Changes are already coming to LaunchBox, right now the Metadata is only distributed when LaunchBox goes through an update and it's Local XML is updated. The end goal, and what Jason is working on this week, is to make LaunchBox fully communicate with the Database. As it stands, it only partially does. The changes are going to be made to LaunchBox regardless, how we handle what we do with the Platforms will be irrelevant as long as it works. The "Scrape As" option does make sense if they're all separated, however I believe that is another layer that we don't specifically need. The merged platforms with alternate naming should work as is because all of that data will be on the Database, it will just be merged and cleaned up instead of all spread out all over the place. It can eliminate extra bandwidth usage and many duplicate pages. We don't need some games 2 or 3 times on the Database when the underlying system is exactly the same, like Famicom and NES. Regardless of what we choose the changes to allow either of those are already going to happen this week.