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CMOSS last won the day on April 21 2021

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  1. I am interested, indeed. I will get back to you in case of doubt
  2. Hi! It looks like the Spanish translation has not been updated for some time. I would be willing to help with it, if possible.
  3. Hi @akera099! We will distribute the community theme creator files soon, so that you can change it to your will.
  4. @modjoo is working on it...
  5. @neil9000, hi. As promised... the colour code is #9a2611.
  6. I will give you the colour code in a few days (once I’m back from holidays).
  7. Hi @neil9000, If you have Photoshop, you can download the source file of the videos here: Those zips include the psd and you can get the colour directly from the background layer (I can speak for the ZX spectrum as I was the one that created it). I hope this helps...
  8. CMOSS

    CoinOps Redux

    Hi @fettsvett201, I think the new version of the CTC will be released this coming weekend. We would need a couple of weeks to port the theme, so we could be ready by the end of the month.
  9. CMOSS

    CoinOps Redux

    Hi @Mr. Skerpentine! Yes, you can. If I remember correctly (I am on holidays and don’t have the theme with me), we have a couple of pinball views. If you go to the views folder of the theme you will see a couple of files with pinball on their name. You would need to copy or rename one of those files to match your platform name. let me know if you figure this out. If not, I will help you out in a few days.
  10. CMOSS

    CoinOps Redux

    Hi @fettsvett201! I suggest that you map a keyboard key to change the view (you will see this option within BigBox). Then, once you navigate to a playlist or platform, use that key to cycle through the available views until you find the one you like. Let me know if this helps.
  11. CMOSS

    CoinOps Redux

    Hi! We will make the creator files available once we port it to the latest version of it (that will be released soon).
  12. Hi! I suggest that you map a key to change the view within BigBox. Just go to options / keyboard mapping and set it up. Then, press the key until the view that you like shows up. I hope this helps.
  13. CMOSS

    CoinOps Redux

    Hi! I don't know what is going on. Have you tried changing the video player (VLC or Windows Media)?
  14. I can help out a little, yes.
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