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Pademonium bac

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Everything posted by Pademonium bac

  1. Bien pris pour le moment je termine je suis sur la finition qui m'aura occupé pendant presque 6 ans et dont je viens de terminer l'intro : Pourquoi est-ce différent ? La philosophie de Nostalgic Bedroom consiste à redonner vie à votre ancienne étagère de jeux dans un monde où les disques, les cartouches et les boîtes en plastique disparaissent peu à peu. Il s'agit de capturer la magie des collections physiques, ce petit frisson lorsque vous touchez, organisez et admirez vos jeux, mais dans un environnement numérique. L'objectif est de vous donner l'impression de posséder une collection tangible sans remplir votre maison de piles de CD. C'est une interface soignée avec une touche de modernité , garantissant que ce voyage dans le passé reste fluide et agréable. Nostalgic Bedroom est l'âme d'un collectionneur dans un monde 2.0 , avec un peu d' ambiance des années 80, de confort et de nostalgie en plus ! Dans un monde où la distribution numérique devient la norme, préserver les jeux physiques et faire évoluer vers des expériences interactives est devenu crucial. En créant des vidéos dynamiques, des collections complètes et des expériences autonomes , je voulais aller au-delà de ce que les éditeurs eux-mêmes ont proposé. Un bon exemple est Zelda , pour lequel j'ai conçu une collection virtuelle complète que même Nintendo n'a pas réalisée , en ajoutant du contenu multimédia et une expérience immersive . Au-delà des vidéos, j'ai créé des collections complètes et des expériences autonomes pour des franchises emblématiques comme Zelda, Castlevania, Metal Gear, Resident Evil et Final Fantasy . Je fais ça depuis 7 ans sans m'arrêter . Ces cinq projets majeurs sont désormais entièrement intégrés, adaptés et portés dans Nostalgic Bedroom. Les détails : 15 CATÉGORIES DE PLATEFORMES Nostalgic Bedroom comprend environ 15 catégories de plateformes , où vous trouverez : 🎮 30 listes de lecture d'arcade (par éditeurs et fabricants), comprenant des classiques comme Capcom , mais aussi des uniques comme Namco 256 et Sunsoft Classics . 🖥️ 4 systèmes informatiques (contre 1 dans NB V7). 🎮 40 consoles (contre 15 dans NB V7), dont : Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar Colecovision, Commodore Amiga CD32, Magnavox Odyssey 2, Mattel Intellivision Microsoft Xbox 360, PC Engine, CD PC Engine, NEC PCFX, NEC TurboGrafx-16 Nintendo 64, 64DD, NES, GameCube, Switch, Virtual Boy, Wii Panasonic 3DO, Philips CDI, Pico SEGA 32X, CD, Dreamcast, Genesis, Master System, Mega Drive, SC-1000 Neo Geo AES, Sony PlayStation, PS2, PS3, PS4 Super Nintendo NES, Super 10 🕹️ 10 consoles portables (contre 7 dans NB V7) : Atari Lynx, Bandai Wonderswan et Wonderswan Color Nintendo 3DS, DS, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color Consoles de jeux SEGA, SNK Neo Geo Pocket et Pocket Color, Sony PSP 🕶️ VR nostalgique pour des expériences immersives, associée à une configuration RetroArch active et à des salles VR uniques et fabriquées à la main . 📀 34 collections nostalgiques avec des interfaces personnalisées. Que sont les collections nostalgiques ? Considérez-les comme une élégante boîte à souvenirs numérique . Chaque collection comporte entre cinq et dix vues ultra-variées , toutes plus uniques les unes que les autres. Vous serez totalement immergé dans l'histoire des jeux comme jamais auparavant, avec des visuels qui vous transporteront directement dans l'atmosphère de chaque univers. C'est un véritable voyage dans le temps , avec des vues qui vous feront sourire à chaque tournant. 🕹️ FrançaisLes collections incluent : Collection Aliens, Collection Crysis, Collection Bioshock, Collection Castlevania, Collection Contra, Collection F-Zero, Collection Final Fantasy, Collection Forza, Collection God of War, Collection Halo, Collection KingFighter, Collection Kirby, Collection Legacy of Kain, Collection Mario, Collection Mario Kart, Collection Mass Effect, Collection Megaman, Collection Metal Gear, Collection Metroid, Collection Mortal Kombat, Collection Need for Speed, Collection Prince of Persia, Collection Resident Evil, Collection Saint Seiya, Collection Star Wars, Collection Silent Hill, Collection Street Fighter, Collection Soul Calibur, Collection Sonic, Collection Tomb Raider, Collection Cowabunga des Tortues Ninja, Collection Uncharted, Collection Zelda. 🦸 Une nouvelle playlist regroupant 30 collections de licences dormantes mais inoubliables (comme Les Simpsons, Monster Hunter, Aliens, etc. ), intitulée « Héros et Licences Inoubliables » . 📽️ Pour les cinéphiles , la section Films nostalgiques est comme un magasin de vidéos classiques des années 80 , où vous pouvez ajouter vos propres films préférés ! Et s'il vous plaît, soyez gentils, rembobinez ! Comprendre : 🎞️ Classiques des années 80 et 90 🎃 Films d'horreur des années 80 🎌 Anime japonais Et pour couronner le tout... 🏪 La section Storefront rassemble toutes vos boutiques virtuelles préférées en un seul endroit : Epic Games, Nintendo eShop, Nintendo WiiWare et Steam Vous permettant de rassembler tous vos magasins au sein de Nostalgic Bedroom . 🔻 En bref, Nostalgic Bedroom n'est pas seulement une interface. C'est une capsule temporelle, une lettre d'amour aux collections de jeux physiques et un terrain de jeu pour les jeux rétro et
  2. Hello! Classy and simple, completely in the spirit! Tell me, do you want a hand so I can animate them for you?
  3. Music / sound design / Fx & image: When all these elements match together and in concert even though you didn't even do it on purpose, I think we can say that it's successful?! 😛
  4. Update ==

    All my content here in one post

  5. Stuff in progress : Proposition 1 Propsoition 2
  6. Sunday Recreation on the CTC :)

    Prototype Versus Projection 


  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hello guys, today I propose you something Big! A big exclusive (temporary because given the somewhat the little historical aspect of things I have to share it elsewhere) I worked in close collaboration with an artist who created a Blender of the Super disc (a commercial version of the MSU prototype) based on the latest statements from the developers as well as on the design of the Satellaview (extension of the Super Famicom, marketed only in Japan from 1995) New logo once again based on the official acronym of the official super disc used by the developers at the time! In short, nothing was left to chance and I think it is the cleanest version that a commercial and definitive version of the console could have given! Even Secret of Mana is not a coincidence since it was the launch title planned for the release of the machine on day one! the creation of these media does not call into question all the work of the guys who are based on the msu logo (which was the prototype) but now leaves the choice and brings a new alternative for those who want it. Go towards the charter "logo prototype msu" or "the Super disc" This representation of the super disc is definitely the most beautiful and realistic of the proposals Everyone will choose which charter to go for according to their tastes! I leave you some media for those who would like to open a construction site! Here is my theme which will also be shared in the batocera community. For the History/ of the MSU In the early 90s, many video game manufacturers saw the relatively new CD medium as a way to expand the capabilities of their existing consoles, and Nintendo had planned a CD expansion for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Originally planned and developed in cooperation with Sony, Nintendo later turned to Phillips to carry out the project, but no finished product ever saw the light of day. Sony, offended by Nintendo, developed the Playstation to commercial maturity, and Phillips released the CD-I independently (which did not do well at all, by the way). But if history had taken a different course, perhaps we would all remember the Nintendo Super Disc today. . Many thanks to Oliver Harries for his trust and availability:
  8. @KlopjeroI gave you 2 examples just so you can see FF-2.mp4
  9. You can make transitions without problem via the CTC and more Nothing prevents you from borrowing them to integrate them into your configuration if you are nostalgic It is completely feasible.
  10. For my part I didn't bother I integrated the ps4 on my custom by cheating and integrating the pc exe lol Most of the big hits are out in pc version and enhanced. (remains last guardian and the remake of shadow of collosus see maybe medievil in addition maybe and it's be perfect) Remains to be seen how it will evolve! but it makes me want to try what I'm going to do right away, thanks for the info and the tutorial
  11. FF-1.mp4 The kind of life I love to build! Surprise the players and break the 4th wall basically here (the plant speaks to you and asks you questions!) We agree it's useless but it's always an extra and original touch that makes things more fun! some screen of my genre in work in progress ((Everything is animated from the title to the visuals)) FF.mp4 2 news view among thirties created this week (yes yes 30) lol:
  12. Frankly Really nice of you to share your assets! I'm going to need them very soon because I promised Exodos fans to offer them a theme that matches the scale of the project. If all goes well I should get started in the middle of the year so any help is welcome of course I'll share everything here! thanks again!
  13. @LCMan27Very nice! If you need to go further technically I can easily give you a hand! Light effect, particle: Everything is possible. if i can help ! I finished my arcade section a month ago and I had to do about 15 different views... I racked my brains to find ideas so I still have my nose in it lol!
  14. Hi guys on the 2024 version I have a rom loading window that now appears at launch I never had that before anyone knows how to remove it?
  15. How did you unzip ??? Systematically when you unzip a new custom you have to right click properties and you check unlocked this way you unlock the dll files when there are any !! Try it could come from there !! According to the message it corresponds it says that it can't find the main theme and that it puts you back in default so that must be it
  16. Accept now ! lol We can easily imagine why it's complicated for moderation and why it hasn't been done before! Having to filter images hot média between 2 Mario wheels and Opening the tap for erotic games is complicated! Nevertheless I think there's a card to play here for the staff! Nobody does it! Who would want to stick to it on the other hand it's another story! lol I wouldn't say that I have a certain experience in the matter but for those who don't know I develop ohlalala games on Vam (vitua mate) so I have a little experience! So I have a little knowledge but in my opinion I must not be the only one given the demand ... There are some really cool things to discover that are highly creative to varying degrees, but once again, it's all very subjective! After There is also the historical dimension of arcade games as I said @3lc3z4rat the time, we can start there! It's very wise After all it's part whether you like it or not of the lewd / playful video landscape 😅
  17. Très bon choix pour Wing commander 3 coeur de tigre ! ^^ j'ai fais de même m Syncro les frenchies !
  18. You're going to cry sacrilege but I kept it simple for the arcade and I cheated a lot regarding the versions in fact I didn't bother for example for namco 256 I simply put the ps2 ports 1) saving space it avoids you having duplicate games (or in almost identical versions). 2) you win a lot some arcade games are really hard to configure 3) Sometimes you find arcade versions converted on ps2 this is the case of the version of soulcalibur 3 that we find on ps2 but in arcade version I put the icon here! https://www.deviantart.com/pademonium/art/SoulCalibur-III-Arcade-Edition-01-1140279409 On the other hand, the trick can be used endlessly! and it works even better on PS3 for teknoparrot games! all tekno games are released on PS3 (or almost) or have had the honor of a port! (almost identical to the arcade version) and the intro here :
  19. You've always been teasing or rather pragmatic lol when we know you it's okay but take it easy anyway if i've learned one thing here over the years is that we don't really like drama (even when there isn't any) you can quickly find yourself on an ejection seat and that's even when you have 10 years of contribution under your belt! I say that (from experience) and for you afterwards you do what you want ^^
  20. Blacks Screens ? Try the codecs HEVC I'll send it to you by pm For your speed I give some advice here it's worth what it's worth but for me that it works
  21. You seem sure of yourself... And yet you haven't seen or tested it and you were still in doubt a few lines above.. Personally I would stay with Pepsi 😛 I have too much experience with Launchbox and starting from scratch doesn't tempt me at all! (which does not prevent me from sharing in all communities) I would like it for sure: more flexible and fluid performance but we know that the team is on the warpath to make sure that it improves! And it will happen for sure! Replace your old sata with a samsung m2 9800 pro: you will see it is already much better After for the rest it is a shame to come and tease the old ones in a community that welcomed you with open arms..And to rekindle quarrels or false wars.. Peace man it is first of all the games and it must remain in the domain of passion I think that everyone does not care who has the biggest ...or the most super feature! Let's stay in respect and good humor if you want there are no losers, only winners anyway, us: the old retro gamers!
  22. It doesn't surprise me at all: there is really something special with the feeling when you navigate between the wheels. I did the test with a friend by advising him of unified which are nevertheless very close to hyperspin but he returned shortly after to Hyper. Concerning the videos or the themes the content in general it wouldn't even surprise me if in a few months and after having dissected the thing some smart guys find flaws and come out with things to make them compatible we can imagine skins too given the community especially the Spanish and Brazilians who are on the ball on hyperpin
  23. It looks good!! I really like the clean style! For features yes. After that it's complicated to stand out I imagine Today and to release a thunderous feature! They go in the direction of the players and will necessarily take things that worked for others! Difficult to make a definitive opinion and will have to test it for sure but it's cool to see them come back!
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