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  1. Heeeeelloooooo, echo! Guys, thanks for nothing. 😄 Anyways, I switched to external Caprice Forever emulator and it works like a charme now. Tip: The more individual a system gets, like ZX Spectrum, Amiga, CPC, the less I can recommend Retroarch. RA is good for standard console stuff but utterly useless for computer-systems. Cheers
  2. From darkfella: "Hey, for the zip containing the 5.4 version, do i replace all zips when asked and also what is the directory folder with the ini file in it ? do i need that ini file ? " This is a most important question and should be answered ... I asked myself the same thing. Thank you in advance.
  3. The community can't thank you enough, now you have also made an update for newer MAME versions. I really have to try your Bezels, hoping they work with MAME v0.264. I have a question and would be glad if you can help: What happens to games which don´t have a dedicated Bezel? Is a system bezel loaded then? That would be great. If not, is there a way to use the old bezels of the Bezel-Project that Launchbox already has saved in the MAME/artwork folder? So is there a way to combine your bezels and those of other projects? In conclusion, how do I set up such a mish-mash bezel system, as I learned to first delete all bezel artworks from an older project and merely than installing the new one. Thank you so much for all your efforts and creativity and especially for sharing all this with us. Cheers Matthias
  4. Hi guys, I´m using the RA's Caprice32 Core for the Amstrad CPC games library. Everything worked great and I fell in love with this system, until I tried out the first multidisc-game. Since than I worked for hours to make the disc-swap run and I searched everywhere on the internet but couldn´t find anything about the problem. Learning about how to set up m3u-files and how to scan them via RA but didn´t help, as RA only starts Amstrad dsk-roms automatically if they are zipped. If they are unzipped, the autostart doesn´t work, being even impossible to start the games manually by using the cat/bin-commands on Amstrad's user surface. You see where this is heading, as RA's disc-changing system needs unzipped files to work properly with its disc-index conventions and the m3u directories. I´m operating a seperate roms-folder, outside of RA. I tried out so many different things, eg. making only the first disc a zip-file and the second an unzipped dsk-file, I also worked in the RA standalone-mode (without LB), but whatever I did, I couldn´t find a solution yet. Being a relative noob, having LB/RA only since last Christmas, maybe I´m still missing some fundamental points. If you could help me to set up a working multi-disc library for the Amstrad, I would be overly glad. Such gems are amongst the multi-discs games. Thank you very much in advance.
  5. Yes, that was a quite journey and now I learned my lesson. Whenever I need to rename something now, eg. the artwork isn´t found be LB, than I first delete the game in Launchbox, rename the original rom and re-import it by simply drag and drop it into LB. Luckily there are only view roms left with non-conventional names or typos. It´s a rough road to get a perfectly clean collection.
  6. Hi, a noob here using Caprice for Amstrad emulation. How do we change the models? Anyways, I found out, that Caprice32 only autoloads dsk-files that are zipped. The core does nothing with unzipped dsk-files, it´s even impossible to manually start them with the cat/bin-commmands. That leads me to the actual main-issue. Did anyone find out, how to run multi-disc games for the Amstrad? I tried the m3u-solution, which basically works fine, but as Caprice doesn´t load unzipped files and disc-changes only work with unzipped file ... well that´s paradox. I would be glad to get some help from you. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi guys, late to the party. The Bezels all work with MAME v0,264 (launching via Launchbox) but the issue is that the actual MAME-gaming screens are in the foreground, meaning that the screen corners overlap the graphics of the Bezel-TV-frame; and that looks pretty silly. That is also happening, when I deform the screen to have the rounded CTR-surface-effect. This is ONLY happening, with the games that has a vertically layed out aspect ratio, like Pac-Man, which. For all the 4:3 layed out games, the Bezels work perfectly. Can you help me, getting the Bezels running in the foreground to cover those corners? Thank you a lot.
  8. Best shortcut ever! Thank you.
  9. Hi Retro808 and a merry Christmas to you. 🙂 I'm not at the PC right now but I can describe what I did and send a screenshot later. I am sorting out the ZX Spectrum ROM games right now. I renamed the Speccy master list ROM folder, which is saved as a sub folder in my universal ROM path and this one isn't placed within the LB 'Games' folder but on a seperate data hard drive of the PC. After renaming the game folder, consequently LB didn't find and start the appropriated games any more. So I went Manage/Platform/Settings/Game(Path), directed to the renamed folder. All is saved properly, I checked after a restart of LB. But the still displayed games can't be launched via LB,why I did a complete folder re-scan afterwards (without re-loading the images) what didn't help either. Now I got a new issue. The Speccy ROM files partly have odd names and the rescan did crash my painful manually done data base work (within LB). That means, that now around 60 percent of the games do not show the cover art and their correct names any more. The rescan was a reset so to say, and not a refresh process. Why can't LB associate and restore the already saved media data and the corrected names of the ROM. Okay, that's bad enough as I tweaked the names with LB's database tool for countless hours — but I learned something important: Name your original ROM files correctly, before you do any game transfers into LB. Than a rescan shouldn't be a problem. But it's also too bad, that LB doesn't remember the formally done internal changes and just can't load up what's already there and saved.
  10. This doesn´t work!
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