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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hey all, I just added custom AutoHotkey scripts to emulators in the latest beta. @eric, I put your Demul script in as the default script for Demul, works great.
  2. And we have another new beta. This one is kind of a big deal. I've added custom AutoHotkey scripts to emulators; this should allow us to do things like make sure that the Escape always works for every emulator. We'll just need to put together default scripts for every emulator. Beyond that, it should provide some awesome flexibility options, if you're interested in diving into the scripts. I also removed the "v" when displaying versions. I chose to do that for flexibility; I figured people can put the "v" in themselves in the version field if they feel the need to do so.
  3. Bah, that sucks. And holy crap. Lol.
  4. Thanks @Nickjs and @DOS76. To clarify in case anyone stumbles on this thread, LaunchBox by default won't import duplicates if the ROM file is already in your collection. You can override this though by checking the box to force duplicates.
  5. What @garbanzo said. That System/BIOS path had me up in arms for hours.
  6. Hi @ianrace, that's interesting; I wasn't aware of that extras folder. LaunchBox doesn't specify an extras folder via command line when it runs the EXE. The command it runs looks like this: ScummVM.exe -f --aspect-ratio --no-console --savepath="[ScummVMFolderPath]" -p "[GameDataFolderPath]" Could it be the savepath?
  7. The beta testing thread is the thread that I update regularly with the developments for each new beta: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchbox-beta-testing That's probably the best place to go. You can subscribe to that thread. :)
  8. Hi @MultipleX, thanks for the feedback. Not a bad idea on #1; it's not a big priority right now but I will add that to the list. Different views for Big Box are definitely coming. The wizards do actually have a back button in the upper left (the wizards use Microsoft's new wizard format introduced in Vista).
  9. Yeah, I can see that being a problem with the emulators. I wonder if anyone's ever come up with a solution for that...anyone know if Rocket Launcher does anything for that?
  10. Yeah, this is on my to-do list. However, I have noticed that if I open Big Box from a shortcut on monitor #1, it will open on monitor #1. If I open Big Box from a shortcut on monitor #2, it will open on monitor #2, at least for me on Windows 10. You can test this by opening up Windows Explorer (the file explorer) to your LaunchBox folder. Drag the window to one monitor and double-click on BigBox.exe. Then drag it to the other monitor and do the same thing. I realize this is still an issue though and I will get it fixed.
  11. I only see one payment from you, actually. So not sure what happened the first time around but it looks like it didn't go through. I guess that's why you didn't get an email at first. What you could do for the import, is import them all now, and then just delete the games that didn't pull information (you can filter by TheGamesDB.net ID). Then you can re-import them all later once we have the new solution, and it will skip over the games that already exist. I hope to get to that import thing soon, but I can't make any promises as to when at this point. Custom filters exclusions are another thing that I still need to tackle.
  12. Hi @crimsonnight, sorry for the delay; I went to bed shortly after posting that. It looks like the email went out to you last night on schedule. I just re-sent it again. Let me know if you receive it.
  13. Hi @crimsonnight, per PayPal, I've switched it to use a different payment provider, but the old page is still cached for some people. Try pressing F5 to refresh the page. The automatic matching is tricky because it's easy to make matching mistakes if we get too lenient in the matching process. That said, I know it's not ideal. I have an item on my list to allow you to go through non-matches at the end of the process and easily choose the item to match them to.
  14. Good point, guys, and super easy fix. I'll make it a priority.
  15. Ah, bah. I will reset the cache. Thanks for the purchase and thanks for letting me know! :)
  16. Hi @23spec, you should be able to purchase now without issues at https://www.launchbox-app.com/premium. Thank you very much! Let me know if you have any problems.
  17. Oh, weird. So it's an actual video format too? That's sounds really fishy to me.
  18. Awesome! Thank you! Literally what happened with PayPal...they saw I use the word ROM on my site and said "OH NOES! YOU MUST BE ILLEGALS!" and then ripped everything out from under me last night. Oh well, we're in a better place now anyways. :)
  19. Boom! Got everything set up with Stripe. We're in a better place now. :) Give it a shot and let me know if you have any issues. Thanks much!
  20. Hi @Apothic, welcome. Apologies for the trouble; PayPal is giving me problems right now. I will have an alternate payment solution up in an hour. :)
  21. Very cool @winkdot. I think ORB is my favorite. Graphics are suprisingly good too. Feels a bit like a classic arcade game from the 80s. :)
  22. You might be onto something, actually. I'll take a look. :)
  23. Thanks @winkdot. Gonna download some and give them a shot. :)
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