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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. lordmonkus said Lol, I knew you would have the proper way of doing it :P Mine was just a quick dirty test way that I could find quickly. There's no wrong way to do it if nothing breaks and it works in the end.
  2. supermario56 said Glad to hear about the navigation update! For the suggested alternate view, this has more to do when browsing for new games that you never played before, boxes give an great neat look at the collection, but in-game snaps are more useful to get a better idea about actual game. I know that you can click on each game and look at the details panel for game snaps, but that is the problem, you have to click each game to see what it actually looks like. For example, when inviting friends to play, most don't remember the names of the games they want to play, and they end-up clicking on each cover to see if that's what they are looking for or if is something they would like to play. Well it'd be no different then picking up a game, a movie, a book (If any of you actually still use physicals) and reading the back, or opening up a PS2 game and reading the manual. This is just for the sake of argument though, I'm not saying that it still couldn't be a feature.
  3. Between wanting money and the fact that I guarantee these emulators still suck right now (3DS, PS3, 360, Wii U) I am just not currently interested. Much more interested in Saturn, N64, PS1, Dreamcast and up getting worked on. Obviously these devs can work on what they want, I'm not saying they can't, but we're years out on it being playable and everyone will need a seriously better PC.
  4. The command I teach is actually -c "config/config name.cfg" but if --Config works then that's great. If you want to apply custom configs to the entire core use the -c command after -L in Associate Platforms. If you want a custom config for just 1 game, Edit a game and put it in the default command line parameters box here, right below where the rom path is. Game command lines take precedent over console wide since they happen second. I do also suggest using Super Grafx, hell this was the only way I could get TurboGrafx CD to play. For the record too TurboGrafx 16 and PC Engine are the exact same console. They just look slightly different and one came out in Japan. Otherwise they're the same. You'll also have better scraping if you use TurboGrafx 16, this is why we suggest defaults. We do look for alternate names in a lot of cases but it's not a comprehensive list. If I missed anything let me know.
  5. supermario56 said Hello everyone, sorry for posting this in the beta testing, but I think there should be an option to use either boxes or in-game snapshots as part of the default view in LB and BB. So far its easier to find complete or close to complete sets of in-game images for most platforms, than for box arts, specially imports. Also, and I think this is already in the to-do list, but hopefully there could be an option to jump quickly between letters while browsing games. Cheers, Quicker navigation with letters or hitting a letter on your keyboard is coming. As for the images I am unsure if we're going to change it up all that much honestly. Between LBGDB, EmuMovies and Wikipedia quite a lot is covered but there are certainly holes. The reason why I am unsure if we're going to even bother trying to offer alternatives is because we have our own Database now and we're confident that we're going to be able to start filling in those image gaps so that alternative images are less and less common.
  6. Freestate said Please can you contact Jason Carr to do this configurations automatic when adding roms? There's a ticket open. See https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/293/improve-atomiswave-naomi-demul-support-rom I've already responded to you on the other thread. Please don't start posting the same reply to multiple threads. He already knows about this.
  7. Adding command line parameters isn't a workaround, that's how we achieve a lot of what we do. However, adding that to LB to happen automatically is certainly something we can achieve, or have it be a check box when editing that platform (Like the Project 64 options).
  8. Freestate said Please can you contact Jason Carr to do this configurations automatic when adding roms? There's a ticket open. See https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/293/improve-atomiswave-naomi-demul-support-rom Just check the MAME box during import. He already knows about this. Edit: Unless you're not talking about scraping the metadata during import. If you are talking about scraping then just check that MAME box.
  9. Yea, I never put stuff like this on C drive anymore because of this. It's stupid. Either way I am glad you got it fixed.
  10. fromlostdays said I konked out early, but I'd be happy to go over it again and give you more details this evening, and examples of what I mean. Do you want to discuss this somewhere that's not a public forum? By the way, if you ever want or need someone to proof the text, I'd be happy to. If you've got Steam or Skype you're more than welcome to add me. The reason I don't mind here is because I want anyone to be able to help me, but in case of people not wanting to be spoiled of my game (this is all weird stuff to say when talking about MY game...) then it would probably be a better idea for us to talk elsewhere.
  11. As we get more feature rich or we implement behind the scenes features sometimes they can slow things down. Before the final release Jason can look and review the code he's recently implemented to find ways to speed things back up a bit. Sometimes this isn't possible at the time and is possible in later versions. 5.5 was closely after the big speed up of the program.
  12. WinRar 5 onward had the option for the new algorithm. If you try to create an archive you can see the check boxes.
  13. There was a ticket about this too, probably not, no. Most of these video's are 480p, meaning that it is 4:3 usually. This isn't always the case, but generally (especially for the older games) the video is is 4:3 (a box). The black bars are added because it is being displayed in a 16:9 aspect ratio. WMP automatically stretches out the video which squishes and bends the pixels to how it feels like which means that the video is distorted and extra blurry usually. VLC by default adds the black bars because it is attempting to play the video in the correct aspect ratio. At least this is the most likely scenario. I don't remember if WMP automatically stretches 4:3 content. For anyone who asks if the video player should be put in 4:3 like the video, just know that if you have 720p video or video in a 16:9 aspect ratio then there would be black bars at the top and bottom. Letter boxing 4:3 content is a standard. There are newer and different methods to stretch 4:3 video so that the center of the video is less distorted and stretched and the edges take most of the distortion. This scaling is in the latest Kodi but I am unsure if VLC could do that. It would also cause weaker systems to use more resources to play the video.
  14. We utilize all of it. What you "need" for mame is Front box Art (check all of them to make sure you are covered, some games don't have some variants) and flyers. Make sure LaunchBox Games DB, Wikipedia and EmuMovies are checked and you can check the box to prefer EM. To complete the package a bit Video and Music would be a great addition, but that's more space and obviously not for a slim install which is what I assume you're trying to accomplish. Of the two, Music would be the best. It adds a bit more atmosphere and is smaller than the video (though those video aren't all that long and usually not in 720p, so they're fairly small). Otherwise, If you're not going for a slim install I say download it all honestly.
  15. For curiosity's sake too I was curious about rar vs rar5 specifically. I knew it was better, but not to what extent. When you're choosing a compression type in WinRAR, "RAR" uses v2.9 (sometimes referred to as v4) of the algotrithm, where selecting "RAR5" uses v5. Both are detailed in the wiki article, which others have already linked to. RAR5 supports some additional encryption features, but you're asking which one is better for compression - from the wiki, it looks like RAR5 might by trivially better for compression speed and smaller in some very specific cases, but the advantages appear to be all on the side of the viewer/decompressor: Improved damaged archive recovery Improved file table (meaning quicker browsing of an archive) Multicore decompression support In exchange, you're taking the chance that the end user won't have a program that supports the new format, and won't be able to decompress your archive. However, if you're keeping the archive for yourself or you're sending it to somebody that you know has a program that can view it, it looks like RAR5 is the better format.
  16. Yea I love world interaction, making the character and the world feel real. I didn't make the art at all. I purchased DLC packs for RPG Maker VX Ace and found commercially viable music and art to go along with it as well. I am personally have a big fight with myself over the art. If you compared the MV specific art to this converted Ace art you'd see a huge difference. Yea, I am bad at grammar. I try really really hard but... To literal in what sense? Would you happen to know a piece of the dialogue off hand? Sometimes you can be really close to a project and not see the small things. I appreciate you taking the time to play it! Tell your room mate I said thank you too.
  17. It apparently might be due to the file name length? Are you using "extract here" or the extract to a folder named after the archive? (I forgot the specific name) I can totally re upload it for you if 7zip doesn't work.
  18. Yea I just tested it and it worked, so either the upload corrupted it, the download corrupted or you may not have the latest WinRar / Zzip.
  19. The archive it's self wont open? I used RAR5 to compress it, do you have the latest WinRar or 7Zip? If not I can totally re-upload it as a regular rar file. RAR5 is a more updated algorithm in WinRar
  20. Riffman81 said SentaiBrad said LaunchBox might not be fully supported yet for all instances of how rom's are set up. I'm thinking this is more of an issue with Dolphin rather than LaunchBox... either way, I've removed all my GameCube games from the folders and re-zipped them. All are loading just fine now. Now that LaunchBox has support for compressed ROM files, I'm wondering if it would be possible in a future build to have the user specify a temp directory? Maybe it could be setup on a per platform/emulator basis? The reason I ask is because the games I play the most I'd like to leave extracted. Ultimately, this will save on write/rewrites to the HDD. 11 Could also be useful if you have LaunchBox on an external but your games on an internal drive since internal drives are faster (internal but not your OS Drive, the OS eats most of the read and write cycles so speeds are lowered here) but specifying an internal location for the temp folder can also increase performance too when unzipping the games on the fly.
  21. :O You didn't need to do that! Thank you! I don't know if you had played the previous demo, but thank you very much.
  22. Cadet Stimpy said Ahhh..., will saying, "I 'heard' Jason was sexy", be close enough? It only works if you read it all. ;)
  23. SentaiBrad


    MattHenry said Hey Brad just giving you a hard time, you've been great with everything. Ok I just want to make sure. You never know. As for why their not showing up, I remember reading that MAME will find the overlay's automatically if they're named after the rom file. So I don't know if they need to be in a zipped or unzipped but I would assume it needs to be named after the game inside the Overlay's folder.
  24. All my gaming shirts I get from here: http://theyetee.com/ My wife and I have a ton of them. Another great site is https://www.qwertee.com/. I'm actually wanting that Chrono Trigger daily shirt on the Yetee right now...
  25. So the update is live, and It's finally all ported in to MV. It was seriously seriously difficult and thing's might not look right. Part of me wants to scrap the current set of graphics (well 95% of them) and go with something different... and I might. The layout's and the story would be functionally the same, but an updated coat of paint. For those who just want to try the new release: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5o9i9xo024h30i/Invention%20Descruction%20MV%20Alpha%201%20Win.rar?dl=0 The problem, for those interested, is that all my resources were made for RPG Maker VX Ace. This would be fine if Degica (now the developer of RPG Maker MV) kept everything the same. On one hand, they didn't. My game can now be put on the Web, Mac, Mobile and Linux (in the future) after clicking 3 buttons. No special compiling. They also made the graphics a bit bigger, changed the internal resolution, scaling and handling of graphics. The system is a serious serious improvement, but because of that my graphics are all slightly smaller. There are smart ass people working on trying to get the older graphics importable because there are a lot of Paid DLC Packs for Ace (that I bought) that are asses out. For now, there is a resource convertor for users, but it was something someone made and it has slight undesirable effects. Sometimes lines can be seen on some sprites and since it's scaling up, not down, it needs to interpolate the new data, and because of this they're all a bit blurry. That's fine if this is all I use, it's not too noticeable. If I however stick graphics that were made for MV anywhere in the scene, you can immediately tell. I would love someone to just take inspiration from the packs I am using and just create a giant super pack for me. However, that would cost thousands of dollars I do not have. One avenue is Crowd Funding, but no one gives a shit about my project like that. Not to mention I'd rather not go that route for my first ever game, that seems like a mistake to me. Unless Jason or someone else willing to be an angel investor for me, that kind of stuff isn't happening. If it did though, I could get someone to also write a more cohesive soundtrack. What I have is good, but if you listen closely you can tell who was made from who and what didn't come together. Some blends in together, and the Theme song is meant to be totally different then the rest, but still, you can tell. There are some graphical glitches I am aware of, like the door to the shop at the start, but please tell me anything you find. I've tested this a ton, but I still can't find everything. In the original Demo it stopped you at the PC and I left afterwards to be a surprise for a big update. I've gotten rid of that notion, at least for now, and you can proceed beyond the PC. It is very very buggy in here and shit is all over the place. The room right after the PC for example is a room of big contention with me. I am still trying to figure that out, but you can proceed past that intro room. Past that intro room are several more rooms, but doors and graphics might still be broken as I haven't moved too much past that. As 1 man, you all might notice who played the previous Beta that this doesn't seem like much... but every single map has been updated in some respects, some more than others, but switching engines alone was a giant giant task. It was only due to two great people on some RPG Maker MV forums. One person wrote a script so that I could port all my events over from Ace to MV because the back end system is completely re-done (They moved from Ruby to Java) and the user who created the online tool for everyone to convert their Ace graphics to MV graphics. I also want to thank anyone who read this far down the page, and I appreciate anyone who plays my Demo and my game. I do have a question though, based on the demo and the perceived game that will be based on the Demo, how much would you be willing to pay for the whole game if I went down that road? Granted I know combat isn't in yet, and major story hasn't been divulged yet so maybe your answer will change after combat has been introduced (though I think you can tell my game will have more of a story element to it) but I am still curious at this point in time. I still haven't even decided honestly If I want to to go down that road at all. For those who made it this far, tell me Jason is sexy so that I know you made it down this far. ;) We can keep that our secret. :P
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