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Everything posted by Fredyyy

  1. that's sad to hear! If developers were more open minded, we would have been in a way way better place now. It took them years to add a must-have & a duhh feature like "per game configuration" so I'm not surprised. They are close to finish their new stable version and it seems a little promising. But I'm more looking forward to your tool than anything else in the emulation field currently haha I know nothing about coding, but maybe chat GPT can help these days haha
  2. can you please include some soccer games like fifa 2005 and pes 6
  4. Thank you NTFS it is!
  5. What format is best for internal 7200rpm HDD? fat32 vs exfat vs ntsf. The hard drive will be dedicated for LB and games not for os
  6. Thank you for the detailed response! I have only 500GB SSD and 1 TB of HDD. My total gaming set is around 800GB. I have windows 10 on the SSD and launchbox on the 1TB HDD. PC boot fast, but LB boot slow. I watched a youtube video of someone playing zelda wii u on an SSD and on a HDD. There was a noticeable difference. so my thought was to keep the majority of the roms on HDD. Move launchbox to SSD so hopefully LB can boot faster and also ONLY moving the power demanding roms like (Wii U, ps3, wii) to SSD.
  7. it worked!!!! thanks...genius!
  8. True when the app was working yesterday I saw a new icon that says unregister. However I don't see it anymore. When I re-downloaded the file and unzipped I only get 3 files, (config, changelog, exe of the app, and help), I run the exe file as an administrator, but doesn't do anything and the unregister icon doesn't show up either. Is there a way to remove/modify something in the registry? Readme says: To silently uninstall use the -su switch like this: c:\path\to\Files2Folder.exe -su what does -su mean?
  9. Thank you the program worked great! I had the program on my desktop and I just i reorganized my files and now when I rightclick file2folder. I get a message a message: this app doesn't have an app associated with it. I tried to reinstall the program again and place it in its original place and it doesn't work. The app doesn't have a regualr uninstaller. Any help to fix the issue, either erase it entirely and re installing it or just fixing what I currently have? thank you in advance
  10. THanks great post!
  11. I'm in the same boat. I already have launchbox on my HDD. My plan was to uninstall LB and reinstall it on my SSD then transfer all files to SSD, except for emulators and roms (keep them on HDD). Then I came across this tutorial. So, i don't know if this method replace the necessity to move LB to SSD or if this is something different. I appreciate any feedback and help! thank you!
  12. Hi, I have a lot of dreamcast rom that I would like to be put in their own folder that has the same names as the roms. I remember long time ago, I used a program that does this automatically for me instead of create each folder individually and rename it. Does anyone know a program that can do that? Thank you in advance!
  13. Hi I'm a newbee here! great plugin because adjusting the setting has been a nightmare for me. I just checked the excel sheet, and I didn't see any winning eleven or PES soccer games. Does anyone have some good configurations for these games? It plays very slow for me
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