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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Hey there, I've recently tried converting .gdi files to .chd files using chdman.exe. However, the problem was, that if game consisted of a .gdi and several .bin files (Tracks), I would get one chd file for each of the .bin tracks. So let's say that a game consists of one .gdi and 10 bin files , I will get 10 .chd files named after each of the bin files. How can I make it so that I will only get one .chd files? Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!
  2. Nothing changes if I try the command: "cdimono1 -cdrm". I had already tried that earlier. I haven't tried mame standalone, however, I would really very much like to use RetroArch, since many people seem to be able to launch CD-i games using RetroArch. EDIT: If I use the "cdimono2", I get a black screen and I hear music playing. EDIT 2: I found this tutorial, which I will try out later: https://forums.libretro.com/t/guide-play-non-arcade-systems-with-mame-or-mess/17728
  3. Hey everyone, I'm urrently trying to launch Cd-i games in retroarch using the mame core. I've seen many examples of people onkine getting it to work and explaining how, but somehow I can't get it to work. Ths is my Setup: 1. I have .chd files in my games/Philips CDi - folder 2. Inside the same folder I have copied the cdimono1.zip 3. I've configured the mame core using this tutorial: https://forums.libretro.com/t/run-philips-cd-i-games-in-retroarch-mame-libretro-via-rocketlauncher/8672 When I try to launch a game in Launchbox, retroarch just crashes. When I add the commandline "cdimono1" in the emulation options for retroarch, the bios boots, I get a light blue screen and after some seconds I am inside the philips cdi bios. When I click "play", the light blue screen comes back and I'm stuck. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  4. So here is the situation, I mainly play games on my TV in the living room. However, sometimes, my girlfriend wants to watch TV and I have to retreat to my office and play games there. So I go to my office, launch BigBox and.... it launches on the TV, because that's what I'd told it to do when I last played in the living room. The problem is that I cannot access the option to change the monitor BigBox uses to my Display in my office, because BigBox is only visible on the TV screen. So I have to go to the living room, change the screen there, interrupt my girlfriend watching her show in the process, and then finally I can go to back to playing games. Needless to say, this is not ideal. So my question is this: is there any way to make BigBox launch on what is set to be my primary display in windows? Kind of what RetroArch lets me do when I set the option to "auto"? Thanks for your help, everyone.
  5. OK wow, that was pretty easy. Thank you so much. I just hid all my wii remotes from retroarch and now only my Xbox controllers will be recognized by it. This is a very simple, but insanely useful tool.
  6. Hey there, I it doesn't work anymore. Seems like the changes from the Beta have now been implemented into the stable version of Steam. =(
  7. Thanks guyverjay, that might be what I was looking for. I'll try get it to work =).
  8. Hey there, doesn't anyone have a similar problem? I cannot be the only one wanting to use two different controllers... =/
  9. Hey everyone, Since my list of standalone emulators has been growing out of proportion, I've recently made the switch to RetroArch. I got it working fine, but there is one problem with my controllers. I have 4 Xbox one controllers which pair automatically, when I launch RetroArch. However, I do also have 2 real wiimotes which I use to play Wii games in Dolphin (stanalone). Now, when I launch Retroarch, while the Wiimote is connected to my PC via bluetooth, the wiimote always takes the spot of User 1 in RetroArch. I then have to F1 out of the game, go to controller config and change User 1 from wiimote to Xbox One / Xinput. I'd prefer if the wiimote didn't auto connect to RetroArch at all, since I only use it in Dolphin anyway. Does anyone of you guys know an easy workaround for this problem? Thanks!
  10. Thx for the program, however, it doesn't work for me. When I try to launch a rom through snes9x, Launchbox starts the steamlauncherproxy and after some time of waiting it just kills the process and the game does not start. The debug file says: 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [SteamShortcutManager] [AssignShortcutProperties] - 'Donkey Kong Country (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)' ShortcutID resolved to: 13164476238636515328 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [StartProcessWatcher] - Starting ProcessWatcher on 'snes9x-x64.exe'. 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [.ctor] - Instantiated ProcessWatcher for file 'snes9x-x64.exe' (WaitForStartTimeout: 10s). 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [Start] - EventWatcher enabled. 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [ScheduleProcessStartTimeoutCheck] - Scheduling Process Start Timeout Check. 2019-05-11 15:36:20 [INFO] [SteamShortcutManager] [LaunchShortcut] - Starting Steam shortcut: steam://rungameid/13164476238636515328 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [ScheduleProcessStartTimeoutCheck] - ProcessWatcher timeout triggered (process did not start in allotted time). 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [OnProcessStatusUpdated] - Invoking 'StatusUpdatedEventHandler' for event type 'WaitForStartTimeout'. 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [ProcessWatcherOnStatusUpdated] - Timed out waiting for 'snes9x-x64.exe'. 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [DisposeProxyEmulator] - Disposing ProxyEmulator. 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [ProcWatcher] - Disposing previous ProcessWatcher instance. 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProcessWatcher] [Stop] - EventWatcher disabled. 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [KillProxyProcesses] - Killing SteamLaunchProxy ProcID '10356'... 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [GameLaunchingPlugin] [OnGameExited] - GameLaunchingPlugin:OnGameExited() 2019-05-11 15:36:30 [INFO] [ProxyEmulator] [DisposeProxyEmulator] - Disposing ProxyEmulator. any ideas?
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