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    Finally a snap for shikigami 3. Big thanks mate
  1. Nice n original, like it.
  2. Amazing. Really well done. Will make my OCD loads better . The amount of content available for LB is mind blowing , thanks for adding to it.
  3. GarbonZoni


    Cheers pal. Quality up.
  4. Solved!! Launchbox discord. 'Love this community. HEY folks Ive just put pcsx2 1.6 in LB and configurator isnt showing up when i right click a ps2 game. Anyone else having any issues?? im running latest LB andconfigurator next beta 2 hotfix 3 Any help cheers
  5. Cheers pal i must have checked it by accident cause i had no issues with any other retroarch stuff. but you live and learn :). a guy on discord sorted it for me, but cheers for the input.
  6. PROBLEM SOLVED. Must have clicked unpack zips without realising......Noob move on my behalf lol Hi folks I recently did a fresh windows install and decided to do a fresh Launchbox install. Everything has gone ok except now neither Naomi or Atomiswave games will work through launchbox. If i load up the games through retroarch directly, they all work fine. Atomiswave from a zip and Naomi through a zip with corresponding chd folder like mame does. But neither will work through launchbox. ive checked that Launchbox is pointed at the correct files, which it is, the same files Retroarch uses. Before i did a fresh install both Naomi and Atomiswave both worked fine. i know its not the files because they still work through Retroarch. Im not doing anything any different to how i did it before, but cant get them working. Any help would be really helpful cause i dont know what else to try. Cheers Ok , so i tried a few things and this is what i found. Originally Naomi and Atomiswave had to be manually put in to retroarch associations through managing emulators. whereas now, both naomi and Atomiswave are already in retroarch's file associations, Named Naomi and Atomiswave. trying to load games with it like this does nothing. But, when i add the roms instead of naming them Sega naomi or Sammy Atomiswave, If i rename them Atomiswave or Naomi as they are named in retroarch's association list and then scrape them as Sammy atomiswave or sega naomi it tries to load them. Now it gets stranger. Atomiswave games still dont work at all, but naomi games try to load up but instead of trying to load them through the zip, they now try reading direct from the eeprom , which also doesn't work. Even though in launchbox they are pointed at the zips??????? Before retroarch had these systems in its association by default, they worked fine. its just now retroarch has them added on install . it seems to have changed. Again, thanks for any help.
  7. Just seen this. Sirius, you're a dude
  8. Sorted. just removed Emumovies until situation improved, all speeds fine now.
  9. Hi folks. Everything that needs a download has become pinfully slow since last update. Downloading new theme vidz and getting anything from emu movies or launchbox database is taking way too long. I haven`t changed anything PC side. Has anybody else experiencied this since the update? Launching and playing games is as fast as ever, just anything that requires a download seems to have been affected. Any help would be well appreciated. Cheers.
  10. Hi folks. Can anyone remeber an arcade game a lot like Capcoms Commando. It was a vertical scroller but unlike Commando you could use vehicles, there was a dinghy for water parts of the map and a jeep when on land. There may have been a chopper too, but not sure. Ive gone through a shit tonne of mame games and never been able to find it. I know it isnt Mercs or any of the Ikari games. It would have been released somewhere between 85 and 88. Would be made up if anyone can remember it. I played it a lot in Scarborough and Brid in the old days. Cheers
  11. HI Ive set a button on my pad to screen capture and works ok. But the screenshots it takes are black screens instead of game pics. Any1 help with this. Cheers So it seems this problem is only with Dreamcast games. I'm using Redream. Any1 else have this issue?
  12. Hi again. Well ive got it working now. i still have to press start when prompted but then it loads straight into the table. Is that normal. It seems its like i said, as soon as i got a version of the game same as the Mod, worked first time. but you weren't the only one who told me that that it shouldnt matter. the guy who made it says the same. Anyhow, it works and thats great cheers. And thanks for keeping it going till id sorted it. saying that, its not the plaza version im using now. could have been their rips.
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