-McFly- Posted October 14, 2022 Posted October 14, 2022 (edited) January 2024 This is my current collection, listed for your pleasure. This may help some add to their own collections, or spark some ideas for others. I had some fun trying to come up with new playlists, I hope you find these useful. Downloads of my .xml files attached. Let me know if I'm missing something or if the zipped files don't open. Anything ending with OS = Operating System. FE = Front End. Platforms - .CHEATS .DOS Magazines .Magazines .Manuals .Music .Videos 3D Groove GX 3D NES 3DO Interactive Multiplayer 3DVIA Player AAE (Another Arcade Emulator) Aamber Pegasus AboutPeople AboutTime Acorn Archimedes Acorn Atom Acorn Computers Acorn Electron Acorn Risc PC ActiveX Actrix Adventure Game Studio Alambik Aleck 64 Aleste 520EX OS Alf TV Game Altos Computer Systems Ambulant American Laser Games Amstrad CPC Amstrad GX4000 Amstrad PPC 512 & 640 Analogue Pocket Android (Bluestacks) OS Android Anime Videos APF Imagination Machine APF MP1000 Apogee BK-01 Apple I Apple II Apple IIGS Magazines Apple IIGS Apple Lisa Apple Mac 10.12 Sierra OS Apple Mac 10.13 High Sierra OS Apple Mac 10.14 Mojave OS Apple Macintosh Plus Apple Macintosh Apple Newton Applied Technology Microbee Apricot PC-XI Aquaplus P-ECE Arcade Music Trivia Challenger Arcade Arduboy Aros ONE OS ASAP WebShow Atari 1200 OS Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Atari 8-Bit Atari Falcon Atari Flashback Atari G42 Atari GX2 Atari Jaguar CD Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Atari ST Atari STE Atari System V Atari TT Atari XEGS Atlus Atmosphere Authorware AXEL Player Bally Astrocade Bandai Apple Pippin Bandai Denshi MangaJuku Bandai Playdia Bandai RX-78 Bandai Super Vision 8000 Banpresto BBC Ceefax BBC Microcomputer System Be Benesse Pocket Challenge V2 Benesse Pocket Challenge W Big Fish bioPlayer Bit Corporation Gamate BitPlayer Blender Bondwell Model 12_14 OS Bondwell Model 2 Brezzasoft Crystal System Bull Micral Burroughs B20 Burster Calendar Quick Camputers Lynx Canon X-07 Capcom 68000 Capcom Play System 1 Capcom Play System 2 Capcom Play System 3 Capcom Play System Dash Capcom Sony ZN-1 Capcom Sony ZN-2 Casio CFX 9850 Casio FP-1000 Casio Loopy Casio MG-200 Turbo Drive Casio PB-1000 Casio PV-1000 Casio PV-2000 Casio RZ-1 Cave CDC110 OS ChaiLove ChemDraw CHIP-8 Chromium OS CoinOps FE Coleco Adam Coleco Telstar Marksman Coleco Telstar ColecoVision Comad Co Commodore 128 Commodore 64 Commodore 65 Commodore Amiga 1000 Commodore Amiga 1200 Commodore Amiga 2000 Commodore Amiga 3000 Commodore Amiga 4000 Commodore Amiga 500 Commodore Amiga 600 Commodore Amiga CD32 Commodore Amiga Commodore BX256-80HP OS Commodore C16 Commodore C64GS Commodore CDTV Commodore MAX Machine Commodore PET Commodore Plus 4 Commodore VIC-20 Common Ground Convergent Technologies AWS & NGEN OS Cool 360 CP_M OS Cromemco CSIRAC Cult3D Cybiko Xtreme Cybiko Czerweny Electronica Daphne DEC PDP DEC Rainbow 100 OS DEC VT-180 OS DeepV Dendy 750 in 1 DevalVR DFusion DICE Digiac 3080 DjVu Doujin DPGraph Dragon DreamGEAR DX Studio Player EACA EG2000 Colour Genie e-animator Elektronika BK Emerson Arcadia 2001 Enterprise 64 & 128 Entex Adventure Vision Entex Electronic Baseball Envoy Eolith Gradation 2D System Epoch Game Pocket Computer Epoch Super Cassette Vision Epson PX-8 ETL Mark II ETL Mark IV A ETL Mark IV EVA Examu Ex-Board Exelvision Exeltel Exelvision EXL 100 Exidy Sorcerer eXo AppleIIGS eXo DOS eXo ScummVM SVN eXo ScummVM Fairchild Channel F FastBid Fightcade FE FIGLeaf Final Burn Alpha Final Burn Delta Final Burn Neo Flash (Not FP) Flash Flatland Rover Formula One Fractal Viewer Franklin FreeHand Fujitsu FM Towns Marty Fujitsu FM Towns Fujitsu FM-7 Fujitsu FMR Fukutake Studybox Funtech Super Acan Future Pinball Fyde OS Galaksija Plus Galaksija Gamebase 64 FE GamePark GP2X GamePark GP32 GameWave GCE Vectrex GLG Plugin GoBit GOG (Good Old Games) Haiku OS Handhelds Hartung Game Master Harvard WebShow Hector HRX Hewlett-Packard HP 48 Hitachi Mark-5 Hitachi S1 HiVE HomeLab HotSauce HTML5 Hyper Electronic Games HyperChem Hypercosm Hyper-G IBM Compatibles IBM PC Jr IBM System_360 OS IBM IGS - International Games System IGT Slots Illuminatus IMSAI 8080 Infocom Intellivision Amico Interact Family Computer Intertec Superbrain Interton VC 4000 iPix Irem M27 Irem M52 Irem M62 Irem M72 Irem M92 Irem M97 ITV Teletext J2ME Jamagic Java (Not FP) Java JCAMP-DX Jupiter Ace Jutvision Kali Linux OS Kaneko Kaypro 2000 Kaypro Keio University K-1 Konami Bubble System Konami e-AMUSEMENT Konami Picno Konix MultiSystem Kubuntu 21.04 OS Leapfrog - Leapster Learning Game System Lightning Strike Live Picture Viewer LiveMath Locomalito LowRes NX Lubuntu 21.04 OS Lucas Nascom I & II Lutro Luxor ABC 1600 OS Luxor ABC 80 Luxor ABC 800 Lviv PC-01 Magnavox Odyssey 2 Magnavox Odyssey 3000 Magnavox Odyssey 4000 Magnavox Odyssey Manjaro 21.1.1 OS MapGuide Matra and Hachette Alice Matsushita National JR Mattel Aquarius Mattel Hyperscan Mattel Intellivision mBed Mega Duck Memorex VIS Memotech MTX512 MHSV Microdigital TK-3000 Microkey Primo Microsoft MSX TurboR Microsoft MSX Microsoft MSX2 Microsoft MSX2+ Microsoft Xbox 360 Microsoft XBOX One Microsoft XBOX Microvision Milton-Bradley - Omni MITS Altair 8800 MrSID MS-DOS (Not eXo) MS-DOS OS MS-DOS MUGEN Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator Namco ES3A Namco NA-1 Namco NA-2 Namco NB-1 Namco NB-2 NCR Decision Mate V NEC APC OS NEC PC Engine GT NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx NEC PC-6001 NEC PC-8001 NEC PC-8801 NEC PC-88VA NEC PC-9801 NEC PC-9821 NEC PC-FX NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD Nesica x Live NetWriter Nichibutsu My Vision Nichibutsu Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64DD Nintendo Amiibo Nintendo DS _ DSi _ 3DS Panda Nintendo DS Nintendo DSi Kyoushitsu Nintendo DSi PWC 2010 Nintendo DSi XL Nintendo DSi Nintendo DSiWare Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo e-Reader Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendo Famicom Network System Nintendo Game and Watch FE Nintendo Game and Watch Nintendo Game Boy Advance Video Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Game Boy Micro Mother 3 Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo GameCube Nintendo iQue Nintendo Kiosk Nintendo NES Nintendo Play-Yan Nintendo Pokemon Mini Nintendo Satellaview Nintendo SNES MSU-1 Nintendo SNES Nintendo Sufami Turbo Nintendo Super Game Boy Nintendo Switch Nintendo Virtual Boy Nintendo Wii U Nintendo Wii Nintendo WiiWare Nintendo Zone Box Nitrux OS Nokia - N-Gage North Star Advantage OS Nostalgic Movies NoteWorthy Composer Nuon o2c-Player Octree View Online Music Stations OpenBOR OpenSTEP 4.2 OS Osborne Othello Multivision Otrona Attache OS Ouya Pademonium Cinematics Palm Pilot PanoramIX Parsec FE PC Engine SuperGrafx Pear 8 OS Pecom 64 Pel Varazdin Orao Petz Player Phantom System Philips CD-i Philips P2000 Philips VG 5000 Philips Videopac+ G7400 Philips Videopac+ Pico-8 Pinball FX2 Pinball FX3 Pioneer Palcom LaserDisc Pixound Play3D Pocket Dream Console Pocket PC PointPlus PopCap Plugin Popcap Project Blank ProtoPlay Psion 3a OS Pub Fruit Machines Pulse Quadplay FE QuickSilver Quiz Machines Radio 86RK Mikrosha Radio 86RK Partner Radio 86RK YuT-88 Raine FE Raspbian OS Raw Thrills RCA Studio II RCA Superchip RealiView REBOL ResidualVM Retro Arcade Neon FE RetroBat FE RetroFE RM Nimbus PC-186 Robbie Konijn Collection Robotron HC900, KC85 2, KC85 3 & KC85 4 Robotron KC Compact Robotron Z1013 Robotron Z9001 & KC85 1 Run _n_ Gun SABA Videoplay SAM Coupé Sammy Atomiswave Sammy Seta Visco SSV Samsung SPC-1000 Sanyo MBC-550 & 555 OS Sanyo PHC 25 Sanyo PHC 70FD Scorch ScummVM Sega 32X Sega Ages 2500 Sega Beena Sega CD 32X Sega CD Sega Channel Sega Chihiro Sega Dreamcast VMU Sega Dreamcast Sega Europa- R Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Hikaru Sega Katana Sega Lindbergh Sega Mark III Sega Master System Sega Mega CD 1+2 Sega Mega Drive Sega Mega Tech System Sega Megadrive MSU-1 Sega Model 1 Sega Model 2 Sega Model 3 Sega Naomi 2 Sega Naomi Sega Nomad Sega Pico Sega Ring Edge Sega Ring Wide Sega Saturn Sega SC-3000 Sega SF-7000 Sega SG-1000 Sega ST-V Sega System 16 Sega System 18 Sega System 24 Sega System 32 Sega Triforce Sega VR Sega X Board Sega Y Board Seibu Kaihatsu Seihou Project Sharp MZ Family Sharp Pocket Computer Sharp X1 Sharp X68000 Sharp X68030, 2000 ShiVa3D Shmups Shockwave Show It! Silverlight Sinclair _ Microdigital TK90X Sinclair _ Scorpion ZS 256 Sinclair _ Timex TC2068 Sinclair PC200 Sinclair QL Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16 Sinclair ZX Spectrum Sinclair ZX-80 Sinclair ZX-81 Slacko64 Puppy 7.0 OS SmoothMove Panorama SNK Neo Geo AES SNK Neo Geo CD SNK Neo Geo CDZ SNK Neo Geo MVS SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color SNK Neo Geo Pocket SNK Neo Geo Sol-20 Terminal Computer Solarus Sony Ericsson K800i Sony Net Yaroze Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony Playstation 4 Sony Playstation Vita Sony Playstation Sony PocketStation Sony PSP Minis Sony PSP Sord M23 OS Sord M5 Spectravideo SV-318-328 Squeak Subor Super Nintendo Entertainment System Surround Video SVF viewer SVG Viewer Symbian TAB Quizard Taito Systems Taito Type X Tandy 1000 Tandy TRS-80 CoCo Tandy TRS-80 DT-1 Tandy TRS-80 MC-10 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 Tandy TRS-80 Model 4 Tandy TRS-80 Model I Tandy TRS-80 Model II Tandy TRS-80 Model III Tandy TRS-80 Pocket Computer Tandy TRS-80 Tangerine Microtan 65 Tangerine Oric Atmos Tangerine Stratos & Telestrat Tapwave Zodiac Tatung Einstein TCL Technos Arcade Tecmo TeknoParrot FE TeknoParrot Telenova Compis Terak 8510A & 8600 OS Tesla PMD 85 Texas Instruments CC-40 Texas Instruments TI-73 Texas Instruments TI-74 Texas Instruments TI-80 Texas Instruments TI-81 Texas Instruments TI-82 Texas Instruments TI-92 Texas Instruments TI-95 Texas Instruments TI-99 4A ThingViewer Thomson MO5 Thomson TO7 Thomson TO8 Tic-80 Tiger Game.com Tiger Gizmondo Tiger LCD Games Tiki-100 Timetop Game King TinyGiant HT68k SBC OS Toaplan Tomy Pyuuta Tomy Tutor Toshiba Pasopia Toshiba Visicom Touhou Project Tremor Games TurnTool TWF Ubuntu OS Ultimate Doom Unico Electronics UniSYS Unity University of Cambridge EDSAC Urban Legends Uzebox Vapor Spec Vector-06C Victor 9000 _ Sirius 1 Video Challenger Video System Co VideoBrain Family Computer Videoton TV Computer Virtual Reality Virtuoso Viscape Visual Pinball Visual Technology Visual 1050 Visual WebMap Visviva Vitalize VMWare Voxatron VReam VRML VTech CreatiVision VTech Laser 200 VTech Laser 2001 VTech Laser 310 VTech Socrates VTech V.Smile Wang WASM Watara Supervision Web Browser WebAnimator WebGlide WebXpresso Weird Hardware Windows 10 OS Windows 11 DEV OS Windows 2.0 OS Windows 2000 Advanced Server OS Windows 2000 Professional OS Windows 2000 Server OS Windows 3.1 OS Windows 3x Windows 7 OS Windows 8.1 OS Windows 95 OS Windows 98 SE OS Windows Home Server 2011 OS Windows Home Server OS Windows Millenium Edition OS Windows Neptune 5.111 OS Windows NT 4.0 OS Windows Server 2003 OS Windows Server 2008 R2 OS Windows Server 2012 OS Windows Server 2016 OS Windows Server 2019 OS Windows Thin PC OS Windows Vista OS Windows XP MCE OS Windows XP OS Windows Winds3D Wolfenstein 3d Mods WonderSwan Color WonderSwan WoW Action Max X3D Xara Plugin XaviXPORT Xerox 820 OS XVR Yamaha Copera Zeebo Zenith PC Zilog MCZ-2 OS ZiNc Zorba OS Playlists - - Gamepad Games - - Joystick Games - - Keyboard & Mouse Games - - Light Gun Games - - Trackball Games - - Wheel & Yoke Games - # in 1 collection 20th Century Fox 2D Games 3D Games 5 STARS Acclaim Entertainment Accolade Activision Blizzard Addams Family Adventure Games Adventures and Open Worlds Afterburner Collection Aladdin Collection Alex Kidd Collection Alien Collection All Arcade All Atari All Commodore All Games All Microsoft OS All Nintendo All Sega All Sinclair All Sony All Windows PC Games Alone in the Dark Collection Amstrad CPC - 1. Best of Gold Amstrad CPC - 2. Best Of Silver Amstrad CPC - 3. Best Of Bronze Amstrad CPC - The Best Amstrad GX4000 - The Best Amstrad Mega PC Amstrad PC1512 Animal Crossing Collection Anime Apple III Applix 1616 OS Aquarium Collection Arcade - Atari Arcade - Bally _ Midway Arcade - Capcom Arcade - Data East Arcade - Konami Arcade - Namco Arcade - Neogeo Arcade - Sega Arcade - SNK Arcade - Taito Arcade - Toaplan Arcade - Williams Arcade 2-Player Games Arcade 4-Player Games Arcade Ace Arcade Acorn Computers Arcade Amcoe Arcade American Laser Arcade AMI Arcade Amstar Arcade Apple Computer Arcade Aristocrat MK6 Arcade Aristocrat MKV Arcade Aristocrat Arcade Astra Arcade Astro Arcade Atari Classics Arcade Ball & Paddle Games Arcade Bally Midway Arcade Bally Arcade Banpresto Arcade Beat Em Ups Arcade BFM Arcade Board & Card Games Arcade Capcom Classics Arcade Capcom Play System II Arcade Capcom Play System III Arcade Capcom Play System Arcade Cave Arcade Cinematronics Arcade Comad Arcade Commodore Arcade Data East Classics Arcade DECO Cassette System Arcade Epoch Arcade Exidy Arcade Fighting Games Arcade Flying Games Arcade Gaelco Arcade Gottlieb Arcade Greyhound Electronics Arcade IGS Arcade Incredible Technologies Arcade Irem Classics Arcade Jaleco Arcade Kaneko Arcade Konami Classics Arcade Konami System 573 Arcade Konami Viper Arcade Leland Arcade Light Gun Games Arcade Limenko Arcade Mattel Arcade Maze Games Arcade Mazooma Arcade Merit Arcade Midway Classics Arcade MultiGames Arcade Namco 8080 Arcade Namco Classics Arcade Namco Galaga Arcade Namco System 1 Arcade Namco System 11 Arcade Namco System 12 Arcade Namco System 2 Derivative Arcade Namco System 2 Arcade Namco System 22 Arcade Namco System 23 Arcade Namco System 246 Arcade Namco System FL Arcade NEC Arcade Neo-Geo MV-6F Arcade Nichibutsu Arcade Nintendo Classics Arcade Nintendo PlayChoice-10 Arcade Nintendo Super System Arcade Nintendo Arcade NMK Arcade Nova Arcade Novotech Arcade Platform Games Arcade Playmatic Arcade Puzzle Games Arcade Qps Arcade Racing Games Arcade Rhythm Games Arcade Roland Arcade Romstar Arcade Run & Gun Games Arcade Sammy Arcade Sega Classics Arcade Sega G80 Arcade Sega Model 2 Arcade Sega OutRun Arcade Sega ST-V Arcade Sega Super Scaler Arcade Sega System C Arcade Sega System E Arcade Sega SystemSP Arcade Sega VCO Object Arcade Sega Vic Dual Arcade Seibu Kaihatsu Arcade Seta Arcade Shoot Em Ups Arcade Shooter Games Arcade SNK Classics Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS Arcade Sports Games Arcade Stern Electronics Arcade Stern Arcade Strata Arcade Sunsoft Arcade Taito Classics Arcade Taito Corporation Arcade Texas Instruments Arcade Toaplan Arcade Universal Arcade Visco Arcade Williams Classics Arcade Yamaha Arcade Yun Sung Arcade Zaccaria Arkanoid Collection Armored Core Collection Army Men Collection Artificial Life Assassin_s Creed Asterix & Obelix Asteroids Collection Atari 2600 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 2600 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 2600 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 2600 - The Best Atari 5200 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 5200 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 5200 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 5200 - The Best Atari 7800 - 1. Best Of Gold Atari 7800 - 2. Best Of Silver Atari 7800 - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari 7800 - The Best Atari G1 Atari Jaguar - 1. Best Of Gold Atari Jaguar - 2. Best Of Silver Atari Jaguar - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari Jaguar - The Best Atari Lynx - 1. Best Of Gold Atari Lynx - 2. Best Of Silver Atari Lynx - 3. Best Of Bronze Atari Lynx - The Best Atari PONG Atari System 1 Atari System 2 Atari VCS Avengers Collection Back To The Future Bally Astrocade - The Best BANNED! Barbie Barcrest Batman Collection Battle Royale Beat _Em Ups BEER! Ben 10 Collection Best Exodos games Best of Adult Swim Best of VS fighters Best Windows games Betas Bethesda Bingo Collection BIOS Bioshock Collection BMX Collection Bomb Jack Collection Bomberman Collection Bootlegs Bubsy Bug-Byte Software Bugs Bunny Buster Bros. Collection Call of Duty Cartoon Capers Cartoon Network Casino Games Collection Castlevania Collection Centipede CHD Required Chess Chuck Rock Collection Classics Codemasters Cola Wars Coleco Gemini Coleco Telstar Ranger ColecoVision - 1. Best Of Gold ColecoVision - 2. Best Of Silver ColecoVision - 3. Best Of Bronze ColecoVision - The Best Commodore 264 Commodore 64 - 1. Best Of Gold Commodore 64 - 2. Best Of Silver Commodore 64 - 3. Best Of Bronze Commodore 64 - The Best Commodore 900 Commodore Amiga - 1. Gold Games Commodore Amiga - 2. Silver Games Commodore Amiga - 3. Bronze Games Commodore Amiga - The Best Compaq Compatibility Hacks Compucolor OS Connect 4 Contra Collection Contra_ Hard Corps Collection Core Design Crash Bandicoot Collection Crosswords Collection Crysis Collection Daewoo CPC OS Daffy Duck Darius Collection Darts Collection DC Comics DEC 150, 300, 500 OS Digimon Disney Collection Dominoes Donkey Kong Collection Double Dragon Collection Dracula Dragon Ball Z Collection DreamWorks Interactive DRUGS! Dual Stick Games Dungeons & Dragons Collection Earthworm Jim Collection Educational Games Elite Systems Emerson Arcadia 2001 - The Best Epic Games eXoDOS 3dfx Games eXoDOS Games with CGA Composite eXoDOS Games with Gravis Ultrasound eXoDOS Games with MT-32 eXoDOS Games with Sound Canvas eXoDOS Remote Multiplayer Fairchild Channel F - The Best Fallout Collection Family Guy Collection Farming Collection Fatal Fury Collection FIFA Fighter Classics Fighting (Arcade 3D) Final Fantasy Collection Flash Food Flashpoint Hall of Fame Flashpoint Super Hall of Fame Flight Simulators Flintstones Collection Forza Collection Frogger Collection FUCK! Fuuki Gaelco Galaga GCE Vectrex - The Best Ghouls n Ghosts Collection GIRLS! Go Sports! GOAT Golden Age Games Golden Axe Collection Gremlin Graphics Collection GTA Collection GUNS! Hacked Games Halloween Haunts Harry Potter Collection Hasbro Hazeltine OS Hentai Hewlett-Packard HP 9000 Hitachi Homebrew Horror Games Hudson Soft INData DAI Indiana Jones Collection Installed Apple IIGS Games Installed eXoDOS Games Installed eXoScummVM Games Installed eXoWin3x Games Intellivision - 1. Best Of Gold Intellivision - 2. Best Of Silver Intellivision - 3. Best Of Bronze Intellivision - The Best Iskra Delta James Bond 007 Collection Japan Jet Set Willy Collection Jet Ski Collection Jigsaw Puzzles Jingle Jollies JPM Interactive King Of Fighters Collection Kingdom Hearts Collection Kirby Collection Konami Collection Leapster LeapPad Legacy of Kain Collection Legend of Zelda Collection Lego Collection Leisure Suit Larry Collection Lemmings Collection Looney Tunes Collection LucasArts Mahjong Manga Marbles Mario Collection Mario Vs Sonic Mass Effect Collection Mature Max 1 Player Max 2 Players Max 3 Players Max 4 Players Maxis Mcfly_s Favorite Systems Mega Man Collection Metal Gear Collection Metal Slug Complete Metroid Collection MGM Micro Machines Collection Microdigital Eletronica Milton Bradley Mindset PC Minecraft Mitchell Corporation Mortal Kombat Kollection Motocross Collection Motor Games Motorola Movie Games Ms Pac-Man MS-DOS - 1. Best Of Gold MS-DOS - 2. Best Of Silver MS-DOS - 3. Best Of Bronze MS-DOS - The Best MSX - 1. Best Of Gold MSX - 2. Best Of Silver MSX - 3. Best Of Bronze MSX - The Best Multicarts Music Games Namco Collection Namco System 357 Neo Geo - 1. Best Of Gold Neo Geo - 2. Best Of Silver Neo Geo - 3. Best Of Bronze Neo Geo - The Best Neo Geo Pocket - 1. Best Of Gold Neo Geo Pocket - 2. Best Of Silver Neo Geo Pocket - 3. Best Of Bronze Neo Geo Pocket - The Best NES Black Box Nickelodeon Ninja Nintendo 3DS - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo 3DS - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo 3DS - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo 3DS - The Best Nintendo 3DS - Top 20 Nintendo 64 - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo 64 - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo 64 - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo 64 - The Best Nintendo 64 - Top 100 Nintendo 64 - Top 20 Nintendo 64 - Top 50 Nintendo Demo Vision Nintendo DS - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo DS - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo DS - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo DS - The Best Nintendo DS - Top 100 Nintendo DS - Top 20 Nintendo DS - Top 50 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 100 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 20 Nintendo Entertainment System - Top 50 Nintendo Famicom Titler Nintendo Game & Watch - Top 10 Nintendo Game & Watch - Top 5 Nintendo Game Boy - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Game Boy - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Game Boy - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Game Boy - The Best Nintendo Game Boy - Top 100 Nintendo Game Boy - Top 20 Nintendo Game Boy - Top 50 Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Game Boy Advance - The Best Nintendo Game Boy Advance - Top 100 Nintendo Game Boy Advance - Top 20 Nintendo Game Boy Advance - Top 50 Nintendo Game Boy Micro Nintendo Game Boy Pocket Nintendo Gamecube - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Gamecube - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Gamecube - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Gamecube - The Best Nintendo Gamecube - Top 100 Nintendo Gamecube - Top 20 Nintendo Gamecube - Top 50 Nintendo NES - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo NES - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo NES - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo NES - The Best Nintendo SNES - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo SNES - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo SNES - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo SNES - The Best Nintendo SNES - Top 100 Nintendo SNES - Top 20 Nintendo SNES - Top 50 Nintendo Super Game Boy 2 Nintendo Virtual Boy - The Best Nintendo Virtual Boy - Top 10 Nintendo Wide Boy Nintendo Wii - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Wii - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Wii - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Wii - The Best Nintendo Wii - Top 100 Nintendo Wii - Top 20 Nintendo Wii - Top 50 Nintendo Wii U - 1. Best Of Gold Nintendo Wii U - 2. Best Of Silver Nintendo Wii U - 3. Best Of Bronze Nintendo Wii U - The Best Nintendo Wii U - Top 20 Nintendo WiiWare - The Best Nintendo Zone Box Nokia Northstar Horizon Nostalgic 80_s Movies Nostalgic 90_s Movies Ocean Software Odyssey 2 - The Best Ohio Scientific Superboard II Olympics Collection Origin Outrun Collection Pachinko PacMan Collection Panasonic 3DO - 1. Best Of Gold Panasonic 3DO - 2. Best Of Silver Panasonic 3DO - 3. Best Of Bronze Panasonic 3DO - The Best Panasonic JR-200 PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 1. Best Of Gold PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 2. Best Of Silver PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - 3. Best Of Bronze PC Engine & TurboGrafx 16 - The Best PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 1. Best Of Gold PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 2. Best Of Silver PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - 3. Best Of Bronze PC Engine & TurboGrafx CD - The Best PC-FX - 1. Best Of Gold PC-FX - 2. Best Of Silver PC-FX - 3. Best Of Bronze PC-FX - The Best Philips CDI - 1. Best Of Gold Philips CDI - 2. Best Of Silver Philips CDI - 3. Best Of Bronze Philips CDI - The Best Pico Gr8s Pinball Arcade Pinball Collection Pink Panther Playboy Collection Playstation 1 - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation 1 - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation 1 - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation 1 - The Best Playstation 2 - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation 2 - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation 2 - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation 2 - The Best Playstation Portable - 1. Best Of Gold Playstation Portable - 2. Best Of Silver Playstation Portable - 3. Best Of Bronze Playstation Portable - The Best Pokemon Pool and Billiards Prince of Persia Collection Prototypes PSiKYO Psion Published by Activision Published by Atari Published by Atlus Published by Electronic Arts Published by Nintendo Published by Sega Published by Sony Quake Rage for the Ages RDI Halcyon Resident Evil Collection Retro Learning Pack Road Rash Collection ROCK N ROLL! Rockstar Rockwell AIM-65 OS Role Playing Games Rowtron Television Computer System Sailor Moon Samples Sandbox Games Scooby Doo Collection Scrabble Collection ScummVM - 1. Best Of Gold ScummVM - 2. Best Of Silver ScummVM - 3. Best Of Bronze ScummVM - The Best Sega 32X - The Best Sega CD - 1. Best Of Gold Sega CD - 2. Best Of Silver Sega CD - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega CD - The Best Sega CDX Sega Dreamcast - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Dreamcast - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Dreamcast - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Dreamcast - The Best Sega Game Gear - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Game Gear - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Game Gear - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Game Gear - The Best Sega Genesis - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Genesis - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Genesis - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Genesis - The Best Sega Master System - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Master System - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Master System - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Master System - The Best Sega Saturn - 1. Best Of Gold Sega Saturn - 2. Best Of Silver Sega Saturn - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega Saturn - The Best Sega SG-1000 - 1. Best Of Gold Sega SG-1000 - 2. Best Of Silver Sega SG-1000 - 3. Best Of Bronze Sega SG-1000 - The Best Sega TeraDrive Sensible Soccer Collection SEX! Sharp C1 NES TV Sharp X68000 - 1. Best Of Gold Sharp X68000 - 2. Best Of Silver Sharp X68000 - 3. Best Of Bronze Sharp X68000 - The Best Shockwave Shockers Sim City Collection Simpsons Collection Slots Collection SNK Neo Geo Mini SNK NeoGeo CD_Z Sonic The Hedgehog Collection Sony SMC-777 South Park Collection Space Invaders Collection Space Speed Hacks Spiderman Collection Spinner Games Spinner Racing Games Spongebob Squarepants Collection Spyro Collection Star Wars Collection Strategy Games Street Fighter Collection Suikoden Collection Superheroes Technos The Last Of Us Collection The Lord Of The Rings Collection The Witcher Collection Timetop Game King Tom & Jerry Collection Tomb Raider Collection Transformers Translated Triumph-Adler Alphatronic OS U.S. Gold Ubi Soft UK Teletext Services UK Unlicensed Unreleased Vampire Vertically Oriented Games Virgin Visual Novel Games Vs. WAR Wario Warner Bros. Wheel Of Fortune Collection Windows - 1. Best of Gold Windows - 2. Best of Silver Windows - 3. Best of Bronze Winx Club Wolfenstein Collection Wonder Boy Collection Wonderswan - 1. Best Of Gold Wonderswan - 2. Best Of Silver Wonderswan - 3. Best Of Bronze Wonderswan - The Best Woody Woodpecker Collection Worms Collection Wrestling Games XXX Mature Collection Years - 1970s Years - 1980s Years - 1990s Years - 2000s Years - 2010s Years - Pre 1970s Years - Unknown Yoshi Collection Yu-Gi-Oh! Collection Yun Sung Zombie ZX Spectrum - 1. Best Of Gold ZX Spectrum - 2. Best Of Silver ZX Spectrum - 3. Best Of Bronze ZX Spectrum - The Best Let me know if you have something I haven't thought of. Playlists.zip Platforms.zip Data.zip Platform Icons.zip Edited January 26, 2024 by -McFly- Updated 1/25 with new Platform and Playlist .xml zips. 7 4 4 Quote
Baggio Posted October 16, 2022 Posted October 16, 2022 Wow that is some list, i cant imagine how long that took to curate. I probably haven't got a quarter of what you have and have spent more time on it than i'd like to say lol. Thanks for posting it as it has gave me some ideas on more things i want to add. I was thinking about adding quiz's for a while as i already have MFME for fruit machines. Is your quiz setup just the quiz machines from Mame or is there something else? 1 Quote
44am Posted October 31, 2022 Posted October 31, 2022 Incredibly comprehensive, but I couldn't see the Oric 1 on your list. Is that covered by the Atmos? Quote
-McFly- Posted December 6, 2022 Author Posted December 6, 2022 On 10/31/2022 at 7:31 AM, 44am said: Incredibly comprehensive, but I couldn't see the Oric 1 on your list. Is that covered by the Atmos? Yes. Some I've bundled together, some I've split apart... depends on how I feel when I'm doing them Quote
-McFly- Posted December 6, 2022 Author Posted December 6, 2022 On 10/21/2022 at 9:28 AM, NLS said: Thanks. Will you post this update? (soon?) What update are you looking for? Quote
-McFly- Posted December 6, 2022 Author Posted December 6, 2022 On 10/16/2022 at 3:45 AM, PaulyC said: Wow that is some list, i cant imagine how long that took to curate. I probably haven't got a quarter of what you have and have spent more time on it than i'd like to say lol. Thanks for posting it as it has gave me some ideas on more things i want to add. I was thinking about adding quiz's for a while as i already have MFME for fruit machines. Is your quiz setup just the quiz machines from Mame or is there something else? Attached my Quiz Machines xml file. Quiz Machines.xml Quote
Baggio Posted December 6, 2022 Posted December 6, 2022 2 hours ago, Mcfly. said: Attached my Quiz Machines xml file. Quiz Machines.xml 113.76 kB · 0 downloads Thanks mate I’ll check it out when I’m at my PC 👍 Quote
Suhrvivor Posted December 6, 2022 Posted December 6, 2022 You have more categories than I have games in my setup. I personally have less than 2800 games total, so I guess more than that is too much for me. 1 Quote
-McFly- Posted December 24, 2022 Author Posted December 24, 2022 525 Platforms, 526 Playlists. This is the end-of-2022 update. Merry Christmas! 🎅☃️🏂❄️ Data.zipPlatforms A-N.zipPlatforms N-Z.zipPlaylists.zip 1 Quote
Starbuck Posted December 29, 2022 Posted December 29, 2022 Any chance of you posting your logos and videos for your list. I too have alot of these systems and would love to have your logos and videos to enhance my setup Thank you, Starbuck, Quote
NLS Posted December 30, 2022 Posted December 30, 2022 (edited) On 12/6/2022 at 5:05 PM, Mcfly. said: What update are you looking for? The actual xmls. (which you did, two posts above) Edited December 30, 2022 by NLS 1 Quote
-McFly- Posted December 30, 2022 Author Posted December 30, 2022 On 12/28/2022 at 11:31 PM, Starbuck said: Any chance of you posting your logos and videos for your list. I too have alot of these systems and would love to have your logos and videos to enhance my setup Thank you, Starbuck, I can't do videos as there's too many, but here's my platforms / clear logo folder. If there's something specific missing or you need, let me know and I'll see if I have something. 113578066_ClearLogo.zip 1 Quote
NLS Posted January 2, 2023 Posted January 2, 2023 @Mcfly. thanks again for all the work you've done. A few questions please. Does your latest 2022 update "replace" older releases or updates them? (difference being if someone needs to delete the old or not) I suspect at least "Platforms" get replaced. I see 3DO is now Panasonic 3DO. So not replacing would need to a duplicate. (btw the company WAS named 3DO and the hardware was build by 2-3 other companies like Panasonic, so I believe your original naming was correct, not the Panasonic one) I see no updated zips for Images (Platforms/Playlists/Categories). Plan to add those? Videos are indeed huge, but would make a great torrent I believe (if you have them). 1 Quote
-McFly- Posted January 7, 2023 Author Posted January 7, 2023 On 1/2/2023 at 7:52 AM, NLS said: @Mcfly. thanks again for all the work you've done. A few questions please. Does your latest 2022 update "replace" older releases or updates them? (difference being if someone needs to delete the old or not) I suspect at least "Platforms" get replaced. I see 3DO is now Panasonic 3DO. So not replacing would need to a duplicate. (btw the company WAS named 3DO and the hardware was build by 2-3 other companies like Panasonic, so I believe your original naming was correct, not the Panasonic one) I see no updated zips for Images (Platforms/Playlists/Categories). Plan to add those? Videos are indeed huge, but would make a great torrent I believe (if you have them). I just upload my newest versions, so if you're looking to update only, over-write the newer *.xml files. Yes, you are correct with 3DO but I just like Panasonic 3DO better, personal choice. Zips may follow, work is mental... as for a large torrent for videos, I'll look at archive .org, no promises tho. Quote
-McFly- Posted January 7, 2023 Author Posted January 7, 2023 (edited) The latest update has a few more playlists - Motorola, Nokia, Psion, BANNED!, Leapster LeapPad New Platforms - Psion 3a, Tiger LCD Games (replaces old Tiger), Commodore C64GS, Sanyo PHC 25, Sanyo PHC 70FD BTW if you're interested in how I go about adding new platforms and playlists, this is a great resource - https://www.old-computers.com/museum/default.asp Clicking 'Show me a random System!' is a great rabbit-hole Edited January 7, 2023 by Mcfly. Quote
-McFly- Posted January 7, 2023 Author Posted January 7, 2023 This is my updated 'Data\' 'Platforms' 'Playlists' folders, zipped for your delight. Comments? Data.zip 1 Quote
NLS Posted January 8, 2023 Posted January 8, 2023 It's always an interesting reference. Categories you don't use any more? Also two more "general" questions... I wonder, launchbox doesn't need platforms.xml also updated? Adding extra platform (separate) xmls, "replaces" this? Also parents.xml... doesn't that also need some work? Quote
Seph1roth Posted January 8, 2023 Posted January 8, 2023 Awesome collection! Do you have a platform theme video for tic-80? I have not been able to find one. Quote
-McFly- Posted January 9, 2023 Author Posted January 9, 2023 On 1/8/2023 at 9:14 AM, NLS said: It's always an interesting reference. Categories you don't use any more? Also two more "general" questions... I wonder, launchbox doesn't need platforms.xml also updated? Adding extra platform (separate) xmls, "replaces" this? Also parents.xml... doesn't that also need some work? platforms.xml should update automatically when you add more platform xml files, you'll need to specify your emulators and such individually which will update parents.xml and more. As for categories I don't use anymore, I got rid of all my individual linux and windows operating system ,xml files and put them all into vmware. There may be some others I've removed but that's the main ones. Quote
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