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Everything posted by SubRetro

  1. A Couple of questions. 1. Any future MAME integration with updating the MAME version as well as maybe uploading the new MAME version dat files to handle updating your romset without doing it all outside of LB/BB? 2. LInux support? Would be nice to see that since Linux gaming is in a much better spot than it ever has been. Loving the streams.
  2. Yeah I don't recall if I I have vysnc on or not but I will have review. Also I am not just playing old arcade games but current PC fighting games. Wondering too if plugging in HDMI into TV screen instead of a monitor will make a different.
  3. Hello LB Community!! So I have a question and I am sure a lot of it is going to require some more testing on my part and that is fine. Current Test PC Build before migrating to new built PC - Intel Xeon 8 Core PC -24GB memory -1060 8GB GTX -WIN 10 -ViewSonic 1ms 27 LCD Monitor connected via DVI (Highest Refresh rate support is 80hz I imported my MAME 193 full merged set into LB 9.0 (Now running 9.1) and have been playing several different games with no issues. I run the MAMEUI version of the emulator. What I did notice when playing a few rom sets of turtles arcade I noticed some screen tearing on the top mid section at different times during gameplay. I have ran the rom set on previous versions and don't recall ever seeing this before ( I have played a lot of turtles arcade). I am wondering if there is some known issues related to certain ROMs running certain versions of the MAME set or maybe something I can tweak? There are some other things I know I can try right now to see if it makes a difference such running a different MAME Turtles ROM set or another MAME emulator ( I use retroarch for most older systems).
  4. So for starters I didn't even thing about doing shift commands so now I am going to have to rethink my button layout because of that so thats helpful. So Question For your focus of layout for your control panel? I see you like turtles and the turtles arcade beatemup is certainly in my top 5 most played arcade games but I am also big into playing street fighter and mortal kombat. Did you do any testing on different sticks for those games to find which is most responsive? I know having low quality, loose joysticks tend to not work wheel last all in fighting games. I am considering trying out a few different types to play test on my current PC build before making a final order. Thanks for your help and wealth of experience.
  5. The devs/mods are generally good on reviewing posts and replying to some. However we are in the holiday season and they probably also have full-time jobs so not sure how quickly they will acknowledge it but they might of even noted it in a next beta release. I hope they start up the dev/qa live youtube qa discussions because those were pretty helpful.
  6. So I used multiple methods. For starters I used the most recent HyperSpin XML List. Not saying this truly shows the fullest but I also hit a few different sites wiki, gamesdb, just googled for results to find a listing and went through it. I know it sounds tedious but once done your done. I do have full sets separate for non-english systems too instead of mixed in the main USA release Ex - SNES, SFC. I can share with you my AUDIT LIST if that helps to verify what you have and don't have. FYI there is no right or wrong answer on how you want to setup your collection. Some people just want the top 10 games or maybe the games they played with while others just want it all. The size of games are generally not the issue until you get into later systems such as PS2, Wii but the media side of it takes up a fair amount of space and requires more time to collection. Price of hard drives are coming down (149 8TB external USB, 199 10TB external USB). I personally just want to have it all until I get to PS2 and beyond as those systems just have a ton of shovel ware and games I just don't care to sink tons of adult hours into but will spend time with the games I gear up with arcade, nes, ones, etc.
  7. Yeah that game pulled down correctly for me just fine. I started a fresh install of 9.0 when I did this and updated to 9.1 since. I did recache not too long after that so I wonder if that is an issue.
  8. yeah just went through my collection. There was maybe 2 NES games that didn't get scraped that I went back and did it manually. Aside from that I did notice too that some images were labeled for SFC and not SNES even though they were USA SNES games. The media was there but it referred the other image until I changed the image type. Aside from that I have a few prototype games from older systems like Atari and some files that are BIOS that I need to either hide or put a default "BIOS" file on. Did you recall getting any errors when the scraping was done? I know I had a few awhile back when I did and it said it had a duplicate name. If there is some media missing maybe I can help if its not downloading anything.
  9. So question then did you add the games via the folder method vs. the rom file method? I am wondering if that has something to do it with. I can look at mine tonight and see. I know you can't scan for newly added roms if you added them in via folder.
  10. I appreciate your feedback and images of your work. I am curious on the control panel side of things. 1. How does your control panel mount on the cabinet? Is there any issues with more weight in the front that you had to counter weight the back of the cabinet to keep it from tipping? 2. Did you find the corners of the control panel? It looks like it might be a bit uncomfortable since the front corners sticking out for the 3rd and 4th players but that could just be the way the pic looks. Overall man it looks pretty good. Might be good to take pics of it with people standing in front of it to get the scale of it. Polishing up my current media collection in BB and will start working on some sketches and build of materials.
  11. Gotcha well I know I didn't have much art missing but there are some games that don't have art period and unfortunately/fortunately the people that make art for those either sell it or contribute it to the community.
  12. I struggled with having a complete set and then not having a complete set. For the older systems it was a bit easier to just have it as it didn't take much space up and not have to pick things out. As far PS1, dreamcast, etc when you use the right tools you can compress those sets like PS1 - PBP files and dreamcast - CHD files. It ends up saving alot of space and still maintain a full set. Aside from that I have picked the best of breed for PS2 and Wii so some of those can translate for an arcade cabinet and for a home console PC. Not really interested in WiiU as WiiU is the system Nintendo would like you to forget anyway. I will say that once I have a complete set and then the complete media its a huge weight off your shoulders knowing that your not looking around for other games you missed. Your done and you have your library now sit back and enjoy.
  13. What is the scraping source your using? I haven't ran into that issue but I am also pulling media down from EMU movies as well with the lifetime license.
  14. Yeah started to review and weed my collection back. I did have the complete Wii collection (2.06TB) but decided to remove alot of the shovelware leaving it at 697GB. Did a similar thing with my PS2 games.
  15. So I am fairly certain I found it but am running into a new useable video mode error. Did you document the instructions you mentioned in the start of there post?
  16. Curious what result and where you found it. Coming up blank
  17. Just got my steam link yesterday so I haven' tried it yet but I will this weekend. Simple troubleshooting questions to verify. Do you have your controller setup in BigBox and currently works on your PC? Do you have BigBox added to your steam app and verified it launches and that your controller still works on your PC? Once you have verified the other two then it comes down to ensuring that your controller is paired with your steamlink. Also note that you will need to unpair your controller from your pc if it is paired via bluetooth first. Hope that helps. I will let you know my testing results.
  18. My Collection sits close to 23 thousand at this point. However I have some PC titles to add still and might remove some things that I never touch anyway like MSX/MSX2.
  19. At this point I am at the stage at doing a cabinet design in sketch and reviewing what it will take to build it. Just thinking about the measurements and what possible places I can bring it around the house. Appreciate your help and any insight.
  20. Makes sense
  21. So question what is the benefit of using this tool if you already used Dolphin to do its compression/space removal format anyway? Also I have the full Wii set in a wbfs so does that tool help with this? Always interesting in tools that help make the full sets smaller and run just fine. Done it with other tools like converting all dreamcast games from gdi to chd saving 500GB easy.
  22. ok cool I will scope that out. If I have to I can take that rom and add it in but change the artwork so it will be known as a 2 player or 4 player game. Maybe a fix in the future possibly? Probably have to read the data of that specific rom to know its a 2 or 4 player.
  23. So I have been trying to figure this out and confirming what might or might not be the best method. Currently I have a merged MAME set imported into my LB/BB setup and works well. The challenge I have is certain games that have multiple version of a game. For example Turtles Arcade has a 4 player World version and a 2 player Euro version. My first question is can you set the preferred ROM to open when selected on the game art or do you have to right click and select the particular rom you want? My second question is the MAME importer put the turtles game in both 4 and 2 player playlists. However the same issue stands unless I can set the preferred ROM player variant for that playlist? Aside from 4 and 2 player games maybe I want to open up a previous version of a fighting like MK2 2.1 vs 3.1. I do have split sets that I could import and set up separately just was trying to avoid that.
  24. How can I get a copy of the game still? Been looking around but no luck so I have to differ to my PS1 copy.
  25. My PS2 games are in a gzip format that is supported as opposed to an ISO. The difference is on first launch of the game it will create a small cached' shortcut in your game directory so it will take a few seconds on first opening. After that the boot up performance is fine after that.
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