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LaunchBox Community Forums

Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Can you screenshot me those records? I'll take a look.
  2. Just pushed an update to the site to fix the semicolon issues and the region displayed as a number issue.
  3. That definitely needs added. The My Collection features have never really been fleshed out very well, mostly because they were not popular back when that feature was built years and years ago. Regardless, I should hopefully be able to add that here soon.
  4. @Prince Unfortunately I had to delete your comment. It was not your fault at all. RULLUR, who's since been banned, changed his name to something vulgar and then liked the post, and unfortunately that was the only way to remove the vulgarity from the forums. I understand your issue though. How many pages of entries did you used to have in your Changes Status? Edit: Also, what is your gamer tag on the games database?
  5. I think this is an issue with how the regions are displayed (using the key instead of the name), not with how the submissions are working. I'll get that fixed.
  6. That link is actually slightly easier to use. Sometimes it's just hard to trust that MS won't change those links. They want you to link the one on top of the thread.
  7. Alright, the moderation performance issues should be fixed. From what I'm seeing, things seem to be the fastest we've ever had for moderation performance. Let me know if anyone sees any additional issues.
  8. In fact, I am seeing some moderation delays that are much longer than expected. I'll be diving into this tomorrow.
  9. Moderation does still take a bit sometimes. It's best to wait it out and not refresh the page. We're working on improving the performance there. It's not hung up though. Edit: Apologies, I should clarify. I don't *think* it's getting hung up, but I could be wrong. It's also possible that there are some issues that remain from the previous moderation queue that came in before we fixed the issues in this update, so that could also be the cause.
  10. I've updated the site to no longer require email verification for existing accounts, so we should be good to go on that.
  11. That's probably because your email was never verified. Please use the forgot password tool, which will send you an email, and get you all squared away.
  12. Hey all, just a note that we put some significant updates and fixes into the LaunchBox Games Database website today. Please see below:
  13. Hey all, just a note that we put some significant updates and fixes into the LaunchBox Games Database website today. Please see below:
  14. Hey all, just a note that we put some significant updates and fixes into the LaunchBox Games Database website today. Please see below:
  15. Hey all, we've been working behind the scenes on significant updates to the LaunchBox Games Database website. Most of the changes we've been working on are backend things that will allow us to better develop new features in the future, but there are some changes and fixes that you should notice with this update: Slightly better search results Much faster search Better URLs and SEO Slightly better performance all around Slightly better performance with moderation (though it can be better yet and we're still working on it) Fixed all known issues with data not updating after approved (such as game and image deletions not working, etc.) Fixed all known issues with duplicate games being added Thanks for bearing with us on some of these issues, as I know some of them have been around for a long time, such as the deletion bugs. As a moderator or contributor, if you are used to doing anything special as the result of these previous bugs, please refrain from doing those things in the future. Generally, we don't want workarounds like that at all, and especially not now that the issues are fixed. If you run into any new or additional bugs, please let us know in this thread. We've tested this build to the moon and back, so we're rather confident in it, but we also changed a lot of code, so it's possible that there might be something we missed somewhere or other. We can use this thread to discuss any remaining issues. However, let's not discuss feature requests here, please. Now that we've finally updated the website to the latest technologies and fixed the issues, we're very excited to add new features. We also have a complete re-theme coming here very soon. Thanks all!
  16. Thanks @CLE. There are definitely good apps on Android for emulation, but I do agree that they are few and far between. For most platforms, RetroArch has single-handedly saved the entire experience, in all honesty. Without it, only a small handful of platforms would be worth emulating.
  17. You might need to grow a larger potato. It's worth a shot though. A lot depends on what theme you use and how image- and video-heavy it is.
  18. No, it should not affect frame rates. Android "freezes" apps when they're in the background, for the most part. LaunchBox doesn't do anything in the background. It's possible that LaunchBox might take up some RAM, but Android is supposed to solve this issue automatically as well. It does not need Google Play services. Regardless, though, LaunchBox does not necessarily run well on potato devices, so your mileage may vary, depending on the device. But it's free to try out.
  19. This is ultimately what we do. To some extent, we do realize that the community is not always right. We've seen that time and time again, where we end up implementing a feature that nobody uses, because it looked good on paper, but people didn't realize that they weren't actually going to use it. So, yes, I get where you're coming from here. We used to make polls that had like 40+ items on them and just threw all the ideas on the wall and let the community vote on all of them, but we've changed the polls now because of the above realization. So now we're putting out much smaller polls, and we're considering all of the following when deciding what items to actually put on the poll: How many votes on Bitbucket Whether it's well defined or not How difficult the implementation will be Our own thoughts as to whether users will actually use it or not Whether it comes up on the forums regularly or not I'm sure there's more that goes into those considerations, but that's the gist. Even still, people's opinions will always vary, and we do have to focus on the majority most of the time, because the majority makes the most users happy. But at this point we also know that literally no matter what we do and no matter how we do it, some people will be unhappy. And we have to be okay with that.
  20. Great to hear. Glad you're back up and running.
  21. It's worth noting that this release, which apparently is being complained about here, focused only on LaunchBox itself, and not Big Box.
  22. First things first, it's probably best to reinstall the latest version over top of your LaunchBox folder. So download the latest setup, and then run it and install it over your current folder. Do make sure you install it to your existing folder and not a LaunchBox\LaunchBox folder.
  23. All noted. Changes that are made are mostly the changes that are voted the highest on the polls.
  24. Android can unfortunately be kind of hard to predict due to the sometimes wonky software versions that manufacturers put out, but looking at the site, I don't immediately see any reasons why it wouldn't work. RAM is a common issue on some lowend devices though, so if you make sure you have at least 8 gigs of RAM, that will help.
  25. Thank you much. I have this in for the official release.
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