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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. If you don't put a password then it shouldn't ask for one. I think it was included so that Kids can't exit and mess something up on the host machine.
  2. On the second screen shot see where it says 1.96GB usable? You need to get Windows 10 64bit ASAP. You're losing 6GB of RAM. As for RetroArch, watch the tutorials I cover RetroArch a lot and the MAME tutorial. I would say to get a .171-.173 MAME Pack and get the corresponding MAME. The reason why you're having Sound issues is most likely due to incompatibility.
  3. Actually, already planned and has a ticket. Use the BitBucket search.
  4. Already planned actually.
  5. Oh I missed that. No we more than likely won't develop an emulator, like Monkus said that is way bigger. We also don't ship or won't update the emulators in app because that may break their general terms of service or licenses and we can get in trouble if we break them. What we do distribute we are allowed to because their license allows for it. The confusion is why I started the tutorial series. There may be other things we can do to certainly enhance or make the general users job a lot easier, but in the end LaunchBox was already that answer to other more confusing front end's and the tutorial series we believed was one of the best ways at this time that we can help further. We choose RetroArch because it is one of the better all-in-one solutions with a general feature set and setting arrangements for everything they emulate and run.
  6. I may not hit all the points but some I will hit right now: Everything on YouTube has a chance to change and ScummVM for a tutorial has been kicked around but it's going to take some fiddling from me to get it work right. I am working on Amstrad CPC right now for tomorrow actually. All of those LaunchBox Games Database suggestions are great, some of the requests are coming or have been requested, but the best place to check is the specific LBGDB Sub-forums and the specific LBGDB BitBucket, not the LaunchBox BitBucket. Go to the Database and click the Request button at the top, should take you there and you can search, vote and request. Try not to cram too much in to one ticket because then it will just get jumbled and lost. Suggested emulators will be on the Software side primarily. As far as other OSes we would go to? Android seems to honestly be the next logical place like you are talking about. It would still need to be a device with decent power, but Android is becoming more and more outstanding. Linux and Mac are our other goals for Desktop PC's but to be honest we have one coder and a long list of features and requests for what we already do have. If we ever get to a point where we think we can start porting code to other systems we'll let the community know. I can say that chances are we will not be making our own Linux Distro, we would probably target Ubuntu and Debian as they're the most common distros.
  7. Wait, if you have a 32bit machine but 8GB of ram your system is only using 3GB. 32bit OSes can only use a max of 3GB, you need Windows 64bit. Which core for MAME? The core labeled "mame" with no year should be one of the latest mame versions. Do all of your games have sound issues? There might be some RetroArch settings to change or you need to update your Drivers for your system. To update my drivers I use IOBit's Driver Booster (yes it actually works) http://www.iobit.com/en/driver-booster.php If your sound drivers need updating that could fix it, some sound settings in RA and also make sure you're using that regular "mame" core and not MAME 2010 or 2014. That said, try a few games because the games you are choosing may be emulated wrong. The other alternative if none of that works is to use regular MAME. If you have a MAME 171, 172 or 173 pack then grab the MAME version matching the version of the MAME pack you downloaded, add that to your LaunchBox install, click on a MAME game then Ctrl + A to highlight them all, then right click edit to bring up the Bulk Edit Wizard. From here change the emulator from RetroArch to MAME and see if that makes a difference.
  8. Some alterations can be made to fix washed out colors like you did from being scanned improperly but we can't ask anyone to really do this sort of thing. If someone wants to do this, then more power to you we greatly appreciate the efforts being made. However, a general user may not have Photoshop or GIMP, know how they work, have the knowledge or even drive to do something like this. If you want to clean up an image then please do we appreciate it. We won't accept made up images, that would be Fan Art more or less, but if a cover was scanned poorly and that is pretty much all that exists (or can be found reasonably) then yea we would love for it to look more like it should. If there is only 1 image that can be found and it is horrible quality then we're going to accept it on the basis that it's pretty much the only one and not ask more of the user then we already are.
  9. Which system are you emulating? What are the specs of your PC? What version of RetroArch do you have installed? What version of LaunchBox are you using?
  10. So yea I'm not saying our importer is not off in some way or that we don't need to fix something (stuff can always break randomly), but you were saying nothing for you is being imported and I am, at least, still getting 1,500 or so games importing.
  11. I have the first Time Crisis, but I also don't have a CHD pack so that may be hampering what gets imported.
  12. Or delete your MAME roms, and import your new roms and uncheck all the metadata boxes. As long as the System name stays the same all the existing video, music and images will still be there for the games. If you have new games with nothing, Ctrl + A to highlight all of the games and use the Tools -> Download Images and Metadata option but choose the option to not replace anything. This will update the items with nothing. The way Derek said works great as well, Notepad++ is fantastic and that method is much more for power users who want to garner better control.
  13. Yea once you already compress / remove junk data or the existing data compressing it again wont really work. You can put a zip in a rar in a 7zip, but you'll be gaining virtually nothing but getting longer decompression times. Dolphin works like a dream with WBFS, CISO, CSO and GCM formatted games.
  14. I don't think anything is broken though. I just imported the .173 set, unchecked Rythym and Mahjong games and just imported 1,572 games. No CHD's.
  15. Well, currently they're the only place with an API that is letting us tap in and download video from our application. This could change in the future, someone else comes along or what not but if you want Video maybe grabbing the cheapest option so you don't have a cap, etc would be worthwhile? However, a Lifetime isn't all that much considering, and if you end up buying the cheapest option a few times when updates to the video come out then at a certain point it would have just been cheaper to get the Lifetime membership really. You could go through YouTube and find Commercials, there are websites dedicated to it, and you just need to name the video the name of the game and plop them in the correct video -> system folder. If you want short gameplay clips you'd probably be able to find them on YouTube, some other sites, but you'll obviously need to do all the leg work. Everything you want is probably already out there, it's a question of how much time do you want to spend or would you rather spend a bit of money and free up a lot of time?
  16. If those require chd's they may not import properly. I have a new MAME set I need to import so let me run the importer for this for you.
  17. Potentially. If the information is kept in the XML you could try searching up the name of the game and video. I can't exactly remember but the folder option may be pointing towards the 1 video but that doesn't explain why it plays for everything... My best possible guess is it sounds like potential XML corruption. Clearing out the video's for the entire system (regardless of if you download them again or not) may work.
  18. We are using the info from 172, so if you have a 170-173 set pretty much all the names should be fine. The last I did a MAME import I imported it as Arcade, more or less left the settings default and got about 4k games with proper names.
  19. That probably wont give you much after you've WBFSed it, but I would say to not do that to disc based games. Unless you have a really good PC that can decompress a 1-7GB file in seconds, compressing disc games is more trouble than it's worth. WBFS is the best possible solution for Wii. CSO, GCM, PBP being for other systems.
  20. Yea RocketLauncher likes doing what ever the hell it feels like. xD Part of the reason I try to say to just not use it, but...
  21. dukeemu said Hello everyone, I would like to know if anyone could be interested in Italian translation. I don't want to promise anything, but if is good, I would like to give it a try. Let me know if this work is already taken from someone else or it can be useful for Launchbox. At your service! We would love to be translated in to Italian. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/translating-launchbox#p2388
  22. CISO compressed, it's in the name, but if you already scrubbed the game it doesn't get compressed.
  23. So then broken how? My assumption means broken as the name is still the internal naming that MAME wants them to be and not the actual name of the game.
  24. Yea we don't know the Status of the previous German Translator, @m3TTwUrsT offered and we had accepted.
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