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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Sexy woman sells to young men! xD $30, must have been right before or during the crash because before the crash then after the resurgence games we're easily $50-$90 even up to the N64. I remember Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time costing us (and by us I mean my dad) something like $75-$80 brand new when it first came out, so that was 1998? It wasn't until discs that games became severely cheaper.
  2. Cadet Stimpy said SentaiBrad said I have a PS4 now... I'm still probably going to update I had researched this months ago and couldn't find squat, so thanks for this news, Brad. SentaiBrad said ...need to buy a new car New Car??? Take the bus - you need that PS4.5! The bus actually isn't viable. If it even shows up, which it doesn't half the time for where we live, it would take an hour and a half for her to get to work with the Bus, and it doesn't run when she normally gets off work which is about 10PM to midnight. xD So yea... Also what's news? That we have a PS4 or that despite being mad at this I'll still upgrade after I am done being an adult for the year? :P Unless I can start making headway on my game and then am able to sell it and people buy it, we win the lottery or YouTube suddenly takes off, we'll need a money miracle.
  3. wirtual82 said Another thing I will find very useful: Tagging games and searching them by tags. Greetings! A lot of that could be achieved with custom filters though. As long as the rest of the metadata like Genre, developer and other default metadata is uniform and consistent it should work the same way you are describing. Maybe a tag's field can be added to the Edit view of a game and the Custom Filters but this is more or less what you're asking for right?
  4. CriticalCid said I don’t know if you know the YouTube channel JohnGoodGames: https://www.youtube.com/user/pcmaker2 He uploads gameplay videos of the new emulators with their most recent builds nearly every day. But you have to check on each video in the video description if it’s realtime footage or not. Especially the videos for the original Xbox are all accelerated because the games run on 2-3 fps. Sure none of the emulators could be considered as playable because all of them are still early alpha versions. BUT if you consider that some of them are not even a year old it’s pretty amazing how fast they come to this state. Especially the PS3 emulator got a huge boost in development after they changed their graphical engine to DirectX 12. Yea DirectX 12 is a huge boon to Emulators right now. From conception to play-ability it is really fast and awesome. As the consoles get more complicated though, even with the advances with software and coding, I still wouldn't be surprised if they take years.
  5. Cadet Stimpy said I didn't buy the original PS3; I waited for the Slim (even though I didn't know there'd be one, at first ). That was my plan for the PS4 (I assumed there'd be one eventually), as well, and since I apparently have till the end of the year to save up for it, I thinkin' I can make it, as I only need to save $40/mo. Might have to cut my Mac&Cheese portions in half for a while, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. (If they never made a PS4.5, guess I'd be waitin' for the PS5). I wouldn't be surprised if this became a trend in Consoles. I wish they'd develop some sort of "future port", where you could unplug some older board and plug-in the new and improved hardware, instead of buying a whole new Console. But since that would likely reduce profits, I don't see it happening. P.S. Sounds as if they're goin' with AMD. I'm glad, 'cause now they'll have more money to work on their Zen CPU. Company allegiances aside, they went with AMD for it being cheaper per console and I can certainly respect them needing to make capital to invest in the OS Software and the games software (part of the reason why It's so damn awesome that at $400 Sony is making a profit on PSVR). The argument is you get what you pay for though. Either way, they make their cards their bitch so to speak. It's not like a PC, it's locked hardware and locked software so they can squeeze every bit out of the internals. If it was Nvidia it would be the same difference, so that's part of the reason I still love consoles even knowing they have AMD GPU's and CPU's... well APU's now apparently. We'll still probably get one, but the Nintendo NX is next on our list for console hardware we don't own, then it'll be a toss up between PS4k / 4.5 or Xbox One. It is ironic, Consoles used to have tons of ports and was criticized why they never used them. They were used more primarily in Japan but even in America we got like the Game Boy Advance Player for the GameCube, the PS2 LAN Adapter and the 4mb RAM Expansion on the N64. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony tries to do some upgrade cycle or if maybe Game Stop tries to do that. I doubt we would go for it, I mean as long as we can take the 3.5" hard drive out of our current PS4 and put back in it's 2.5" drive, then the 3.5" transfers over without a hitch it'd be less of a headache, but I don't know if it will. The Nyko HDD Bank that we're using could potentially not fit if they change the design specs.
  6. Everyone can't love my game that much that there is nothing wrong with it. :P I am open to all criticisms. I want to make this as good as I can.
  7. I highly doubt it will cause a crash honestly. I am just wondering if Sony is shooting them selves in the Foot. The PS4 is outpacing PS2 sales, that's insane! It could be part of the issue that Nintendo had with the Wii U though, brand confusion. Most users didn't carry over because of their blue ocean strategy and people thought the Tablet was just an add-on to the Wii. So... it could have bad effects, but I the video game crash was way more severe. Video Games were in their infancy, looked at as for children and had swathes of horrible games. Games cost more back then because of inflation and were horrible! Gaming is more cemented now, it's not just looked at as a toy for kids anymore (which is ironically what saved gaming in the first place because Nintendo called the NES a toy and not a game console so retailers would carry it) and it is in the public consciousness. I highly doubt we could see a crash, but if this thing cost a ton in R&D and not a lot of people buy it, it could be bad for Sony's financials. They finally are turning a profit again in a long time mostly because of their PlayStation division.
  8. I'm still probably going to update, and yea I assume some devs would publish patches to detect PS4.5 and in turn utilize the better GPU, why wouldn't you. But yea, now they need to factor in that scale-ability where they didn't need to before. Textures, draw distance, frame rate etc is what I think the native benefit can be (or patched benefit) could be for regular games. The PSVR already ships with a small box to help the PS4 off-load rendering to the VR unit which probably helps in frame rates. They tout it to be 90 and 120, so. The PS4.5 will probably just ensure more stability and and longevity when compared to the competition but I didn't look at PSVR in that same light. I know they can't compete on power because that is never the point anymore (or it shouldn't be) when comparing PC to Consoles. Also, don't let the story fool you, Microsoft wants to do the same exact thing, so it's not just Sony. I only thing this is a bad idea because of my wallet, but if we made more money or I was just rich you're damn right I would just buy the new 4.5 day one. I am also concerned about my HDD. I have an expanded 3.5" drive in my PS4, 4TB's... or 3TB's I can't remember. I hope (when or if we do get that 4.5) that I will be able to transplant that drive in.
  9. No problem, we certainly love the enthusiasm. People can get easily passionate about it. Yea, we do plan to offer more default insertions like we do when you use the default list of emulators. When you click one, where applicable, command line parameters automatically fill in.
  10. Jason Carr said SentaiBrad said I do notice that currently the Online Library only shows games with front images associated with them, games without the images seem to be excluded. Games without images are not excluded. However, I suspect you're just observing that games without images are missing from the LaunchBox Games Database entirely. Yea once I read that it made sense. I'd still rather like to see an entire list of games even if it's missing the art personally. Though that won't be a problem for much longer. ;)
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f1xmoz99tU I have a PS4 now and while I don't care for the 4k resolution (the video explains how this is technically impossible to render 4k natively on the PS4 even on the new version anyways) I was sort of upset having to buy a New 3DS for the same reason, except that the New 3DS is $200, not $400. If it means that all existing games will get increased texture sizes, increased draw distances, lower load times and especially a faster wireless and Ethernet connection (it is seriously abysmal to download something at a 4th or lower of your total download speed) then yea sadly I'll be on board. This will also probably help PlayStation VR in the long run. However I buy consoles for stability in hardware and cost associated with it (except for PSVR, obviously that's different). I was barely able to get a new GPU for my PC let alone build the new PC I need because my Motherboard is outdated so my 7 year old i7 930 is the max cpu I can get. I am angered but of course I am going to have to get this... it just severely sucks. My wife and I make ok money for where we live, we have low costs. However, we need to buy a new car, we need to pay off a card, we want to move... so maybe I'm just mad because my financial situation sucks rather than Sony trying to advance their tech... but it still angers me. X_X
  12. Ah, yea. Our MAME is currently not built on any merged or even split sets but rather 1 by 1. It's using the regular mame naming database that comes packaged with mame to parse what each rom. Moving to a split set should technically work if they're not all bundled together.
  13. This is more @CriticalCid's wheel house. :P
  14. If all you want to do is add this 1 game you can force import anything, including duplicates (at least as far as LB see's) so my reply still holds true, just manually add the game. Obviously this doesn't work for the entire set.
  15. LunchBox said You didn't even watch the video before you posted it. Austin has his Patreon page, too. Also "you're". Pet peeve. Making money off of something and loving it are not exclusive. I get paid for what I do and I really love what I do. I am able to do this BECAUSE I get paid. I have a Patreon myself (though no one gives a shit) and what I do here is literally my job. I love it so much that I made it my job, not it's my job now I love it or any other devious aspect. I personally don't think Austin is at all trying to deceive us. Since the emulator doesn't have hardware acceleration right now and only uses the CPU, screen capturing can make it lag as that also almost exclusively uses the CPU. So there is merit here. I do respect your opinion on this, every single person is entitled to have one. However, I take offense to the notion that being paid to do something means I can't love it or that I or any one else is scamming people to pay us for something that we could give two shits about. I do love this line of work dearly and I do appreciate the fact that I can get paid to do it.
  16. DOS76 said My bad it was rendering weird where there was just platform and no images when I scrolled down past the platform all the images were there then I hit control - and it changed it to the same way it looked in Edge. Huh, must be a weird hiccup. We still appreciate the testing so don't worry.
  17. I do notice that currently the Online Library only shows games with front images associated with them, games without the images seem to be excluded.
  18. I'm using Firefox and it seems to be working fine for me, but of course there could easily be bugs. It could be that caching is being slow or plugins need updating. I am unsure if the site uses Flash actually.
  19. I don't think it's automatic, you do have to run the process to update it. It is something we can work on in the future as an option, maybe a premium option.
  20. You could just drag and drop the rom file in to LB, use the MAME importer and uncheck the Clone box so that it imports. Or import it as another system, then change it to MAME and manually edit the game's files.
  21. No don't get me wrong, this is still awesome and I am not saying anything bad about Austin but Playable and 100% are two different things. When the frame rate drops that low then it's not playable. PCSX2 still has problems with games too and that is years old now. I just don't think it's going to be as smooth going forward as the devs might want people to believe. If it is, then please let me be wrong because this is cool, but I just doubt it. Hardware acceleration isn't (which is why the GPU is no help right now), controller support isn't in etc. I also wonder what they're going to do with the Gamepad, that is essential for some games too. Like I said it's not just can a game run and run at a decent frame rate, it's the entire package and then some. I also know you know whats up Derek, I am mostly saying this for the benefit of users who casually are in to emulation or who are just starting. I mean look at the Original Xbox, look how little that progress has been and it's been years! Not to mention it's x86 too. I just want people to have tempered expectations.
  22. New Beta is out and we have some awesome news for everyone. The LaunchBox Games Database has some new features: http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/collection/games/SentaiBrad http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/collection/games/Jason%20Carr Some people found this naturally and started to manually do this but it is now built in to LaunchBox. You might notice a new context menu item "Cloud". Create your LBGDB Account and log in to it from within LaunchBox. This is also more or less the framework for the future of the Database because it's going to be the framework for uploading to the DB from within LB.
  23. SentaiBrad


    That's a sexy overlay.
  24. DOS76 said Did you watch the video this looks playable to me right now. How many games did they show and how many scenes did they show of each game? How powerful is their PC to just brute force their way in? It's not live video, it's edited it could be trickery. I'm not saying these devs would do that, but unless emulation technology has seriously advanced without me knowing about it or they're geniuses. I also know that this is Austin's video and not the dev's video but I mean the above in a cursory way. So in this video Austin says this is far off and he still has a lot to do, and even if he didn't say that it was running slow I could see it is running very poorly. I wonder if this is the only game though? The dev could have just worked for 6 months to make this one game playable. Austin said this is 100% but this is far from what I would call 100%. PCSX2 was doing this stuff early on too, they focused on 1 game and got it up and running but it was still shitty. I like Austin, but I think he's just excited which there is nothing wrong with. I am excited too actually, this is awesome! I truly do believe that, but it will take a lot of time for these systems to be emulated properly. PCSX2 is still not done for example, and it is certainly less complicated internally than a Wii U or PS3. The PS4 and Xbox One I actually think will get emulated rather quickly in comparison to the rest just on the merits of it being x86 architecture, except that these require Internet to function so I think that will be the major road block. Day 1 patches and connecting to publisher servers. It takes a lot more than just getting the game to run for it to be considered complete. The Wii suffers from this right now because a lot of stuff is predicated on Motion Controls and those Dolphin Bars only work to an extent. I am just always skeptical when it comes to this stuff because people suck, ESPECIALLY if he's asking money so that users can use it. Even if it works 70% of the time, that is still super fishy to me. It will certainly be interesting to watch this develop. I also want to mention my current trepidation has to do with the emulator and dev, not Austin.
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