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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Drybonz said Hey Jason, the source field, on mine at least, is the source file for the rom... or the "family" that the rom is in... for instance the NeoGeo games are neogeo_noslot.cpp. This is the same info that shows in MAMEUI's source field. This would be useful for sorting... for instance if you wanted to look at the neogeo games... arrange by source. Ah, okay. Good to know; thanks @Drybonz. :)
  2. Okay, thanks, keep me updated. It would be best to test with the 5.8 official first since it's been proven to work fine by the community for a while. The only thing I can think of other than what I mentioned above is some sort of weird driver conflict, but that would be odd considering the NTDLL error.
  3. Hehehehe, I hear that. Pretty much all of LaunchBox comes purely from obsession. I do have some suggestions after playing around a bit more, @Antropus. It's all up for discussion of course: - I noticed that developers, publishers, and genres aren't split up (they come over as "Taito/Midway" for example). It would be awesome if the importer could separate these and put them in LaunchBox as separate since LaunchBox supports multiple items for these. - What is going into the Source field? It's a different use of that field than what it was intended for, though that might not be a bad thing if it's useful. I just don't know how it would be used. Either way, this isn't a big deal because it's simple to clear out. - Game titles often come over with a dash in them, such as "1943 - The Battle of Midway". It would be great if we could rename these games to proper titles with colons like this: "1943: The Battle of Midway". That should be as easy as doing a search and replace on " - " to ": ". That's all I've got for tonight, just after importing my personal collection. It's a great tool; thanks again. :)
  4. I assume you've tried both 5.8 and the latest beta?
  5. Just noticed that you mentioned it's a clean install. Did you already reinstall just to see if it would fix the problem?
  6. Hi @DR9, unfortunately my best guess is that there's something corrupted either with the .NET framework on your system or Windows itself. I found this thread which doesn't have a solution but suggests that it's a corrupted DLL in Windows: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-winapps/appcrash-ntdlldll-exception-code-c0000005-visual/990565e5-a719-4165-b87a-63dd00ab8756?auth=1 I'm not 100% that that's the problem but that's what my initial searches landed on. Unfortunately I haven't had that error reported to me from anybody else so it does seem like it is specific to your system, though there's always a first for everything, so I can't say for certain. I would start by trying to reinstall the .NET framework 4.5 and then perhaps trying to repair Windows if that doesn't fix anything.
  7. Just so everyone knows who @Antropus is... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1231969/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 We're dealing with royalty here, people. ;)
  8. Awesome, yeah, the intermediate list view does sound like a great idea. All sounds great. I'll let you keep working on it all; hopefully for 6.0 we can distribute it with LaunchBox and use it instead of the current MAME import stuff. I'll talk to Brad too about doing a video on it. :)
  9. Awesome, Kris. That sounds great. I think we can probably keep the conversation public here, actually. I'll jump straight to what I'd call the ideal scenario; I'd love to see it all happen in an idiot-proof wizard with explanations for every option and handholding for the whole thing. Obviously that's a long ways off; I think we should integrate it mostly as-is before we go down that path. The community is fairly desperate for a good solution for this; I'm not sure how many people have found your app already, but we need to do a new LaunchBox Tutorial video for MAME as soon as we can. I'll wait for your call on all this stuff, but I'm thinking we should use what you have already for that video. Then we can work on idiot-proofing it all later. Ultimately we need to remove the confusion and start publicizing this as the best solution.
  10. Hi @Antropus, I was finally getting around to fixing some of the MAME metadata issues on import, but I had it on my list to check your app out first. I must say, you've really nailed it. You did what I wanted to do but didn't have the time or the MAME metadata expertise to get it done. If you would, I'd like to talk about the possibilities going forward of providing a better way to integrate this into LaunchBox. I don't want to take development or credit from you; I'd prefer if you continued to develop this yourself. I just want to make it the primary way to import MAME games into LaunchBox, possibly distribute it with LaunchBox, etc. Let's have a conversation when you're available. Maybe hit me up at my jason@unbrokensoftware.com email? :)
  11. Thanks @scree. I think we'll go ahead and proceed with the 5.9 release and send it out to the masses to see if anyone else is experiencing it. I just put out 5.9-beta-16, which updates the French translations thanks to @Wattoo and updates ScummVM to the latest version, as well as the ScummVM games list. Unless we hit any glaring bugs, I'm planning on putting out the 5.9 official tomorrow.
  12. Hi Paul, indeed there are. It's not the immediate priority but I plan to enhance Big Box visuals soon, and hopefully add some sort of a theming engine.
  13. Alright, new beta is out. I'm going to call this the release candidate, so let me know if anyone runs into any bugs. The only thing I added for this beta is the ability to click on the VLC videos to start or pause them. Beyond that, I've fixed a bunch of bugs and closed a bunch of tickets on Bitbucket. I've fixed the missing DirectX library issue by requiring it in the setup for the updater as well. @scree, that bug is the only one I haven't been able to reproduce or get fixed. Any more information on how you got that or how often it occurs, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
  14. Just saw this and confirming that it is correct. Unfortunately with Steam we have no way to know when a game exits.
  15. Thank you @cafcmike. So long as these issues end up in Bitbucket (using Report Issue above), I'll definitely get to them. @DOS76 is right, they're not super high priority but they definitely do need resolved. I've been knocking out a lot of tickets lately so it probably won't be too long. :)
  16. I know this is from a LONG time ago but I'm going through my massive backlog of bugs to fix and this one came up. I do believe this was fixed in a previous beta; let me know if you're still seeing this issue. Thanks! :)
  17. FYI, updated the LGD search for the next beta to search all platforms if no results were found. :)
  18. DonkeyKongsVet said I am getting an unexpected error encountered box, won't load the interface after getting latest beta, this time I am on the 64 bit Windows 10 system (the 32 bit system is on a leave of absence) Hmm, I'm guessing maybe it could be the new XInput. Maybe it's DirectX? Try downloading and running this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
  19. Hey all, sorry it's been so long. We rushed out the 5.8 release due to the downtime issues with TheGamesDB. We're about ready to release version 5.9 later this week so now's the time to update the translations. :) The following resource files have changed since 5.7: Strings.resx AboutForm.resx AddEditForm.resx AddEditPlatformForm.resx AlreadyRunningForm.resx BulkEditWizardForm.resx CleanUpImagesForm.resx ConfigureEmuMoviesForm.resx ConnectForm.resx DosBoxConfigForm.resx DownloadImagesForm.resx DownloadMetadataWizardForm.resx EmulatorForm.resx ExportGamesWizardForm.resx ImportGamesFromFilesWizardForm.resx ImportGamesFromSteamWizardForm.resx ImportGamesWizardForm.resx InstallDosGameWizardForm.resx LicenseRegistrationForm.resx MainForm.resx ManageEmulatorsForm.resx ManagePlatformsForm.resx OptionsForm.resx SavedFilterForm.resx SplashForm.resx SyncForm.resx UpdaterForm.resx Thank you all! :)
  20. Hey all, hoping most, if not all, of these issues are solved. Just put out a new beta that supports XInput. Microsoft really screwed the pooch with DirectInput and those Xbox One controller drivers. LaunchBox, Big Box, and AutoHotkey were all crashing similarly due to the driver glitches.
  21. Hi @jking3, it's still on the radar; I expect to get to it within the next couple of months.
  22. @scree I haven't had any luck figuring out that bug. Anyone else noticing any errors with the VLC playback engine?
  23. New beta is out guys. The big thing for this beta is XInput support. Microsoft seems to have screwed the pooch with DirectInput and Xbox One controllers; not only was LaunchBox crashing in certain situations with Xbox One controllers connected, but so was AutoHotkey as well, in the exact same ways. Pretty crazy. For now, the AutoHotkey close, focus, and volume features will only work with the first connected controller. I hope this won't be too much of an issue for people; unfortunately Microsoft broke AutoHotkey's multiple controller support with the DirectInput glitches. At least AutoHotkey should work properly now for users with Xbox One controller(s) or multiple controllers attached. If anyone has a Steam Link, please do test to make sure that everything is working properly for controllers over the Steam Link. Quite a few other bugs were fixed that were causing occasional crashes/error messages as well. I didn't note everything in the change log, but it's worth a review.
  24. CADScott said My email is actually on online one, so my client and provider are actually kind of the same. I will have a good look at the settings in the online portal and try to turn off span for anything to do with LaunchBox, but hopefully Jason can reset the error at your end. Apologies, @CADScott. I looked into how to reset it and got nowhere. So I'm moving on for now. Pretty odd, that's for sure; sorry for the trouble, wish I had a good solution for it.
  25. scree, I'm going to look into that error, thanks. It's an odd one but I'll see what I can do.
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