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Everything posted by Kinglifer

  1. Kinglifer


    No I do not mean that. I mean if I always have it set as platform why would it need to update every time? Even if I go into the menu and come out it will restart the process. I am asking can it save all this information on my NAS and just read it from there afterwards. Or to turn the option to cache off completely. Not turn off the theme. I am not sure if you were offended by me asking but I think we all know how to remove a theme. I like the theme. Just witnessing the kids just drop the controller and run off is disappointing after I set all this up for them.
  2. Kinglifer


    Brother.... Love this theme but I got over 10k worth or games. The load time is too long. Kids wont even play. I never change my setup so why does it need to load constantly? I am on platform flat images. is there a way or could you PLEASE set up a method to turn this thing off? I do not mind it doing it once and saving it somewhere so It doesn't need to do it again. Please. Thank you.
  3. There is no right click option. Perhaps I am doing it in the wrong app. Xbox then I hit Gampass uptop.... I see games. I right click nothing. EDIT: I see. To be clear anyone else reading this... this applies to "My Collection" section. Not cloud Gamepass games. You have to download it. I assumed this shortcut was similar to the Stadia shortcuts you can make.
  4. I dropped AHK because I am just not qualified to code it. I did get it to work in DisplayFusion. If anyone else likes Transformers War of Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron or has a similar issue (Windows Program not being able to handle scripts) I hope this fix helps you. To copy files once the game ends I set up an Addition App set to Run Before Main app. In DisplayFusion I download (DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Download Scripted Function) called "Copy Directory (Overwrites Destination Files)". [Thank you Owen Muhlethaler] I renamed the script Copy Directory. (I was not sure if the brackets would work in a command line.) You can specify your file paths on line 13 and 14, along with the overwrite setting on line 10. The same trigger applies, you can attach this to a Window Destroyed event to have it run but I just did a command line using the title of the function. DisplayFusionCommand.exe -functionrun "Copy Directory". (I did this under the Addition App area). You can also duplicate the script, and have it attached to a Window Created event and swap the source/destination to copy the folder back or just make another Addition app when the program starts if triggers are not working for you.
  5. Hey thanks for responding. Emulator is Retroarch sorry. That is what I ment by everything else works with it. (Other platforms in Retroarch) but NES just does not have proper maps of the controller. When I look inside they look like I want but in game I cant hit start etc...
  6. question my controller setup for NES is standard for all the cores but for NES nothing works. it is almost in a demo mode depending on what buttons I press on the controller. Start and Back do nothing. I tried all cores. PC build. Anyone else had this odd behavior? I posted here because I assumed Mesen core would fix it but it didn't. Thanks.
  7. If I do this... how will the hot key I made activate? That part lost me. I know the Sleep section... timing there... Got that... Hey... thank you for answering as well.
  8. Hi guys... I need some serious help. Problem. I have two games. Transformers War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Old games. They do not have the option to load on my secondary screen. Also the save folder is the SAME FOLDER (Come on Activision)_. Fix Plan... an AHK script that moves the window to the secondary monitor and then copies the save FOLDER to the default section in my documents folder. When the game ends the Default game save folder is moved to a safe space so there is no corruption if the other game is played. Code I got so far that does not work... #NoEnv user1 = "TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron" user2 = "TRANSFORMERS: War of Cybertron" Sleep, 50 If WinActive(user1) Send, ^!{Up} If WinActive(user2) Send 2 Sleep, 50 Return source = C:\Users\Halo\Documents\My Games\Transformers\Fall of Cybertron target = C:\Users\Halo\Documents\My Games\Transformers\TransGame SysGet, mon1, MonitorWorkArea, 1 WinWait, ahk_exe TFOC.exe SoundBeep, 1500 WinMove, %mon1Left%, %mon1Top% FileMoveDir, %source%, %target% If ErrorLevel MsgBox, 48, Source to target, An error occurred while moving. WinWaitClose SoundBeep, 1000 FileMoveDir, %target%, %source% If ErrorLevel MsgBox, 48, Target to source, An error occurred while moving. Any help would be appreciated... Thank you
  9. Hi guys been lurking for a hot minute. I have a OLD PC game that is awesome. Micky Mouse: Castle of Illusion (Remastered). This game just wont load full screen with BigBox. it starts to flicker. I did not know what to do so I set it windowed. No more flicker but now it wont load on my second monitor (The TV). SO I have Display tools... I set a hot key of Ctrl+Alt+UP arrow and poof the active screen goes to the correct monitor. But I would like this to be done automatically. Unlike emulators I do not see a startup for PC games. I see a AHK thing but it seems to be for ALL Windows games. Only this game refuses to start on my TV. Alternatively if someone knows how to get rid of the flicker when Fullscreen that would be great too. Also happens for Transformers (War/Fall) Of CyberTron. I know old PC stuff... Love them tho.
  10. ok but what option is there to restore the mouse? Must be something.
  11. A bit dated but does this work with the latest LaunchBox? (12) I am doing a rig with bluestacks and Moonlight (So the kids can play bomb squad on old tablets) Got it all working except the loss focus issue. Just wanted to verify before I installed this. Thank you everyone.
    Not sure if it has been brought up already but the load time to build the images could be optimized somehow? for me none of the arcade games icons (Posters) are generated for some reason. They all have Nintendo carts. Besides that... simply gorgeous. Why? Well, when a kid can look and be excited and not confused at what they want then you know you got a winnter.
  12. I do not think this works anymore. Just tried.
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