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Everything posted by skizzosjt

  1. if this is for Steam games, do you really need to resort to remapping the controller with a 3rd party program? Could you explain your use case with more details? Without knowing more I would first think Steam's native remapping feature would be the better option.
  2. my experience suggests the extra hoops you're jumping through here are unnecessary. worst case scenario is you would need to enable checkbox "forceful Pause Screen activation" under the pause screen settings. Do you have that enabled when you do run into issues with the Pause Screen showing up?
  3. this is a feature in LaunchBox, not because of settings related to your hardware/encoder.
  4. I should set the record straight that controller support being enabled in LaunchBox or Big Box does not impact how controls behave in the emulator. Take a moment to see how the mouse movement via analog stick works with LaunchBox. The feature only works if LaunchBox is the active window. The moment it is not the active window you cannot control the mouse via a controller's analog stick. Meaning there is no crosstalk or controls from program A being mixed up with controls from program B Open up the Retroarch menu and navigate to controls. It's an option only one spot away from the top, here is a random pic I grabbed from google. You need to change "analog to digital type". What you want is something like so that when the analog stick is pushed "up" it instead sends "d-pad up". There are only a couple selections to choose from and I forget the exact name. It might be "Left analog" what you want, like you need to select which analog stick you want to instead act like digital input for systems like N64 and Gamecube they need to use "none" since the analog stick needs to act like an analog stick. so only do the above adjustment for games/systems that have no analog controls if you would rather use the analog stick like a d-pad.
  5. you would need to keep their names longer then, likely needing the instance ID to differentiate between them
  6. well you're def not in the right spot to ask this question, it doesn't pertain to this thread that said, I'll still throw you a bone. you need to use Tools > Download > Platform/Playlist/Category Theme Videos from the LaunchBox Menu. there are multiple videos available, 3 of them specifically are Colorful themed, for a category/platform/playlist titled "Playlist" including one that is meant for "Favorites"
  7. skizzosjt

    send Alt F4

    try this out. it works for me Esc:: KeyWait, Esc, T3 ;wait to see if esc key is held down for 3 seconds ("T3" = Time/duration of 3 seconds) If (ErrorLevel = 1) { ;if pressed for 3 seconds Send {RAlt down}{F4 down}{F4 up}{RAlt up} ;send Alt+F4 KeyWait, Esc ;waits for hotkey to be released, this prevents a regular keypress (esc) from being sent on release due to not being at exactly 3 secs } Else ;if held less than 3 seconds Esc::Esc ;send esc as if it were a regular keypress
  8. Looks like we have the same exact parameters as far as launch commands go so I don't see any red flags there. If you look at the first photo I attached, that is the command line stuff and yours is identical as far as I can tell. Since you did end up being able to launch it straight from a CMD window, by theory, LB is doing the same exact thing so now I'm scratching my head why it wouldn't give you the same positive result using the same commands in LB We at least know the ROM file is a good dump if you got it launch directly via a CMD window. And XCI is the cartridge dump format and is certainly supported. I'm scratching my head man, it really doesn't look like you got anything obvious wrong
  9. this is sort of a YMMV situation when using virtualization to run the program. it's that extra compatibility layer you've added to the mix that is giving the problems. even if it runs OK (no bugs), it will likely run poor (slow) I used to daily drive a 2009 Mac Pro up until I built the PC I still use today around 2019. Using VM to me is out of the question. Use one of your spare disks (or buy something just big enough for an OS like 250GB or 500GB I'd recommend if you dont have any spares) and create a Windows 10 or Windows 11 install on it. You want the OS's separate, don't put them on the same disk. Because if you need to ever reinstall stuff now chances are you will need to restore TWO OS's instead of just one. With that said, when I was on the Mac Pro I would boot into Windows 7 or eventually Windows 10 to natively run games on that system. Bc lets face it, macOS blows for games! Things run CORRECTLY when using the designed OS natively! So I strongly recommend to ditch your current config and do it properly with native OS support.
  10. I def didn't write it, just the messenger but not the author. I think I lifted it right out of a Sinden Lightgun script for launching the game and all the support stuff and this was used at the end to close it. I don't even have Sinden Lightguns lol just like poking around in others scripts to learn more and stumbled onto that. with that said I got curious after seeing this post again. I'm pretty certain now the script isn't doing anything special really. It is just force closing the program before the error has a chance to display. So this does not resolve any sort of root cause of the error, but instead kills the program before the error can be thrown. Also after taking just a few seconds to really think what this script is doing.....using these two lines is pointless. Both of those lines do the same exact thing, which is killing/ending the process. I just tested this theory, and removing the Process, Close line does not do any harm, the error still doesn't display at exit. Or alternatively remove the taskkill line and leave the other. So it can be shortened to one line and work just as effective. Esc::Run, taskkill /im "TeknoParrotUI.exe" /F OR Esc::Process, Close, TeknoParrotUI.exe
  11. Yea, there isn't any special work arounds required either. if it's still giving you a hard time you would want to prove if it's emulator related or frontend related. do that by opening a CMD window and launching the game that way, using the same launch commands as LB/BB would. if it fails there then likely your launch commands aren't correct. -f switch is for launching in fullscreen and -g switch is defining the file (game) to run. so that sequence is important, the -g switch must come last due to the file path gets appended onto the end. edit: using emulator version "yuzu 1439" - I just had to set this emulator up again in the last week so it should be a pretty recent build I do use Startup and Shutdown Screens, still works OK with them enabled. Not sure if this is what you meant by "startup timer", maybe you meant the slider "Startup Load Delay"? And I use this in my running script to make sure it exits OK $Esc:: WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}
  12. could be because you used a generic "Ctrl" key instead of specifying which one. Try using the same script but use "LCtrl" instead. Also do not capitalize "C" due to it would imply sending a capitalized C which requires also hitting the shift key. So I believe what your script is actually sending is more like "Ctrl, SHIFT, C" and that alone might make the Citra hotkey not work. AHK is weird here, it doesn't matter if the letter is capital or not if it's a hotkey. ie if you make two hotkeys like so, both of these would work the same, exiting the script A::ExitApp a::ExitApp Both of those hotkeys would trigger with the "a" or "A" key press, as in whether or not you hold the shift key. So using "a" or "A" is interchangeable in the context of a hotkey. Lowercase/uppercase doesn't matter But when a letter is in the send command it is case sensitive as I described above.
  13. I was thinking if you were using a startup video that it could have gotten corrupted or is taking a long time to load. if you're not using one, I'm not sure what else to check to help troubleshoot. well ok maybe I got a couple ideas. try using the default theme and/or a different custom theme. make sure the problem is not related to just a specific theme or a setting within you could also try reinstalling over your existing installation. it will NOT overwrite anything meaningful like all your media or platforms and games etc. so all your hard work putting together your library will stay in tact. what this does is if some random file got corrupted or deleted it would replace/recreate those files.
  14. are you using a startup video?
  15. it's neat idea you had here! just wanted to polish it up! You have the right idea with using a universal closing command, but that is still not an ideal situation as it would close some programs in an inappropriate way. Alt+F4 is akin to Process Close which is akin to opening up Task Manager and killing/ending the process. This is a less than ideal way to close programs since some will not be able to execute code that the would otherwise at a normal shutdown. If for example they alter save settings on exit, those saves would not get done and worst case scenario means associated game or emulator files end up wrong, blank, or corrupted. So in the end, the adjustment you're making is a lateral adjustment in my opinion. Might work with more emulators, but I wouldn't recommend doing it like that out of fear of making issues for yourself and others. I wouldn't recommend anyone use that with native windows games, native games have native exiting means that should be utilized whenever possible. WinClose is still a superior option to use since that is the equivalent of clicking the "X" button in the top right corner of a window. Games/programs will shutdown as intended that way and would execute any code triggered by an exit. With that said I recommend altering your script a bit further by avoiding "Process, Close" and sending Alt+F4, but instead make use of WinClose or some other equally safe method. In order to get it to work with other emulators without the need to edit the specific emulator we need a way to detect which process (emulator/game) is running. Haven't got a good idea on this yet that isn't a bit....well, silly lol. I could make a long if/else ladder that basically goes "if emulator A exists then EmulatorEXE = emulatorA.exe else if emulator B exists then EmulatorEXE = emulatorB.exe......etc etc and so on". This would work, but every emulator would need to specifically spelled out. I know of ways to detect new processes, but it would be impossible to detect if one is an emulator or if one is some random additional app or game launcher etc. I may get creative and find a way to see if I can pass what the emulator is being used or even parse through the platform's XML file to find out what emulator is being used for that specific game and then either pass it as an argument or if needed store into an ini file and read it from there. I think I can get it to into different platforms/playlists too, that would just take a more involved if/else ladder diverting randomly using the random number, or maybe a different random number. Something like after say X games were played in the same platform/playlist, back out one extra step to get to platform/playlist like and then start the loop over after randomly selecting a new platform/playlist. It would be another step like what was configured for considering if game detail view were enabled/disabled
  16. Autoplay Attract Mode View File This was inspired by "Play N Quit" and I wanted to create an improved version that would work for anyone regardless of settings in Big Box Description: This is an AHK script that will automatically launch and close selected games for an in game playable take on Attract Mode. In between each game being selected, it will randomly scroll through your game wheel. Please note at this time it will only work in a single game wheel (it's not smart enough to know how to go into different platforms/playlists) and though can be easily configured for efferent emulators, it can only be configured for one at a time. Once the script is running you can easily start playing whatever game is currently being ran by hitting the designated hotkey to stop the script and proceed with your gaming session! Here are the improvements: Takes into consideration whether or not Startup/Shutdown screens are enabled Takes into consideration whether or not Game Details View is skipped Can work with any emulator Uses a random number for the game wheel selection to change Can set a max value for this random number Randomizes direction for the game wheel to move Will work with a vertical or horizontal game wheel Removed all the extra non-functional lines How to use: In the header section of the script there are detailed comments directing users what a handful of variables are doing and how to set them GameDetails - Use a value of 1 if you have Game Details View enabled. Use a value of 0 (or anything but 1) if you have Game Details View disabled GameWheelOrientation - Use "V" (must be in quotes) for vertical game wheels (ie up and down) and use "H" for horizontal game wheels (left and right) GameRunTime - Enter the number of minutes each game should run before closing and choosing the next game MaxGames - the maximum random number to be generated. Tip: make this at or smaller than the total qty of games in the platform/playlist. (if you make it same or greater as total qty it is possible for the random number to select the same game twice in a row) EmulatorEXE - Enter the file name with extension of the emulator (must be in quotes) Exit Hotkey - last line in script is a hotkey to terminate the script. Use this at any time the script is running to stop it Default values: GameDetails - 0 (disabled) GameWheelOrientation - "V" (vertical) GameRunTime - 3 (minutes for game to run) MaxGames - 150 (max number for wheel to move to select new game) EmulatorEXE - "retroarch.exe" (emulator's executable file name with extension) Exit Hotkey - Joy8 (commonly the "start" button on joypads) How to use (continued): Place the script file in a desired location In LaunchBox, edit a game entry In the game's Additional Apps, add the script file as the Additional App Select for the Additional App to start automatically at game launch Now when this game is launched, this script will start the Autoplay Attract Mode Alternative launching method: Alternatively, you could add a hotkey to the script that would start it If so place this hotkey at the spot designed in the script, specifically it is line 28 For ex: +Home:: The above example starting hotkey would be shift+home keys Recommended to add the script to startup programs in LaunchBox if using the start with hotkey method. Do this instead of adding it to a game as an Additional App This is due to the script will instead launch automatically at start of LaunchBox/Big Box. But it will not execute the main part of the script until the hotkey is pressed This may be a better method for some to start/stop the script depending on your use case Leave any feedback in this thread! Cheers! Submitter skizzosjt Submitted 05/14/2023 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This was inspired by "Play N Quit" and I wanted to create an improved version that would work for anyone regardless of settings in Big Box Description: This is an AHK script that will automatically launch and close selected games for an in game playable take on Attract Mode. In between each game being selected, it will randomly scroll through your game wheel. Please note at this time it will only work in a single game wheel (it's not smart enough to know how to go into different platforms/playlists) and though can be easily configured for different emulators, it can only be configured for one at a time. Once the script is running you can easily start playing whatever game is currently being ran by hitting the designated hotkey to stop the script and proceed with your gaming session! Here are the improvements: Takes into consideration whether or not Startup/Shutdown screens are enabled Takes into consideration whether or not Game Details View is skipped Can work with any emulator Uses a random number for the game wheel selection to change Can set a max value for this random number Randomizes direction for the game wheel to move Will work with a vertical or horizontal game wheel Removed all the extra non-functional lines How to use: In the header section of the script there are detailed comments directing users what a handful of variables are doing and how to set them GameDetails - Use a value of 1 if you have Game Details View enabled. Use a value of 0 (or anything but 1) if you have Game Details View disabled GameWheelOrientation - Use "V" (must be in quotes) for vertical game wheels (ie up and down) and use "H" for horizontal game wheels (left and right) GameRunTime - Enter the number of minutes each game should run before closing and choosing the next game MaxGames - the maximum random number to be generated. Tip: make this at or smaller than the total qty of games in the platform/playlist. (if you make it same or greater as total qty it is possible for the random number to select the same game twice in a row) EmulatorEXE - Enter the file name with extension of the emulator (must be in quotes) Exit Hotkey - last line in script is a hotkey to terminate the script. Use this at any time the script is running to stop it Default values: GameDetails - 0 (disabled) GameWheelOrientation - "V" (vertical) GameRunTime - 3 (minutes for game to run) MaxGames - 150 (max number for wheel to move to select new game) EmulatorEXE - "retroarch.exe" (emulator's executable file name with extension) Exit Hotkey - Joy8 (commonly the "start" button on joypads) How to use (continued): Place the script file in a desired location In LaunchBox, edit a game entry In the game's Additional Apps, add the script file as the Additional App Select for the Additional App to start automatically at game launch Now when this game is launched, this script will start the Autoplay Attract Mode Alternative launching method: Alternatively, you could add a hotkey to the script that would start it If so place this hotkey at the spot designed in the script, specifically it is line 28 For ex: +Home:: The above example starting hotkey would be shift+home keys Recommended to add the script to startup programs in LaunchBox if using the start with hotkey method. Do this instead of adding it to a game as an Additional App This is due to the script will instead launch automatically at start of LaunchBox/Big Box. But it will not execute the main part of the script until the hotkey is pressed This may be a better method for some to start/stop the script depending on your use case Leave any feedback in this thread! Cheers!
  18. I actually gave up on learning V2 because when it came time to read up on how GUIs work now, my brain couldn't handle it anymore 🧠💥🤣. I really liked all the V2 changes UNTIL I started translating scripts that had a GUI.....then I wanted to bang my head on a brick wall. Just a bit of caution, newer doesn't always mean better. I'm sure V2 is better, but an amateur like myself needs to "un-learn" stuff I've been studying for about a year now to learn new stuff that in the end creates the same exact script lmao....I settled on I'd put my time and effort towards other things instead
  19. hi @gerjarlin, if you deleted that file it would auto generate on next launch of LaunchBox. it would auto generate with default settings, which would not be corrupt from the start. so delete that file, then try to open LaunchBox. if that is really the only problem and the only corrupted file, everything should work fine after that. if not, please post screen shot(s) of the error(s) you're getting
  20. well you said "older" version of AHK but V2 is the brand spanking new version that only released officially in the last few months you need to be using a V1.1.X version which is what is included with LB. this is because the syntax used in this script is V1. if you wanted to get a version from AHK official site you gotta get the 1.1 download from the main page (which would be the latest 1.1.X version) or click the "other versions" link and then get one of the 1.1.X versions that way. but in reality the version included with LB should work fine you will be almost guaranteed to get errors by using V1 syntax and run it with a V2 exe. some syntax changed quite a bit. V2 was in development for years, only finally was recently released officially. that is why the 1.1 downloads are listed as deprecated now. When I have a moment I am going to dig deeper into this script. It looks suspect.....granted I get no errors when I execute it (but also am not on a PC that has LB/BB/Retroarch on it to give it a real test drive). The way it is structured makes me think there would be issues with it operating as intended. So in your defense there looks to be funny business going on in this script and has room for improvement. I will try it out myself sometime since the concept is a cool one that I may like to deploy one day. I'll come back with whatever my results are.
  21. Just so you know the feature you speak of is not exclusive to LaunchBox. RocketLauncher also did this with their Alternative Emulator tab. Any platform could use any emulator or any combination of emulators, same as LaunchBox. like what Lordmonkus was alluding to.....reading between the lines would translate to it's impossible They do use AHK but also make use of a user made library called GDip as that is the only way I personally know how to get a perfect looking transparent image with AHK. Other basic AHK methods will look choppy and pixelated at the transition due to only knowing 1 color to transition basically. I understand, and don't understand your feelings at the same time. I too came from HyperSpin and had the same feelings....but only for a moment. In reality if you go beyond anything but the most basic use case of LB you will need additional software. Scripts, batch files, plugins, controller, keyboard, mouse remappers, database managers etc. All the same crap (but useful crap) you would need along with RL. They do better with LB at integrating things relatively compared to RL/HS but it's just wishful thinking to believe you wouldn't ever need to use another piece of software again due to migrating to LB. RL, or any piece of software at that, when it comes down to it is a tool and if a tool does the job you want it should be utilized since it offers the path of least resistance. Having a stance against using it is really only hurting you in the long run in my opinion because you're robbing yourself of an easy and obtainable solution
  22. if you say "serial port" you are referring to a connector type that was common decades ago and is basically unheard of on a modern PC. for ex maybe a picture of your device manager window would help understand what you're trying to say? maybe share what the game(s) name(s) are experiencing this problem? but I'll also leave you with I bet you got something else going on. having a USB device plugged in or not should have zero impact on a game booting. I have very few TP games but never once needed to disable or uplug anything. there is also hardware that does what you want. I make use of these things for a similar reason. I can leave devices plugged in, but can change which ones are actually connected to the PC with a press of a button https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-4-Port-Individual-Switches-HB-UM43/dp/B00JX1ZS5O/ref=asc_df_B00JX1ZS5O/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309777534894&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15294094042578417920&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005140&hvtargid=pla-348690807089&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=58425267301&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309777534894&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15294094042578417920&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005140&hvtargid=pla-348690807089
  23. Hi @FamShoppa, try this out. Save both of them (for ex: shader "A" and shader "B") and then use the hotkeys for next/prev shader to quickly toggle between them in game. The hotkeys are n and m by default.
  24. serial port?! don't those light guns have a USB type-A connector ?
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