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Everything posted by Bakala

    Hello, thank you very much for the super contribution you have made. I have a doubt, the bezels look very dark, is there any way to make them look brighter?
  1. Thank you very much for your answer. This morning I managed to solve it with a .bat file that an expert has programmed at https://www.todoexpertos.com/preguntas/cs5gv7nhsssgvlfj/como-modificar-massivamente-multiples-files-txt-con-bat I'll leave it here in case someone finds it useful. Thank you very much for the good work you have done. I leave below the code of the .bat @echo off Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set carporig=d:\carpeta prueba\origen set carpdest=d:\carpeta prueba\destino set /a num=4 set /a div=3 for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b "%carporig%\*.txt"') do call :tratarch "%%a" goto :eof :tratarch del /q temp.txt>nul 2>&1 set archivo=%~1 echo tratando archivo %~1 for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3" %%x in ("%carporig%\%~1") do ( if not %%z gtr "0" echo %%x %%y %%z>>temp.txt if %%z gtr "0" ( set valor=%%z set valor=!valor:"=! set /a valor=!valor!*%num%/%div% echo %%x %%y "!valor!">>temp.txt ) ) copy /y temp.txt "%carpdest%\%~nx1" goto :eof In the variables CARPORIG and CARPDEST you must put the path of the source folder (in which the TXT to be modified are located) and that of the destination folder (in which the modified TXT will be left). I had to rectify the MAME.cfg file manually later because it gave an error
  2. Hello By klyze_pt, thank you very much for your contribution. I would like to know how to make a massive modification of the resolutions, because my monitor is neither 1080p nor 4k, but WQHD. Neither configuration works for me. Regards
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