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Everything posted by blackboxingcat

  1. Hi guys Been looking through forums so not sure where to post this question. Had a old set of mame roms worked perfectly. Upgraded to mame 264. but it didnt use retroarc mame core. it used its own mame 264 core when i added it to launchbox. Thats fine. but my [ button on my control for player 2 does not register in mame games. i tested the button and it definetly works. So I loaded street fighter and assigend that button [ and it now works but only for street fighter. [ button is power roundhouse kick in street fighter. when i assaigne that button to apply for all games in bios for all arcade games it selects the button but then it is greyed out. All of this is through launch box loading the game then going to i think is the bios screen where you can change and edit everything. i have already assigned it through retroarc big box etc. Is it conflicting with something? please any help would be appreciated even if u want me post this somewhere else. thanks Update i pluged my wired xbox controller back into the usb slot of the computer coz i had disconnected it as i wasnt using it. now i plugged it back in and its working that button. This definetly cant be right and i dont want to leave the contoller in.
  2. blackboxingcat

    eXoDOS v4

    Hi everyone Thank you for your efforts on this project exo. Brings back alot of memories I have downloaded the v4 and will seed for along time or let me know if their is other ways to help. Now the big question. Can some1 please send me to the right area on how to set this up with LB/BB from start to finish, as i dont want to start this with out a little know how. Once again thanks heaps.
  3. Thanks heaps Jason Carr. 100% correct. Turns out my ram is starting to go bad 32gb.now to find out which one of the 4sticks it is. cheers everyone.
  4. HI How do i exit mame in bigbox straight into the game selection screen,instead of it exiting into what looks to be like core/emulator settings? cheers
  5. Neil9000 I dont know who you are bro or where you stand will launchbox. But i wish i could give u a gift or something. But everytime you have helped me, it has worked first go everytime. im sure your help accross these forums very appreciated bud. Thanks heaps.. Do u know why this error occured? so i know not to do it again by accident. if not all good. Cheers
  6. Hi guys I dont want to hijack the topic and any help will be appreciated. BB LB crashed on me yesterday out of nowhere and it says root file is missing and launchbox/data/settings.xml is corrupt and something about reinstalling from a back up. just before this happened my comp/retroarch crashed with blue screen saying something jnon json files or something. i found just before that i have copy of LB BB .exe in 2 seperate areas 1 under launchbox folder and 1 under the cores folder. Please any help even if just send me to another post cheers.
  7. hi guys Big box just crashed on me and now when i go to load BB LB it say my bigbox.xml is corrupt. root elemet is missing. ANy1 come accross this before? cheers
  8. Hi everyone Not sure if this has been solved or even answers your problem, i will try not to make this long but it was a very good learn. I finally got my xarcade DIY setup ( so not tankstick, just the guts) for my arcade working after spending 5 solid uninterrupted hours configuring buttons etc. From my experience these are not just plug and play in some cases and from what i know only player one is configured from shop. retroarch and bigbox keyboard layout clash with the xarcade mode1 buttons. so u have to check this out and configure accordingly. The easiest way to really understand the xarcade is to download all their recommend programs. test program, update program (if u have updateable trimode board) and pc programmer. The test program is the best as it is configured to what each button corresponds to on a keyboard when u press a button on tankstick. I know its abit time consuming but the first 3 steps is what i took to make sure everything was working on tankstick/diy. Made everything easier after that. The xarcade is supposedly configured for direct play for mame only if the switch on back of tankstick is set on mode 1(which is just keyboard settings/buttons) which is closest to the serial number or if u have a diy the yellow cable. just flick the switch. The xarcade is not programmable in mode1.so chances of your nephew changing anything on tank stick is slim. believe me i changed and played with so many settings, the tankstick is not changeable/programmable unless a keyboard is plugged into it. Process of elimination. make sure your computer recognises the tank stick, use the xarcade programs to see if its all working then move into your retroarch/LB or BB controls before playing with emulator settings. I finally figured out the settings for retroarc/bigbox for button layout and can play all my emulated consoles and mame with my diy/tankstick on my arcade with out flicking over the switch to xinput and dininput mode.i even use my xbox 1 controller at same time. Dont want to bore anyone but if u need setting info ill post if anyone needs. cheers
  9. hi Kidshoalin. Thanks for that info. Have u managed to find the latest chd 0.220? where i was downloading the chds from is gone and cant find the sane set anywhere. cheers
  10. Does anyone know the exact size of ps1 library? I have looked and their is mixed reports.1300 to 1700 for usa but I have found a library with mixed regions with over 8000? (limited download mind you) unless u pay .Doing my head in .Dont mind paying if their is more then 2000 English games as I have 1800 already. So are they saying nearly 6500 games are non English? cheers.
  11. why would I go to reddit when im a member of LB ? Some people are very new to this sort of stuff. Isnt the whole idea so we use our own community and forum? If you have all the solutions and links etc for roms then post them and we probably wont need to search.
  12. wow thanks for the link neil9000. LOllll Charco. You guys are all over this.
  13. What u mean by good rip vid and sound quality, game playability? well I guess that's a risk and I wont know till I decompress. If its no good delete and look for a better one I wish some1 had a full ps1 library with good rips. Then we wouldn't have to go through all this lol.
  14. wow that's crazy man. Cheers for that info Lordmonkus. You reckon ditch those roms and find new ones? Or is it common to go through that effort for ecm decompression for ps1? Its double handiling this way. First extract the .7z. then go through all the games and decompress all the .ecm files.
  15. ok recap since I posted. I got some games work. I found out some of the games have (.bin,ecm) extension together don't work. Example abes odyssey has 2 files xxx.cue xxx.bin.ecm so when u direct LB to the file it imports both files as 2 games. but non work. even individually in retroarch. The ps1 roms I downloaded some where .rar some where .7z so I cant tell which one has the bin.ecm extension that dosnt work until I extract it.. PS some games have both file extensions that retroarch can use eg xx.chd xx.img. some games have both these extensions, so how does LB know which one to Import? Cheers.
  16. hi guys. I downloaded a rom set of ps1 games .7z format. I have extracted the bin and cue file from it. ( just some games ) for test. Im using retroarch psx armoured core and no luck loading any of the content in LB or retroarch could this be a bad set of games? Or have I missed something?? Cheers
  17. Ye cheers. Going standard and neat. mame folder has all my mame stuff. Once I have sorted out all my platforms/downloads etc, bulding a new pc dedicated to launchbox/bigbox with all aimtrak guns etc in my second cabinet. So all files and data have to be neat and simple. I just wanna sort out all my software side off stuff before I started cutting wood and buying gizmos again. First cab has retropie 4. But I love this bigbox/launchbox especially with retroarch. Thanks for all your past and future help.
  18. Yep that's what I missing .The unzip part.. You the man. cheers Neil9000
  19. HI guys. I have been downloading mame chds for 0.220 and they are in 7z. I have moved the chd (xxx).7z file in to its own folder named after it self. I have placed the folder with the chd (xxx).7z format in to my mame roms folder. Do I need to unzip these to chd format or are they good as they are? All so do I need to audit or re ad my mame folder in launchbox again for chds to take affect? I have tried a few games as is with no luck.. cheers
  20. Sonicfan53 you sound like my hero in this part of commodore. I downloaded commodore 64,64pp,64 tape roms. Are these all the same? The folders have similar games in them. Can I merge these folders and just use the one platform/emulator for all 3? They are all zip files. I have herd commodore games are close to 15000 but with these 3 folders im no where near that. They are supposed no intro sets. I also downloaded commodore 64plus but it only had 10games in it. All roms are from archive.org. cheers
  21. so if I just cut the folder from the default directory and paste it on my hdd it will automatically change paths for all platforms?
  22. hi guys. Not sure if this post is active or if im in the right place. I have been downloading all the metadata, images, manuals etc for all my platforms I am member of emu and LB. i have ran out of room on my ssd and want to move everything over to my hdd. Does any1 have a simple step by step I can follow change rom paths, move folders over to new storage etc? cheers
  23. HI Guys I have been all over google etc looking for chds for mame .220 does anyone have any links etc? cheers
  24. hi guys. I have mame rom set .220 37,500 supposed games and I don't have the chds. My question is when I moved the files over into my launchbox library I ended up with 2700 or so games. Mind you big box is friggin awesome with emumovies stuff. I left everything on default.Does anyone know if this sounds about right? If im in the wrong forum let me know please and ill look around again.
  25. Hi guys I know its probably wrong topic.I looked all over the forum but my question is. Does dreamcast roms have to be unzipped or zipped for retroarch? and which emulator do u recommend? cheers
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