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5 Screenshots

About This File


Welcome to Faeran's BannerBox. A horizontal banner based theme, inspired by 80s retro. This theme requires that you be running LaunchBox 11.10 or later due to its reliance on the new wheel.


The following info is now considered legacy:


This base theme has banners for the following systems (Some System packs will be released separately):


Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari Jaguar
Atari Jaguar CD
Atari Lynx
Atari XEGS
Bally Astrocade
Casio PV-1000
Entex Adventure Vision
Fairchild Channel F
GCE Vectrex
Mattel Intellivision
NEC PC Engine
NEC TurboGrafx-16
*Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64DD
*Nintendo DS
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo Pokemon Mini
Nintendo Virtual Boy
*Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii U
Sega 32X
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Game Gear
Sega Genesis
Sega Mark III
Sega Master System
Sega Saturn
Sega SG-1000
SNK Neo Geo CD
SNK Neo Geo Pocket
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
Sony Playstation
*Sony Playstation 2
*Sony PSP
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
VTech CreatiVision

*Only a small amount of banners were created for these systems


Download extra banner packs and install them into:

LAUNCHBOX\Themes\BannerBox\Images\Games\Custom Images 1


Explaination of some files:

  • BannerBox.zip - The same theme that can be downloaded from within Big Box's theme manager
  • BannerBox - Base Theme - No Game Banners.zip - Same theme as above, but without any game banners. Use this if you want to create your own banners
  • BannerBox - Template - Create Your Own Banners.zip - Use this file to load into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator to create your own banner images


Learn how to create your own BannerBox Banner Images: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y



Download banners created by the community in this thread:

BannerBox Community Banner Thread - Platform Media - LaunchBox Community Forums (launchbox-app.com)

Looking to create your own theme? Learn how by:
Following me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
Subscribing to me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q


Theme was created by @faeran
Theme was created using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru
Theme uses some amazing artwork by Rachid Loft. Find his work at: https://rachidlotf.com/

Edited by faeran

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Sept 23, 2020

Added the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files to the downloads section. Load up these files within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator to make your own custom version of BannerBox.

Please address any COMMUNITY Theme Creator questions to the link below.


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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


· Edited by chunkylover2500

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

I've been using the Colorful theme by Viking and this is the first theme that made me wanna change things up...One request...I use bigbox to launch PC games so it would be dope to have banners for it as well. I made my own for the meantime which I'll attach for anyone interested but I'm no graphic designer so please "bear" with me. (That's a pun because my image has a bear in it) I'd also love to learn how to use that mass banner making tool, it would save me so much time because I have a lot of Windows games. Big thank you to Faeron!



Response from the author:

Glad you are liking it @chunkylover2500. If you are interested in learning how to create your own banners, you can watch the video I streamed on twitch and posted on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y


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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

The concept, it's brilliant...
I was just reinstalling LaunchBox and this popped up!
It's fantastic on a TV, i'm speechless!!!
I hope to see a PSD with the banners so we can make the one missing (making all of them from scratch is hard eheh), because ofc, we can't expect a man to cover the entire catalog of everything...
I was unsure to which one to install, then this wildly appeared, two thumbs up!

Response from the author:

Thanks Scanno. I'll be releasing BannerBox template files that will allow you to bulk create banners for all your games if you want with 1 click.

This week, I'll be streaming on my twitch channel how to use the template, and post it on YouTube after (it will require the COMMUNITY Theme Creator).

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Wow man, Great Theme! I am always looking for truly clever and new ideas that actually work. I have this running on a small setup in my kids room now. This is absolutely perfect for them. It feels great with the animated background when surfing trough games too. As always, Thank you for the HARD WORK!!!!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is by far the best theme for Big Box. It takes a bit of work to make the banners for the missing games, but it's worth it in the end. Hopefully the community will start compiling the images into a database so new users won't have to go through the hassle of having to create 100 images upon install, but only time will tell. Highly recommended!

  • Like 1

· Edited by Klopjero

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I like it! and I like the fact that you use the community theme creator to make these banners! that's really lowering the bar for other people !! very nice! 

Wanted to add that I made use of the templates you provided...  also thanks for making me aware of rachid lotf..alot of what he does looks samey but I like it

Atari ST.png





Response from the author:

Love it. Okay if I include them in a future update?

  • Like 3


My favourite BigBox theme i use daily and since launch, it fits perfectly the idea of retro gaming i have and it has both loads of variety with colors, cameos, but also nice and solid theming within game and system details.

I personally use game text and platform wheel 3.

The only concern is that banners are not scalable in resolutions, which means on my 4k screen most do not look very crisp. But i do have them upscaled and in that way the theme feels just perfect to my taste.

Thank you!



I give 5-star to that! Awesome job!

The only thing for me is the auto-fade. When you look at a game details, after two seconds, the sides of the screen gets darker so we can't clearly see the video preview.

If someone know how to remove that, so it stays clear all the time, let me know!

Beside that, I love it.



This theme is so amazing.  It's so clean and the version 2.0 allows this to work with little effort.  I'm in the process of learning how to create my own banner images.  Thank you so much!

  • Thanks 1


I absolutely love this theme! I can tell so much work went into gathering the images, and making sure everything flows smoothly. This is a theme born from love of gaming and it shows! I literally go back and forth between this theme and others because launchbox offers so much variety. However, this theme is in my top 3 for sure now. On lower powered computers, I find this theme to be the smoothest and my go to for my portable USB stick set up. It impresses whoevers house I go visit because it launches without issues. While a theme like unified redux depends on my other computers to have a more powerful cpu or VLC installed. I cant install vlc on computers at work where I plug in my usb on the fly! hahahaha.... It would be nice to have another game view where the video snaps could be twice as large as they currently are. I love game snaps... I do not know how difficult that is to do, i imagine time consuming, but for the next update you make, I would love something like that. Thanks again for making this amazing theme!

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This is the theme I've been waiting for; a total game changer (pun intended). And it inspired me to finally clean up my collection! Thanks a million for all the hard work, can't wait to see what's next!

  • Like 2


An Amazing Job!!

I have  question..... could be possible that we no need to make custom banner´s for this?... i explain myself, you could make the theme recognize the front box and clear logos we have in our launchbox, instead of pre renderized images??. it would be awesome too.


Response from the author:

Thanks @MasterGuevara10.

The answer to your question is, not really... The wheel in Big Box cannot call more than 1 image for a selected game, so there would be no way to have this banner effect without making custom images.

Something similar could be created that only uses your boxart, but it would definitely provide less of a banner flow type of feel.

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