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Everything posted by JimboJambo86

  1. Nice, will look out for the update
  2. Thats sorted it, all working well, thank you for spending the time on it 😀
  3. @Retro808That has worked but it isnt full screen, its small and in the top left corner. Could that be something my end?
  4. @Retro808that would be great if it's simple to do. Would it matter if all the control images are PNG and not jpg tho? Thanks
  5. I found this and gave up, tempted to try make my own theme but i wonder if ill just encounter the same problem with the filenames, did you ever manage to solve it?
  6. Did you get any progress on this? I'm trying to get a second mame install with save states enabled working on big box for the games that don't save highscores on exit (Time Crisis mainly!)... Is this a no go if I also want Launchbox community high scores enabled? Or is there a way around it seen as Time Crisis doesnt work for high scores anyway?
  7. Awesome thank you very much!! Your Xaml file worked perfectly without me having to do anything as I already have downloaded the Controls images from emumovies. I can see how to put my own from CPWizard into it easily enough now... but these control images have a trackball and its making me want to add one to my arcade now lol! I hadnt noticed the "box front properties" was customisable like that, so many little features you can tweak, I end up spending far more time setting it up than playing, but its all part of the fun haha. Thanks for all your help @JoeViking245 plenty for me to work on now 🙂
  8. They look ideal for what I want. Any chance I can have your xaml files for your startup and pause themes? I have no idea how to code in xaml lol. I'm surprised there isn't many pause themes that include controller images and those that do will be too much work to get the images displayed.
  9. ah ok thanks mate, what pause theme are you running?
  10. I cant work out how to export from CPWizard with the full MAME game name, rather than the Zip file name. The pause theme im using needs the controller png to be the game name or launchbox id. Am i missing something simple to either rename the created PNG files, or export all the files as the games full title in the first place? thanks in advance!!
  11. I was just reading an older post of yours and have downloaded your mamecontrollers.exe. I really liked the idea of having the control panel image easily accessible while in game with CPWizard, due to the amount of times I load up a mame game and have no idea what the buttons are. Is using a pause theme the best way to have these Control Panel images displayed in game?
  12. Did this ever get solved? Currently trying to get CPWizard setup, but wont bother if it wont work properly in BigBox.
  13. Thank you, I had noticed a load that don't support highscores in launchbox but had assumed that was separate to those that didn't work in make. At least I can stop getting frustrated with it not saving in that game 🤣
  14. Hi there, Noticed today Time Crisis one is t saving my highscores I get in Time Trial. Bit frustrating as it took me quite a few goes to even get a score on the board. After quitting the game and going back in its gone 😞 All games I tested seem to be working fine for Saving highscores, but I did have to mess around with the settings when I first set mame up to get most of them working. Anyone experienced this with Time Crisis or have any ideas how to fix it? Thanks.
  15. Saved you the job of converting them, here's all the Hyperspin menu sounds in Wav format. HyperspinMenuSoundsWAV.zip
  16. Awesome! Started working on my own from my hyperspin files, but I'll save myself the time and pinch yours, thank you for the upload.
  17. Just discovering this issue also. Trying to amend the sports arcade playlist to not include "Sport / Soccer" games as i have them in a separate playlist.
  18. Hi there, spent a fair amount of time now getting to grips with Launchbox after moving over from Hyperspin. Im now trying to tidy up the game selection process within BigBox. I have a pretty limited amount of consoles set up along with mame, but rather than just list each console on one screen at launch, I would like them being in subcategories like as follows: Root - Arcade - (Auto Generated Playlists) - Consoles - Sega - MS, MD, Sat, DC - Nintendo - NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii I've accepted i cant have different themes for different sub categories, unless someone can tell me how to?... Everytime i try change the theme in a subcategory it changes the main default (except for each platforms wheel) But what I feel i should be able to do, but cant work out how to, is use a different themes view for the subcategory's from the main menu. I like having a really sleek large selection image for Arcade or Consoles, then smaller images when in the consoles selection, or for the auto generated arcade playlists as there's so many! I've tinkered with it for ages and just cant get it to look a way i'm happy with. Thanks in advance.
  19. many thanks for the reply, i managed to solved it by restoring a backup of the data folder as i figured it must have been something id tweaked launch box didnt like. There wasnt an error message.
  20. i have this exact issue, interested to know if/how you solved it? thanks.
  21. definitely a great feature that should be simple enough to add?
  22. Recently converted to Bigbox from Hyperspin, was also hoping to do this but havent been able to find the option for it, I assume this feature hasnt been added yet?
  23. Ive managed to solve the issue by reinstalling Launch Box, no idea what was causing it but figured it was a simple fix i hadn't yet tried.
  24. Hi there, recently made the switch from Hyperspin to this and loving how easy it's been to set up... But I can't get project64 to work in LaunchBox, I'm receiving the error: "An error occured while trying to launch the game: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform" But this can't be right as I can run project64 fine outside of LaunchBox, and if I right click a game within LaunchBox, and select open Project64, the emulator opens up and I can play a game from the list within project 64 fine. I first installed LaunchBox to a different location but moved the folder to a different place and that includes all the emulators and ROMs, I did update all the paths for the ROMs and emulators. Others are running fine since. I'm hoping I'm missing something simple and obvious!! Thanks in advance.
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