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Johnny T

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Everything posted by Johnny T

  1. I downloaded a load of different sets of ROMs and the ones in the "Cave" folder came like this. Can I just extract them from MAME set of ROMs then? (If so, how, is there a list of Cave ROMs that I can search through and extract from my MAME 0.201 set? Thanks ?
  2. Hi Retro Yep mine are all unzipped ? Will have a look around to see if I can find out what files go together and try and make them in to zips. Thanks for your help ?
  3. I wouldn't say Retroarch was a "frontend" as such. It's more just a way of organising emulators. So it takes the guts of different emulators and calls them "cores" and then loads your game with the chosen core. It does allow you to remap keys on a per-game basis as I'm using it for the Spectrum and obviously different games used different keys to play. So I have to map each game individually (or I will have to over the next 1000 rainy days as it's going to be a looooong task). I'm sure it would work with N64. You would just pick the most generic key map and use that as your default and then just do a per-game map for the odd ones that didn't work right with the generic map? Unfortunately I've not used Project 64 yet as I haven't got as far as setting up the N64 so can't comment on that. Good luck
  4. Hi all, I have a Cave platform on my set up that has lots of random files in there. I've looked in the Cave folder and I'm not sure which files are the ROMs that I need to import to get rid of all the random files that have appeared? My LB looks like this... If I know what the file extension I need is I can delete all the files and then re-import just those file extensions and hopefully end up with a system with all the box art etc all there? Can anyone give me any pointers? The games that do have box art run fine in MAME so that bit is working well. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  5. Johnny T

    set up questions

    Yep, if *some* are working then it's probably either a bios issue or maybe certain chd files missing but it sounds like your overall settings must be fine.
  6. Ooops!!! Yep, after re-reading it this morning I can see that! Apologies for the confusion.
  7. I'm no expert by any means but I did notice a lot of options in BigBox regarding this. If you press Escape in BigBox then you can go to Options and look in there for settings regarding Videos. It could also be that your theme isn't set to show them? You could also check they are there in the actual video folder within Launchbox itself? My system was set to show a still image if the video was missing so it might be that your videos just aren't there for some reason? If so I believe you can rescan your ROMs to download the required videos.
  8. I completely concur. I'm an ex-hyperspin guy but I've not looked back since getting Launchbox a few weeks ago. It's been the best money I've spent in a long while. I was getting very frustrated with emulation but I now love it again. ?
  9. I'm not sure I'm understanding the question correctly but, when you choose the option (under Tools) to Import ROMs, then it will ask of you want the system to try and automatically populate the meta data and get images etc. It will do that on every system if you tell it to (as far as I'm aware). ?
  10. Thanks rexryan. Must be a problem with my roms then. Cheers
  11. I had a bit of trouble getting American Laser Games to work. I spent a lot of time on Google and between many different posts I managed to cobble something together which seems to work well for me. I thought I would post the details just in case anyone else is having trouble and it helps you out. This info is simply me regurgitating other info I've found so I'm standing on the shoulders of giants with this so I can't take any credit for it. Firstly create a .bat file in the folder where your Daphne is for American Laser Games. I called the .bat file "American Laser Games.bat" The contents of the file look like this.... daphne.exe singe vldp -fullscreen_window -ignore_aspect_ratio -x 800 -y 600 -framefile singe/%1/%1.txt -script singe/%1/%1.singe So this .bat file needs to be in the same folder as your daphne.exe file and it assumes your folder layout is like this.... Launchbox -> Emulators -> American Laser Games -> this folder contains daphne.exe and the American Laser Games.bat files. The same folder has another folder called "singe" which contains further folders titled the same as the various games... such as... crimepatrol Launchbox -> Emulators -> American Laser Games -> singe -> crimepatrol -> maddog etc.... Each game folder must have a .txt file inside it with the same name as the game. The part of the .bat file is pointing to this .txt file. Where the .bat file says..... singe/%1/%1.txt The software will replace "%1" with the name of the game. So, if you had a game called maddog then the .bat file is looking for a file with the path.... singe/maddog/maddog.txt So, either make sure these files are in the right place or alter this part of the .bat file to suit your locations. Next... import the ROMs into LaunchBox but just import all the .txt files (the files with the same names as the games and the folders). Finally, edit the emulator settings so that it looks like the following..... And (hopefully) that should be you sorted! Happy shooting ya varmant!!!!!
  12. Hi all, I'm struggling to get the Amstrad GX4000 working. My ROMs are .cpr files. I've tried WinApe and Arnolds etc but to no avail. I've been trying MESS and MAME tonight but still no luck. I'm just trying to run the game from the emulator in the first instance before putting it into Launchbox. My game is called "Barbarian 2 (Europe).cpr" and so I've tried to run MAME with... mame64.exe gx4000 -cart "Barbarian 2 (Europe).cpr" And the screen goes black with the MAME "Initialising" message and then I just go back to the Command Prompt with... Fatal error: Device Generic Cartridge Slot load (-cartridge Barbarian 2 (Europe).cpr) failed: File not found If I try... mame64.exe gx4000 -cart Barbarian 2 (Europe).cpr Then I simply get this message.... "2" approximately matches the following supported software items (best match first): * Software list "gx4000" (Amstrad CPC Plus & GX4000 cartridges) matches: barb2 Barbarian II coptr271 Copter 271 crzycrs2 Crazy Cars II firefor2 Fire & Forget II robocop2 Robocop 2 tennisc2 Tennis Cup II batman Batman brubber Burnin' Rubber dicktr Dick Tracy klax Klax mystical Mystical navyseal Navy Seals noexit No Exit othunder Operation Thunderbolt pang Pang panzakb Panza Kick Boxing Error: unknown option: -<UNADORNED2> If I then try...... mame64.exe gx4000 -cart barb2 I get the black "Initialising" screen again followed by this message in Command Prompt.... barb2.bin NOT FOUND (tried in gx4000 gx4000\barb2 barb2) Fatal error: Required files are missing, the machine cannot be run. Has anyone any ideas what I'm doing wrong? A lot of Googling has found people who have got it to work through RocketLauncher but I'd rather not go down that route if I don't have to. Anyone who has this system working just with Launchbox alone?? And, if so, are you using MAME ?? And, if so...... how? Any info or help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. Brilliant Neil. Thanks as always for the info. I've not really played around too much with the audit tool but will have a closer look at it. Thanks ?
  14. Hi all, I've got a few systems working now so I want to go through and remove games that I don't want and duplicates etc. I have a few questions about this... 1) Is there a way to quickly detect duplicates? Either through launchbox or via third party software? 2) If I delete a game from launchbox will it delete the ROM too? Or just remove the value from the database? 3) How do other people sort / filter / consolidate their games? Do you just do it by hand or are there tools available for this sort of thing? Thanks ?
  15. Johnny T

    set up questions

    It's maybe worth trying to launch a particular game directly from MAME first to make sure everything is set up correctly. You need to correct Bios files and also (I think) you need the correct ROM path set in MAME.ini (but I might be wrong about this - maybe launchbox sorts that for you?). If you can run a particular game direct from MAME then open launchbox and try and start the same game from there.
    Really love this theme. You've done an absolutely brilliant job. It runs really fast as well. Thanks for all your efforts
  16. Hi all, I'm just working my way through setting everything up and would really like to get the LEDs to show the correct buttons when starting a game. I've exported my MAME.xml but need the "controls.ini" file. I have one that is 483Kb in size and last modified on the 5th January 2011. The LEDBlinky website points to a website that no longer exists and so I wondered if anyone knows if there's a later one out there? Or... has someone managed to set their own one up that they would be willing to share? Either way, any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Cheers John
    What an amazing collection! These are brilliant and have really helped the look of my BigBox. I can't thank you enough for the time and effort you've put in to creating these. You're an absolute star!!!
  17. Regardless of what is deemed a "complete" list, having the ability to audit against your own list would be a really good idea. It might just be a list that is the 500 best games on xyz platform. Or it might be an officially maintained "complete" list (or variation thereof). If we could point LB at it and have LB tell us what games are different / missing / superfluous this would be a nice feature. (Assuming this can't already be done - I'm new to LB but certainly haven't come across this feature yet)
  18. Great stuff. Thanks for letting everyone know. ?
  19. Yep the YouTube tutorial is what I followed and it really couldn't be simpler. If you watch it and then apply that technique to your prosystem emulator I bet you'll have it sorted in no time mate. :-)
  20. Hope you're back retro-gaming in no time Dragon. All my very best wishes mate
  21. Are you absolutely dead set on prosystem? If not, what about trying RetroArch? As I say, it worked straight out of the box for me? If not, have you tried what Neil advises in the next post up?
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