Sega Naomi 2
5 files
Sega Naomi 2 3D Box - Mr. Retrolust Style
By LCMan27
3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set.
Sega Naomi 2 Fanart Pack by CORE Team
By SidewaysMan
Sega Naomi 2 Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team.
JPEG format
No intro naming
Mr. RetroLust's Sega Naomi 2 3D Boxes
13 Sega Naomi 2 3D Boxes. This idea was inspired by the custom Sega Naomi 3D boxes made by the late @Robin55
The filenames used are the current names in the Database so you might have to rename some files. The box is slightly transparent just like a real clear DVD case in which these games where packaged, though the original packaging didn't came with artwork inlays so I tried to create something which could look as if it was designed as console packaging.
Sega Naomi 2 | Pre Configured. All Games Working. Analogue Volume Calibrated. Controls Pre Mapped Correctly. For Flycast RetroArch
I spend hours doing this so you don't have to. Creating configurations for play....not display.
As you are most likely aware, arcade platforms are a pain to setup. Controls aren't standardised and changing settings via test menus can be tiresome.
This is just a small configuration pack for the 12 Naomi 2 games. I separated these from the Naomi 1 games as they are far more demanding on HW.
As a result OpenGL isn't the best choice if you don't have a high spec PC. Vulkan isn't the most stable either, so I absolutely recommend D3D11.
After testing, I discovered this almost doubles the performance with some games compared to OpenGL.
What you get with this pre configuration:
-All Naomi 2 Games working (apart from Driving Simulator as it's not supported yet)
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
-Wild Riders working correctly with no pesky rear brake being a dick.
-All fixes needed have been done with Test Menu adjustments. Many of these games will not boot unless done so.
-Only English versions apart from Initial D Arcade Ver. 2 as only the Japanese version works at the moment.
Download NVMEM Naomi, Remap Files for RA. Place NVMEM files in one of the following folders. RetroArch/saves/"roms folder location"/reicast or just RetroArch/saves/reicast. Depending on how you have your saves set to save it may be either of these. Place Control Remap files in RetroArch/config/remaps/Flycast Use my control images however you want. Frontends, pause menus etc.
Here is the documentation for this configuration. Everything I have done on a per game basis is listed here along with which ROM version you need to use.
I have also provided any passwords, engineers codes, cheat codes and important information here also.
This is a consolidation of information. Everything that needs to be actioned by a player for e.g. a cheat code to unlock something will be in green.
Beach Spikers
beachspi -CHD required
-2 Players needed setting in Test Menu to enable 2 Players
-Needs dual monitor cabinet/setup for 4 Players Club Kart: European Session
clubk2k3 -clubk2k3 doesn't ues a save card and already has everything unlocked
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
-Card System needed Disabling in Test Menu before game would boot.
-Steering may be inverted due to the orientation on first boot being random.
-Driveboard Error on startup. Just press start to skip, it has no adverse effects. Driving Simulator -Not supported at this time. Flyinghead does have plans to get this game working Initial D Arcade Stage
initdexp -CHD required
-initdexp is the English Version
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2
initdv2j -CHD required
-Only the Japanese version works at the moment. initdv2e (English Version) doesn't work
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3
initdv3e -CHD required
-initdv3e is the English Version
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Soul Surfer
soulsurf -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
-Connecting the floor mat requires a button be held, otherwise the text will stay on screen. Put in a github request to have this input on by default. The King of Route 66
kingrt66 -Motor Power in the Test Menu needed turning off (NO-USE) for this game to boot.
-CB-MIC has been disabled (NO-USE) in the Test Menu as this isn't emulated.
-Auto-Acceleration has been turned off. This was for kids who couldn't reach the pedals in the OG cabinet.
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Virtua Fighter 4
vf4cart -CHD Version is available (vf4) however I opted for the cart version as it's a later revision. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
vf4evoct -CHD Version is available (vf4evo) however I opted for the cart version as it's a later revision. Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned
vf4tuned -CHD required
-Network is off as this skips the loooong network check on boot,
-Advertise Network is off as this gets rid of the icon on screen when in game.
VF2 Music Cheats:
Both players have to hold P&G after choosing a stage, and then a corresponding direction to get different music, U, D, L, or R, I think there's 4 0r 5 as neutral may be a direction too, they are slightly quieter than the normal bgm though.
Different Costumes:
Hold Start when selecting a character. Virtua Striker 3
vstrik3c -CHD Version is available (vstrik3) however I opted for the cart version
-Game time set to MAX. Golden Goal set to 1m and PK set to Real PK
Ranking mode:
Insert your coin(s) then hold Down and press Start.
Play against FC Sonic team:
Win the final match of the game, and wait until the team photo appears at the congratulations screen. Then, press Short Pass three times, Shoot, Short Pass. If done correctly, the FC Sonic team will replace the FC Sega team.
Unlock FC Sonic team:
Highlight "Sweden" at the team selection team, then press Start. Highlight "Morocco", and then press Start. Highlight "Denmark", then press Start. Highlight "Spain", then press Start. Highlight "France", then press Start. If done correctly, the "FC Sonic" option will appear at the top right of the screen. Note: You may first need to play against the FC Sonic team before they can be selected as playable.
Unlock FC Sega team:
Highlight "France" at the team selection team, then press Start. Highlight "Cameroon", then press Start. Highlight "Spain", then press Start. Highlight "England", then press Start. Highlight "Germany", then press Start. Highlight "Argentina", then press Start. If done correctly, the "FC Sonic" option will appear at the top middle of the screen. Wild Riders
wldrider -I managed to get this game to play properly without the rear brake being a dick. It took some lateral thinking but I done it without losing the use of the rear brake. Achieved by finagling the analogue volume.
-Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.4,799 downloads