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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Any information you guys can give on those problems with beta 9 would be appreciated. I haven't been able to reproduce any of them and don't have any details on them. Thanks!
  2. Hi @CrystalForce, can you forward me that email? Send it to jasondavidcarr@gmail.com. Thanks!
  3. Hi Mute, my guess is that was because the email verification link had expired, but I should get that fixed to tell you instead of that error message. Regardless though I'm going to remove the initial email verification requirement just because it's been a PITA. I did just enable everyone's accounts so you should be all set.
  4. CADScott said My online collection works well in Chrome, but I do notice that I get only the platform list if the the window is not very wide on the screen or fullscreen. This is by design, so that on small-screen devices the boxes show underneath the menu instead of beside the menu so that everything fits.
  5. SentaiBrad said I do notice that currently the Online Library only shows games with front images associated with them, games without the images seem to be excluded. Games without images are not excluded. However, I suspect you're just observing that games without images are missing from the LaunchBox Games Database entirely.
  6. DOS76 said Does this manage multiple collections or only one per email i have LB capabilities on every computer i own which is far too many. That's an interesting point. I don't plan to support multiple separate collections for the same account. The concept I'm envisioning is being able to sync up different installations of LaunchBox to all be the same. However, as-is right now you would be able to sync all your collections individually up to the LaunchBox Games Database and they will show combined up there without duplicates.
  7. DOS76 said In the future will you be able to control the videos in LB with VLC like you could with WMP ie pause and other options when right clicking on the video. Hi @DOS76, controls for VLC are indeed planned. I'm hoping at least rudimentary controls will make it into 5.9.
  8. Hey guys, in order to clear up confusion, please read the blog post I made earlier: https://www.launchbox-app.com/announcements/sync-your-collection-to-the-cloud There are several things mentioned that are important to note, such as differences in metadata/images, etc.
  9. Thanks all for the testing as well. @supermario56, I don't see that as a major priority, but I do agree that screenshots would be a good option to have. Can you add that with "Feature Request" in the header?
  10. Hey everybody, just put out a new beta that allows you to sync your local collection to the LaunchBox Games Database. Please see this post for more details on how it all works: https://www.launchbox-app.com/announcements/sync-your-collection-to-the-cloud Let me know of course if you run into any bugs (I'm sure there are some). :)
  11. Thanks everyone, new beta is out: - VLC support in LaunchBox - New LaunchBox splash screen - New Register License option in LaunchBox to make it easier for simpletons to add or update their license (for users who can't seem to find their LaunchBox folder, I get this all the time) - If the ROM file isn't found, LaunchBox will look for an archive file with the same name I think that's it. :)
  12. I took a quick look at the startup process for this latest beta while I was adding the splash screen. I did speed it up a tad bit, but probably not significantly. The difference between the startup performance in 5.5 vs. 5.8 is that we added a lot more built-in metadata (for MAME, the LocalDB, etc.). It's loading up this metadata at startup and that's what's making it take longer. I'll see if there's anything I can do to lazy load it or optimize it further soon.
  13. In the mean time switching to use the Windows Media Player video player engine in general options should fix it I think.
  14. Hi @dovella, sorry for that, thanks for the report. I think I've got it fixed. New beta should be out today or tomorrow. :)
  15. The installation of VLC on your computer is separate and isn't used (you'll notice a new VLC folder inside of LaunchBox that contains the VLC DLLs and such). I suppose it is possible that it's still picking up the settings from a different installation; I haven't tested for that, so that's a good question.
  16. CADScott said The new VLC playback seems to be working well, I actually find it a little faster to change between videos than the Windows Media Player player. The only issue I see is that there is a small black bar at the top and bottom of the video window with VLC and it is not there with WMP. WMP seems to stretch the video to fit and VLC plays at the correct aspect maybe? Good to hear, @CADSCott. With WMP, it is able to detect the exact aspect ratio of the video and cut off the black bars, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that with VLC. Not sure if it's possible at this point. So both methods are actually using the correct aspect ratio, but the VLC engine fills the video content area, black bars or not.
  17. No, Sanders! We're the surprise underdog. Hey, at least we're not Clinton, right?
  18. I may also add an option to search for an archive file with the same name as the ROM file if it doesn't exist. That way users can compress their collections and their games will still work without having to edit them.
  19. Alright, new beta is out with VLC support inside Big Box (LaunchBox will have it too in a separate beta here soon). It's not a perfect solution because there's no possible way to make the VLC videos support transitions, but we're gonna have to live with that. There's a new Big Box General setting called "Video Playback Engine" that lets you switch between VLC and Windows Media Player, so if WMP is working fine for you, you can certainly stick with it. Here are my goals for the rest of this week: - Get VLC working in LaunchBox - Add the ability to sync your collection to the cloud on the LaunchBox Games Database Thanks all! :)
  20. Just posted this to Facebook and Twitter, we'll see if that helps. :) We're at 20.83% at this point, we beat GameEx at least. ;)
  21. Thanks all, I agree that this needs improved. Specific cases of naming conflicts would be helpful I think. In general, the metadata just needs to be updated to better support various platform names and the various platform features. I see this all tying into the new LaunchBox Games Database. For example, it would make sense to add an Alternate Names category to each platform that can be community-moderated.
  22. Just this morning. Was wrapping it up earlier today.
  23. Yes indeed, but it's going to be a while. PHP sucks, that's the problem. It's already on killer amazing hardware and performance is lacking regardless. We're going to be moving to a new forums solution eventually but it'll be quite a large undertaking.
  24. Thank you guys! The plan is to slowly update the rest of the site to match. Gonna be a while though because we have other priorities as well. :)
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