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Everything posted by Baggio

  1. It isn't too far off. It moves the main box to the left of the vertical boxes like it should be but the vertical boxes are facing the wrong way and a lot bigger than before.
  2. I had a play and tbh i could only angle them and change the spacing ect, i couldnt get the whole lot to flip so the big 3d box was on the left of the vertical boxes. I'll have a proper play after work tomorrow though and see if i can master it. Any idea where to find this? I looked through the Refried xaml for it a few times after you mentioned it in the other thread but i may as well be reading hieroglyphics as i have no idea what i'm looking for lol WheelGamesView.xaml
  3. Got it thanks. In the vertical wheel view is there anyway we can have the vertical coverflow 3D assist to show on the right as well or is that already possible? I would love to have a option to add a moveable 3D model box in the element creation menu as well so we can create things like this 🙂 2022-12-11 20-40-07.mp4
  4. Sorry yeah that what i was saying, its great how you dont have to exit out of CTC now to tweak the wheel. I must have missed that about the 3d models as ive watched all your progress videos. Which video was that in? and how would i add a 3D model to say this intead of a image like in the updated Unified Redux?
  5. Amazing work @y2guru Too many thing to love about this, but how easy it is to create the wheel and get them how we want them wihtout having to publish, view in BB and repeat is amazing. So again great work on this and i throughly appericate how much work youv'e put into it to get it out for us 👍 On another note, I don't know if this is how it meant to be though but when adding a theme from 2.2 the wheel items are really small. I dont know if its just creating a default wheel view as it cant pick up the older code or if this is by design and we have to create a new one with the older themes. Also I can't find a way to add the 3D models to the wheel (ala fearons 3-DIMENSIONS) or just to add it instead of a normal box image when i game is selected. Is this through a user source? If so do you the code to put in as i have no idea how to do it lol
  6. Thanks for the update @Mr. RetroLust I'm a little confused on which are the updates though. Are the new ones the 5, 0-Z_UPDATE_PACK.zips?
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Over 1100 games in covered in this. These are from original scanned covers. After seeing how bland the EU spines were i had to make these becuase they are waaay better
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Over 500 games covered here for the EU region. The Alt folder has Platinium covers for 40 odd games as well. When doing these i have noticed how bland the EU spines are compared to the US conterparts so i'll get the US ones sorted later in the week
  9. Version 1.0.0


    500 games covered here for the Wii. This is a mixed pack with all different regions. If anyone has pack of full scans for each region or every game hit me up and i'll convert them Wii.mp4
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Over 600 games in here all taken from the original retail covers. They are in a high resolution so can easily be read fully in fullscreen (as seen below but lesser quality because of the compresion of the video). I've also added an alternate folder with some GOTY, Special Edition and Classics boxes in it so have a look in there as well and see which you prefer. 2022-12-03 10-28-56.mp4 PS. Ill also be doing the Wii PS2 and more later in the week Edit: If anyone has any full scans of the missing EU games let me know and i'll add them.
  11. Sorry i didnt see this and you probebly have it figured out by now. If you edit a game it will create the folders you need in the relevent platform folder. The new ones are Box - Full and Box - Spine. So you just add these to the Box - Spine and it will pick them up
  12. No problem. I'm quite enjoying making these tbh lol
  13. Version 1.0.1


    These were sent to my by @MadK9 who saw that i was going to use his 3D boxes to make some spines so he sent me over the original files he used to make them (1, 2 and 3) so we have a hi-resolution pack instead. I just cropped and packed them up so full credit to him.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    New Spines for the Sega Dreamcast European boxes. The game ID at the bottom is the same for all images but i dont think that matters. I've had a look on the net and saw that some boxes spines just have white text so if anyone wants just a text version of these let me know These go with @Robin55 Dreamcast 2D Europe boxes
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Sega Naomi 1 and 2 spines i created Again they are better quality than the preview shows
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Just some simple spines i created for the Sega Model 2 and 3 They are a better resolution that the preview shows as well
  17. Version 1.1


    These are taken from @Mr. RetroLust amazing 3D covers. They are missing the Sega Model 1 and 2 and the Sega Naomi 1 and 2 games as i had to remake them and will upload seperately. They are also missing the Capcom Play games which i will aslo be uploading soon taken from @MadK9 3D boxes and Sammy Atomiswave as they have been brillintly made by @spycat
  18. No sorry, they were already on the forums and are grabbed by launchbox when you download images and didn't want to steal anybody else's work. I can add them though if it's not a problem for the original creators?
  19. Version 1.0.0


    I re-did all these because the ones that can be downloaded though Emumovies are a bit of a mess in some cases with text overlapping logos. This means with these, there are no original scanned spines just generic ones with the games clear logo on them.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    All the front and back covers are taken from original scans and 98% of the are the spines are as well. Added the CDI art to the cover to make it look more realistic on the 3D model.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Re-made the box fronts to look like the original and also made some new spines to go with them. For the best look imo, override the the default settings, select DVD case and set the force case background colour to 49.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Sega 32X Spines
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