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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. So first make sure you use the default Platform names for the best scraping possible. You can change the name afterwards. Second, that error is referring to the Associated Platforms list. If you select the name from the drop down it should automatically fill that tab in. If the name of your system is not in the Associated Tab then just add it yourself. Make sure to check the Default Emulator box in Associated Platforms as well, that will make this the default emulator when games are being imported. If you add other emulators to test later you need to use the Bulk Edit wizard to change the emulator. Also, we have tutorials on our YouTube channel to help people out. You can get there by clicking the link in my signature. Edit: Well everything I said is still true, except I was a bit wrong. The emulator name is PPSSPP, but that error is because that is not a proper location for your PPSSPP exe. Click browse and use that, find the exe and double click on it in the browse window.
  2. Yea, just add and name them what ever you want. Those are just suggested defaults, they're not the only thing you can add. You can literally add what ever you want to LaunchBox.
  3. RetroArch has it's quirk's, but so does everything else. It's more of a question who's quirk's do you want to deal with today? xD
  4. That's odd. Honestly no, I don't have any advice for making it lower. However, at the top of the page is a Request Feature button. Click it and add Volume Controls (or what ever you want to call it) to the tracker so that it can get added in the future. Normally I ask users to make sure to search and check that their request hasn't been requested, but I know this one hasn't. I am unsure if there will be anything we can do to make Windows remember it, I am unsure if that is a Windows thing or a LaunchBox thing, but volume controls should certainly be possible for Music and Videos.
  5. That is strange... The menu that pops up sometimes when you press F1 in game is just the Quick Menu. When a game is loaded it's at the very top of the first tab. You can also just press F1 again to go back to your game. As far as the rotation... I honestly have no idea. I've never needed to rotate it. If you still have the rar / zip file of RetroArch that you downloaded (I keep them around for this reason) take out a clean RetroArch.cfg and replace your existing one. Deleting it and letting RA re-populate it wont work, it will completely re-populate and you don't want that.
  6. DOS76 said This is weird when you go into the edit form all of the command line text boxes are greyed out and you can't enter anything in them. Because you need to use the one under emulation. Those aren't greyed out for anything else, just when you have the Emulator box checked.
  7. Well that's a combination of Shader and Overlay. Personally myself, I don't use any scan line or CRT shaders, I generally prefer proper upscaled graphics. There is a thread on the forums about RetroArch and shaders though, you should look it up.
  8. I have had issues where manually named Configs would give me some trouble. As long as you "Save new config" with the Lynx core loaded, then make a copy of your new Lynx specific cfg file you should be good.
  9. What are you referring to with SSE? Also, there are options like in PCSX2 to deal with bobbing, weaving and interlacing but technically speaking this isn't common when it comes to most emulators. Considering this is a PS1 core deal too, if it did exist would be in the core settings, but it's not.
  10. You can add any config to anything you want. You can make multiple configs for the same core if you felt like it. I would create a second platform though, WonderSwan Color then WonderSwan Color Vertical. Both use the same core, but using different configs. Make sure to create a new line in Associated Platforms for the new system you add too. The reason I say to create a new system is so that you don't have to do each game 1 by 1. If you only have 1 or 2 vertical games though create a the new config for vertical then edit the individual game instead. When you edit a game, on the Emulation tab there is a Default command line box here as well. This is specifically for that game and takes precedent over the Associated Platforms -c command because it is loaded second.
  11. I have covered it in the tutorials but basically load your core, then on the first tab in RA go down to "Save New Config". This will create a new config based on the current config you had loaded and carry over the settings. So Create one based on the RA cfg and it will name the new config after the core. The new config is in the config folder. Set up the -c command after -L in Associated Platforms. Then when you open a game in LB it should load the config. From there then make the new changes specific for that core in the new config. When you're done making them make sure to go back to the first RA tab and "Save current config" or the changes will get lost. If the Wonder Swan settings are close to the lynx open up RA with no game (so right click open RA), then load the Lynx core then load the config. You can manually load a config on the load config line. With the new core loaded and the old config loaded save a new config now. It will create a new one for the Lynx core. Add the -c command for the new Lynx cfg for the Lynx core and repeat and change the few settings you need to.
  12. DOS76 said 1) When using RA to emulate Wonderswan and Lynx how do you get vertical games to rotate? 2) When using a computer with multiple monitors how can I get Wonderswan and Lynx vertical games to display on my vertical monitor. 3) How will RetroArch run on lower end hardware probably nothing past 16bit maybe an attempt at N64. I want to replace some of my standalone emulators on my handheld tablet setup. 4) Does RetroArch work with touch of will I need a controller or keyboard connected to my tablet to configure it. I would say Core Options, but if not there, there is a Rotation option under Settings -> Video. Under the same video options "Monitor Index". Use the custom config command. Save a new config with either core loaded then load the new config then make your changes. RetroArch will only run on 32bit and 64bit systems. If the current GUI is taking up too many resources or you want the lower fidelity version change the GUI options to use RGUI. Under the settings tab, Driver -> Menu Driver. Change it from XMB to RGUI. RetroArch does work with touch, I have it installed on my Android tablet. However that is a specific build, I don't know where to go and change it.
  13. Options for anything with be on the second tab in RetroArch, the settings tab, and in there are several menu's for various options. Otherwise, there is also core specific options. When you load a core press F1 to open the menu. A new menu on the first tab will be there called Quick Menu (you might start in it) and then you can go down to Core Options in the Quick Menu. There is probably no interlace or deinterlace option though, that is generally a physical hardware thing. Emulators aren't specifically designed to show the video one way or the other. Interlacing had to do with Analog signals or CRT's and older plasma's. So either there is an incompatibility with that game or a different setting in the core or RA settings. Are you on the latest RA build? Have you updated the mednafen core recently? Have you messed with any of the settings?
  14. No problem, that's what I'm here for. If you need more help we have a tutorial series on our YouTube channel that you can get to from the link in my signature.
  15. I'm happy Yabause and SSF are progressing once again.
  16. As for images, as long as they're the name of the game you can just drag and drop them in to the folder, but it probably could use expanding. Knowing about the Database though you see why it wasn't a priority. Custom Fields, Tags and Filters, like anything else, can always use expansion. If you have a decent sized library and some drop down menu's and especially custom filters are giving you lag and then crashes, I am not surprised. That needs a performance upgrade. If you are trying to change the custom filters, change it and try to wait a min before doing anything else. I lag during that myself with 15k items in my library. That's a known bug we need to fix. Because it's crashing too is probably the reason why nothing is saving. If you have any feature requests you're more than welcome to use the "Feature Request" button at the top of any forum page. I ask that you try to search first to see if your request already exists and vote on that ticket instead. Same goes for bugs. If a ticket exists sort of, and you want to expand on it further you can leave a comment on the ticket.
  17. Why does that not work? Rom import or drag and drop, the filter feature will give you ONLY the files you have searched for. If you need multiple passes it's easier to do that in the Rom Importer instead. Windows search is your extension filter.
  18. Yea that was going to be a suggestion of mine, glad it was figured out. Look, I had to sleep some time in the course of 24 hours... (I have REALLY bad sleep)
  19. duhmez said Perfect there it is! I wil then humbly request that the part whrre it says click the "send feedback" link be fixed to say "feature request" ! For the rest of the people! Where does it show this? It could say that anywhere. It used to be called Send Feedback and everyone missed it.
  20. Well games are more expensive to make, so they just realistically take a bigger cut of the digital sale. Granted, I do think a digital sale should be slightly cheaper than a retail sale, less people to pay, but at the end of the day games are more expensive to make. Right now Candada has a huge problem with their dollar, hence the higher prices. They didn't raise here in the states. A game is still $60 besides optional DLC. Really, Optional DLC is the reason game prices haven't risen (save for Canada's inflation). A lot of conspiracy goes in to developers holding back parts of the game for DLC when in reality a small few do this. There will always be people trying to cut corners, but for the most part that is not a common practice at all. In some cases I am glad to pay for it, like Fallout 4. I got that for 25% off before launch and same with the Season Pass on PC like 2 months before release. xD
  21. My guess is either the Update corrupted during download, install, incorrect file permissions or the XML got corrupted during update? Jason might know more than me on this though.
  22. Renting was super popular for a reason, I know I rented a whole hell of a lot. Not all games were that expensive, it depends on the cart. Back then space was a premium, that's why It was discs that severely dropped the price.
  23. Nathan DiYorio said Tags would be useful for giving a game specific search terms without adding any new fields to the navigation pane... it makes LB more useful and also reduces screen clutter. Yea that's how I thought of it, but I still have to always check and ask if so and so meant this or that. Sometimes people don't realize the features that we do have. Tag's I can see being very useful, but I wonder how much more useful if / when we have our metadata more uniformed through the LaunchBox Games DB.
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