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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. DOS76 said PS1 games in .bin/.cue do work in the latest beta there were some issues initially but I think Jason fixed them. Ah, I can't keep up then if that's the case. xD
  2. The latest beta does have support for games that are archived, but currently I don't believe multiple files per zip / rar are supported. There will be an update in the future regarding this. If space isn't an issue I would suggest to leave them out of the archives though honestly, but that is my personal opinion.
  3. DOS76 said Its a driver issue with Windows I don't know if Xbox One has older drivers but that is what fixed recent issues I had with XBox 360 controllers. Well the PS4 controllers use the same drivers and I didn't have any issues, so it could be a system by system case. It is worthwhile to try and roll back your drivers @scottishdad
  4. For closing an emulator from a controller a program called Xpadder or Joy2Key can help you map Esc to one of your controller buttons. The alternative is also AutoHotKey scripts, but I don't utilize them so maybe @DOS76 can help there. Otherwise, crashing is obviously not supposed to happen. If you have a 360 or PS4 controller, have you tried one of these to see if the crashing still happens? Maybe some rogue software like AV software? I'll pass this on to Jason to see if he could think of any other reason why it could crash.
  5. Glass Joe said What I meant is, is there a way to launch directly into a game with mods loaded but bypassing the mod manager? With New Vegas and NMM as an example. Not a big deal if not, just curious for games that use the controller. My mistake, I should've clarified what I meant. New to LB btw, but I'm loving it. Getting all my games set up on the big screen, buying the lifetime pass as soon as I can afford it. Well if you are playing the Bethesda Games you should be using the Script Extenders (I mod these games a lot, I have a modded F4 LP going on on my channel) so the F3SE, NVSE, SKSE, F4SE etc etc. These are essential for modding and they simply go in to your root game install. Either make an additional application or replace the exe in a game entry with the Script Extender launcher. This will bypass the NMM. Even then, if you launch the games from their regular launchers it'll be fine, the mods still load. Edit: Launching your games normally is fine if your games don't require the Script Extender in which case you need to launch from that.
  6. You're asking all the questions I asked my self. Obviously, I can't answer any of them without giving away plot, but needless to say I've thought about all of that a lot and the story will evolve. I hope for it to not stay stagnant and plot will begin to unfold pretty much right after where the demo ends, which is partly why I chose to end it there. I do like him responding to the world around him. I do like that most objects and people he has a response to. That will be something I try and keep in throughout.
  7. Of course there is, it just depends on what you are trying to launch. Let's take Fallout 4 for example, just edit F4's game entry in LaunchBox to point towards the F4SE loader or the Nexus Mod Manager and launch F4SE through that. If there is a mod loader for something simply just edit the entry. You also don't need to replace the default double click either, you can add anything you want as an Additional Application. Edit a game and click the Additional Application tab. In here add the mod loader exe or what ever it takes to load the mods. You can add what ever you want to LaunchBox.
  8. fromlostdays said Sorry about the late reply. I tried copying down a transcript of what was accessible that evening (in terms of dialogue and text) and having the game open and MS Word crashed my comp and I lost it. Since then its been holiday busy. If you have a transcript of all the text (I'm not sure how you're going about making the game) send me whatever you want and I'll proof it all and provide suggestions (for what they are worth). My only beef with this is it would be a huge spoiler. I'm going out on limb here, but it seems like what you need is for someone else to hammer out the details while you progress further into making the game. But it may be early for that. That's what beta testing is for. :D If I'm understanding correctly, you're looking for suggestions now as to not the make the same mistakes throughout the game? I'd say don't worry about that and keep cranking. I can help with the grammar stuff (believe it or not I do it for a living) and like the apartment building looked a little weird toward the roof, but other than that, its good man. You should totally finish and hash that stuff out later. Thanks for wanting to help, I do appreciate it. I was honestly just more curious about what users thought of the game. If they liked what I had so far. Obviously combat isn't in, decision making isn't in, but for the most part this is what the game would look like hopefully more robust. I just want to make sure this is something someone would want to spend their time on or If I really sucked at it and should focus on other stuff.
  9. For the benefit of Slashguns, incase you don't see the response I made to your BitBucket ticket; Magic Engine hasn't been developed for a really long time. If you are having problems with it it more than likely has nothing to do with LaunchBox. When software grows severely outdated and Operating Systems continue to grow, this happens more and more.
  10. Drybonz said DOS76 said How did you get the CD's to run in ME Hey Derek... I remember years ago I was going crazy trying to get Ys and Rondo of Blood to work in Magic Engine. I finally discovered that the problems were mostly with the image format. There were a lot of bad images floating around that ME didn't like. Which has to do with a specific site... that site has been around for a very long time, since I started playing with emulation in 2000. Yea Derek linked to our Tutorials, I would watch those and see if that helps you out.
  11. For the most part that site is cdi's unless it's a Japanese game which it has a high chance of being a gdi.
  12. Mute64 said Thanks brad, ill start the process now then. No problem, sorry for my broken ass English. I am tired...
  13. Right now upload users metadata isn't available, but creating the online library to view take a few min at the most and I had 15k entries (not all of them get added right now anyways).
  14. Thanks for the report. Yea there are a few bugs. Also, just from looking at the pic, the place you're getting your disc images from is slightly notorious for bad disc rips. So if a game from there doesn't work that might be it.
  15. Ah, ok that makes sense. If you are worried about performance you can save a bit of RAM on RAM light systems by still changing the GUI to RGUI. That controller set up is just stupid. >.> Wtf RetroArch. If you want to make your 2D games look better (in my opinion), load up a game and go to the quick menu. Go down to shaders -> glsl -> Retro then choose Pixellate. Change the desired resolution (should be the last line after it's chosen) to x5 then click apply shader. Go back in game and look at how much more crisp it is! :O It doesn't work great on 3D games obviously, but anything 2D it works great. I am unsure how much more power it requires, but it does require more.
  16. nikpmr said Cool. I appreciate you looking into this. This is such a great little app. Of course, we enjoy helping out our users as much as we can.
  17. darthv8dr said Thanks so much for your helpfulness. I'll give this a try since you've been thorough with explaining everything. Launchbox looks like a wonderful front end. Cheers, Eric No problem, I hope you get it working.
  18. We do have the Tutorials that may help you out, you can get there by clicking the link in my signature. Otherwise the Associated Platforms list has two functions. It tells LaunchBox that this emulator (or program) launches files for this system and when the Default Emulator box is checked when you import the rom's or games it knows what emulator to assign it. The other function is Command Line parameters. Sometimes systems, for example like RetroArch, need specific commands for it to work. So RetroArch is set up as the emulator, and since it emulates several dozen systems, you put the System name in the Associated Platforms list and then the command to load the specific core for that system. In this case, you add your program (is it an emulator) to the list. Then under associated platforms just double click the left most box and type in the system name. Check the default box if you want, this only matters for when you are importing the games. If you need to mess around with multiple emulators and the games are already imported you use the bulk edit function. The default command line parameters box can be left alone unless you need to have it use commands for it to work, I have no clue I've never used this program / emulator before. Once that is set up you import all your games. So Tools -> Rom Importing. If they're all single file games (there isn't multiple files per game) then just use the Add Folder option. Otherwise, if they are multiple file extensions or there are other files you don't want to add, use the add files option. Navigate to the folder holding all of the roms (if they are in sub folders it's fine) then use the Windows Search function in the top right to search for the file extension. So in this case "*.z5", let if search, click a game to highlight it then Ctrl + A to highlight them all then click add. Then go through the process like everything else. There probably wont be any metadata as I don't even think we have this system. LaunchBox just uses basic command line to tell the emulator / program that this is the file you need to run and runs it. If you have more questions feel free to ask.
  19. Load the core, then the custom config, then the game manually and see if it knows what to do then? If manually loading the game for the resolution works then there might be something wrong with the configuration on the LB side. I have no clue what would fix this though if that is the case.
  20. lordmonkus said The latest version of Retroarch has per game configs now as long as the core supports it. No clue if the Lynx core does or not. This stuff as far as I can tell is bugged, it always has been. If you're using LaunchBox then I just suggest users to use the -c command in either the Associated Platforms list or when you edit a specific game.
  21. lordmonkus said CRT shaders for 2D sprite based games and just straight upscaling for 3D polygonal games is the way to go for my tastes. I find it funny that you see real hardware enthusiasts trying to clean up their output signal as much as possible to the point that they are investing money into RGB modding their consoles and buying PVMs or upscalers like the Framemeister for modern TVs. And then you have the emulation people looking to recreate the crappy old with the terrible RF connection. Well I don't think people who use emulators are trying to make it look crappy, the image quality is still super clear compared to any Digital based signal but they want to re-create and make their mind think it's the real thing and nostalgic. It might have something to do with collectors being collectors and most emulator users just wanting that nostalgic fix. The collector wants to make it look as best as possible and the nostalgic user wants to be transported back in time? Clearly though this isn't the case for everyone. I have a great games collection but none of my consoles are RGB modded nor do I own a Framemeister... though I do, I just can't afford it. Not to mention my emulation I want it all upscaled and crips like it's being ran through RGB and a Framemeister. I love collecting this stuff but I all always want it to look as best as possible regardless of emulation or real hard ware.
  22. DOS76 said Moved to a different computer to set up number two but have a new snag when changing it to my vertical monitor it displays in vertical but the game launches turned on its side still so then if I go and rotate it it only displays in horizontal on a vertical monitor figured out how to fix this by setting the Aspect Ratio Index to custom and changing Custom Viewport Width and Height. Only problem with that is now up and down are left and right and left and right are up and down so now I have to work on that. It sounds like the monitor isn't reporting the proper orientation, so RetroArch still thinks it's a horizontal monitor. Or, the way Windows says the orientation of the monitor is is not matching up with what RetroArch reads? It could be a bug on RA's end or Microsoft's end. Either RA is reading the screen orientation wrong or Windows is reporting it wrong.
  23. What do you need help with? You really didn't elaborate what you're having trouble with? If you are having a hard time adding stuff to LaunchBox, know that you can add anything as an emulator and anything as a rom. There is no set specific rules. You can add anything you want to LaunchBox.
  24. Not easily because that is not how the system is set up. The Database has 1 entry for 1 game per platform. The easiest way would be to put all your Japanese games in the a Super Famicom system instead. There will be some improvements in the future for handling multiple region games, but quite honestly it's not a huge priority. I believe the working idea for right now is to split some system's up. So Famicom and NES are seperate, Super Famicom and SNES are separate. This won't really help PAL region games though, so more ideally in the long run it would probably be a better idea to have region identifiers. For the most part though most people don't have 3 versions of the same game from 3 different regions. We generally notice, myself included, that users have the exclusives from each region, so there would be no need to mark the region and they keep the version of the game from the region they probably grew up with or are from. The language the user speaks also plays a factor in to what most of their library looks like, if it is mostly NTSC or PAL.
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