. More tomorrow.

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As long as i can make covers faster than people make games i'll catch up eventually...
Which hasn't been the case the last couple of days, i've been lazy on these. Today more will happen again though.
Yesterdays rom additions were all of Ralf Kornmanns releases. They are all from this year.

And there will be Professor Peer Johannsens 2020 class to add next if any of those get completed. That could be 6 more games.

I did do 1 more cover last night before going back to Spiderman and TV. I re-added the rom for Vaboom and the Abyss Demo. Where possible, when a game compilation like Vecmania or All Good Things has released games in singular form, i had decided to keep only the compilation version. However, many of these games have differences, tweaks and remixes. So i've decided to keep all the standalone releases as well now. It only meant re-adding those two, but covers had to be done. Vaboom has never had its own release or artwork, so its another title and screenshot creation.

Vaboom.thumb.png.8421fc9164f58387bd06ceb774224a73.pngSo currently... 237 of 259.
And more later.


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