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Everything posted by Baggio

  1. btw @DerSchlachter this may be of use to you as well with your spines and save you a few steps of what you posted earlier. I made it a while ago and it's been very useful for stuff like this. It'll just create a text file with all the things in that folder (not the subfolders) and without the path so you'd just need to remove the extension in a text editor. I'm sure there is a way to do this without the extension showing as well but i don't know how to do it lol List files in Folder.zip
  2. They go in the Box - Spine folder of whichever platform image folder you're in
  3. Good stuff. Hopefully it saves you a bit of time 👍
  4. Thanks for this. Creating the splines for was my next step for the 5 new sets I've created with over 1000 mags in total so this will come in very handy
  5. I thought this may be helpful to help create the back images rather than have to extract all the images with ComicUtilityBelt which takes a lot of time and you then have to sort through them. Just place these files in your folder with your PDFs and run the Batch file and it will create separate PDFs adding LASTPAGE to the file name. Then you can open up ComicUtilityBelt and check "export cover page" and it will extract the just front page of your original PDFs and the newly made PDFs with just the back page in. Once they are done you'll just have to go in bulk rename and remove LASTPAGE from the file name. Extract Last Page PDF.zip btw if you want to export the second to last page if you are using our out-of-print mags, change the r1 in the batch files to r2 If anyone knows of any easier way to do this let me know
  6. I figured out how to mass edit the numbers on the clear logos. I could have done them quicker than it took me to figure this out, but it will save a load of time in the future lol Sega Magazine Clear Logo.zip If you have any ideas on better styling or naming let me know and I'll redo them. Then I'll do the rest.
  7. I read through issue 1 of the Sega Magazine last night and it's amazing going back in time and seeing them talking about newly introduced FMV in games and how they are talking about the graphics/sound on a 16-bit system compared to what we are seeing and hearing now 🤣 It's so nostalgic as well reading previews and reviews about games I forgot about and seeing old advertisements, mail order shops and what they have in stock, and the prices!! I love it
  8. I think I can do it with imagemajick. I did something similar with the spines I created for the Dreamcast but I forgot how I did it so will have to look into it again lol I have a load of CVG mags but haven’t been though them yet to see how many’s missing so that’s my first task 👍
  9. Well, i never planned on adding magazines but now i have seen how you've done this i'm sold lol. Thanks for the images you've done so far. I think i'm going to have a go at doing all the artwork for The CVG magazines 😮 One thing i'm also going to look into is something simple to below and mass editing the clear logos just to add Issue 1, 2 ect to them. Has anyone done anthing simialr to this before or have any idea on the best way to go about it?
  10. Scrap that, I restarted the PC, and all is well. I should have done that before I posted 🤣 Thanks for the plugin it will save a ton of time 👍
  11. Hi, the bulk remove function isn't working for me. Once I select " Bulk Remove Additional Apps" Launchbox just freezes and says Not Responding in the taskbar and just stays like that until I click the window and choose the close window option. Bulk add works fine though.
  12. Hi guys, I'm having issues getting notifications of new things posted which i have set up below. What I'm trying to achieve is a e-mail daily with every new or updated file posted which i assume would be 3 e-mails a day 1 from each main category with all the new/updated file that is if something has been added/updated. So checking my email's from LB this month and i only got ones on the 5th, 6th, 14th, 15th and 24th and they only have 1 new file in each so its definitely not working properly as when i look on the downloads home page there is always things in "What's New" and "Updated Files" witch i don't get any notifications about. Do i have to follow all the subcategories within the main category to get the results i need? TIA
  13. Sorry for the late reply. Try searching for this string and editing the width number, lowering the number the will makes the logo's bigger. <coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera> <OrthographicCamera Position="-0.2,0,7" LookDirection="0,0,-1" NearPlaneDistance=".01" FarPlaneDistance="1000" Width="6"/> </coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera>
  14. Love these and the 3D boxes, great work. Are you planning on making any the spines to go with these and your other artwork at any point?
  15. I'm not sure why the PS1 views slowdown for you. Do the other platforms with CD cases like the Dreamcast or CD-I ect slowdown? If so in the beta forums when the Jewel cases came out it was said the modeling of the ribbing on the cases was quite intensive so it might be due to that. Heres some Super Game Boy borders i knocked up, do they look OK? I didn't make the originals and am a novice in photoshop.
  16. Right @bundangdon there is quite a block to remove first to get rid of the screenshots So its all the text from <!-- Grid 1-1 --> up to <!-- Grid 5 --> (but don't delete the <!-- Grid 5 --> text) and to add the box front Hopefully this works as i am no good at all with xaml lol
  17. Thanks i'll check it out tomorrow. I'm not sure how id implement that into CTC though but i'll have a go.
  18. Ok thanks. Ive asked y2guru if he knows whats happening so hopefully we can sort it. When i release 2.0 i'll make a seperate TextListView for you with just the box artwork. Do you want that the same as the other views with the 3D model or just the front box image like your picture?
  19. @bundangdon What version did they work in for you? None of my backup ones work after publishing either.
  20. @bundangdon They are broken but im not sure why. They are showing in CTC fine but after publishing they disappear. I'll keep digging and find out why.
  21. Hmm I've not touched the wall views since i released it originally tbh so not sure what's happening. I kind of gave up on them views because i needed to create a view for every platform to fix the gaps and some overlapping of the boxes and it would have taken a lot of time and i didn't think people would be using them.. I'll check the problem it out later though and see if i've broken something.
  22. Nice work, i'll implement some of these to the next release 👍. You are much better at this than me and i need to pick your brains about how you went about things so here are some questions for you if you don't mind. The colour text block you said you did to cut the code down, what exactly did you do? The alignment of the bottom bar (which i struggled with lol) What did do there to make them fit something was missing? This i am having trouble and is the same issue i have with the new layout i was testing with the index in its own frame on the right as well. I can't seem to align the text/frame/grid or whatever's controlling it to the right and make it expand to the left, it always goes left to right as shown in your pic. Creating margins and padding just pushes the whole lot off the screen as well. Maybe @faeran can help me with this?
  23. Heres the changes to the infobar i was talking about. Nothing drastic, i just wanted to know if this looked better on not?
  24. Sorry i didnt see this, i dont know why i get notifications sometimes and not others. Thanks for the reply, next time it crops up ill check the log and see whats happening 👍
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