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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Thank you guys; I have all the translation updates in the latest beta that I just put out. Hoping to put out the official release tomorrow.
  2. Thanks guys. Beta 5 is now out which fixes the issue where images were getting lost when editing a game's title. Assuming all goes well with this release we'll probably put out the official 6.12 version tomorrow.
  3. Thanks guys. Never any hard feelings. Requests of all kinds are always appreciated. In all honesty, Big Box is what sells the product; it's been that way ever since we came out with the first version of it. And for that reason it will continue to be a priority, but of course LaunchBox is also a very important part of the product, and we will continue to add new features that make sense. I'm doing my best to juggle things here. We've been focusing on performance for LaunchBox for quite a while here, so that is largely the reason for the lack of new LaunchBox features for the past month or two.
  4. Hi @Maddoc1007, are you saying this is for individual games in Add/Edit or for batch imports?
  5. Hoping I have this fixed guys. Let me know if anyone is still seeing an error with the moderation. Sorry for the delays on the fix.
  6. Just put out a new beta that I'm hoping will fix these issues for you guys. If not, please enable debugging with the instructions further up the thread and get me the Debug.log file so I can figure it out. Thanks guys, appreciated.
  7. Thanks Kris. Just put out beta 4, which I'm hoping will solve the issues people are reporting in the freezing thread. This beta also fixes an issue where images were not refreshing properly after Editing games or with Refresh Selected Images. The current immediate goal is to get things as stable as possible, so I will continue working on bugs until we'll ready for the official 6.12 release.
  8. @shinra358 Gotcha. Yes, so that should be possible currently using custom themes, and most (but not quite all) features should be available for the marquee view. In other words, the SelectedGame and all of its details are available in the marquee view so you should be able to display any details from the selected game in the marquee view using custom themes. The same goes for selected platforms. @Drybonz Yeah, I get you. The improvements have not only been for Windows 7 users, but people with extremely large collections and/or slower hardware are more likely to see bigger improvements. The next major update I currently plan for LaunchBox is some sort of nested filters solution. However, I don't quite have a timeline for it yet.
  9. That's the point; it's not new features right now. Still working on tweaking the box art views for stability and performance. We currently have some issues with it that I'm trying to address from this thread:
  10. Wow, thank you @Jeffe, that helps a lot. Obviously the issue has something to do with that Debug.log message. Are you using the list view or the box art view right now?
  11. Ha, love your user name. Yes, it is possible with XAML but unfortunately there's no setting for it currently. I think some of the existing themes do change the fonts, so I would try downloading some from the Download section here and see how they do it.
  12. @Lmagnus87 @Drybonz I've spent way more time working on LaunchBox in the past week than anything with Big Box. It's a double-edged sword because when I work on performance, people complain about no new features for LaunchBox. When I work on new features, people complain about performance. Performance improvements for LaunchBox have been a major focus for the past couple of weeks (and earlier as well). Bear with us; we haven't forgotten about LaunchBox. In fact, I'm working on it constantly.
  13. Actually, I think I understand more of what you mean now @shinra358; did you mean you want the ability to display the same thing on two screens?
  14. @shinra358 That should already be possible with custom themes, though might not be quite as flexible on the second monitor. We'll get there eventually but complete customization of the second monitor won't be a super high priority.
  15. Ah, okay. Could be an issue specific to Windows 7. I'll test that. Also, for those of you having the issue, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could try this. Use the latest beta and open up the Settings.xml file in a text editor. Then change this line: <DebugLog>false</DebugLog> To this: <DebugLog>true</DebugLog> That will create a Debug.log file in your root LaunchBox folder after you run it, if it runs into errors. If you can upload that file here, that'd be very helpful. Thanks guys!
  16. Hi guys, I'm looking into this now; it does sound like we somehow have a bug here. What version of Windows are you guys running?
  17. @CliveBarker @AFaustini @Wattoo @Opaklopper @dukeemu @cyanjiang It's about that time again guys; going to be putting out another official release in a couple days (I'm hoping before the weekend). I'd like to get all the translations updated as much as possible for this release, because I expect we'll have this next version out for quite a while while we tackle major new features for 7.0. Not a lot has changed though translation-wise for this release; I believe the Strings file is the only file that changed again. Here are the release notes for 6.12: Performance, caching, and rendering improvements for the box art view in LaunchBox Proper multi-monitor support for Big Box Marquee support for arcade cabinets in Big Box Thanks again guys; as always it is very much appreciated. @ounaazh and @sfn103, my apologies for the delay on those translation packages. Hopefully I can get them out to you still before the end of the week.
  18. Alright guys, new beta is out with the developments from the live stream this morning. We added proper multi-screen support to Big Box, as well as marquee screen support for arcade cabinets. I didn't plan on adding any more new features before 6.12, but this was relatively quick and easy and I needed something entertaining for the live stream. I'll be back to fixing bugs tomorrow. I need to put in some more work on the LaunchBox website; I'm streamlining the purchasing process a bit so that if somebody doesn't get the license email they can still download the license. We've had some issues lately with emails being blocked due to the XML attachment (or people putting in the wrong email address, etc.), so this should help people not to be pissed off if they purchase after hours and end up having to wait till the morning for support.
  19. Yes, that is admittedly my experience with Crashplan. I tend to run 16 gigs of RAM on my systems lately so it's not much of an issue for me, but I can see how that would be a problem.
  20. Thanks guys. I'll take a look at the API soon.
  21. Alright, sorry for that bug guys. A new beta is out that should fix that bug and also improve things further. Hopefully this one fairs a bit better. I still haven't touched anything outside of improvements for the image pop-ins and caching for the LaunchBox boxes. @Charco That error has been fixed but to be honest it doesn't make any sense why your data would be reverted. I've never heard of games reappearing after being deleted...had you restarted several times in between or did you just delete them, get the error, and then they showed back up on next restart? Let me know if anyone is seeing any further errors with this beta. Things should be smoother now all around. You may want to Refresh All Images as the cache file names have changed slightly, so you'll get some extraneous files otherwise.
  22. @Drybonz Work on the multi-monitor support and marquees has not started yet. Those features are planned for 7.0. The current roadmap is to put out one more release before 7.0; I plan to spend this week improving things and fixing bugs so that we're as stable as possible before I dive into major new features for 7.0. Hoping to put out 6.12 early next week and then jump into 7.0. Just put out a new beta guys that does a lot better job reducing the image pop-ins in LaunchBox as well as fixes a voice recognition bug in Big Box. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to the other bugs in this thread yet but I'll be on those very soon.
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