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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. You should get a New 3DS. You have 3 Zelda's to play there, 1 is new 2 are remakes (though they look and play way way way better than their N64 versions) and the Wii U has 3 Zelda games too, 2 remakes and 1 new. I do say Remakes because of course they have their Virtual Console. The remakes are older Zelda's but they all look and play way better.
  2. Yea it's pretty fun. I actually own a Wii U and a lot of games. xD It's an extremely fun system. All of Nintendo's systems are, they make quality games. Period.
  3. Yea, needing to know decryption keys is apart of why I say it's no where near 100%. ;) It's about the entire package, not just that it can play games well. That said, I am really surprised at the progress he or she has made. It's pretty amazing.
  4. Yea sometimes the savings are great, sometimes they're a bit on the smaller side. It'd be kind of the same with 7zip or WinRar, the games that can be compressed more will still have the biggest %'s taken off. The beauty about maxcso though is if a game doesn't play right you can uncompress it by dragging the cso back on to maxcso and it should go back to an iso.
  5. DOS76 said WOW! I have an insane PS2 library at around 3.58 TBs so this could probably save me an insane amount of space. Did you test the new files and make sure they worked. I only tested a few, but yea they work. Load times don't seem to take much longer either, if at all.
  6. You could actually use YACC (Yet another CSO compressor) that you use for PSP games on PS2 games, but they don't support large discs (4.8GB+). maxcso was written by some of the PCSX2 devs and supports everything. I had corrupted trying to convert some of my bin games to iso, but once I re-downloaded them and converted them properly (use MagicIso to open the bin and literally just "saved as" with the game name.iso) and then put iso in the name of maxcso and dropped the exe in to my PS2 games folder, I searched "iso" in the Windows search so it would open all my sub folders, then put that in to list view and sorted it by size. So maxcso was at the top with the smallest games first, and I just compressed a bunch at a time. I only ever did 3-4 at a time because it eats CPU and my work (LaunchBox and YouTube) requires my PC.
  7. So yea, compressed all of my PS2 games (it took a while) as .cso's with maxcso and it saved me about 300-400GB? I remember it being about 1TB or so. So it's not as much as them being 7zipped or rared (not as big of a gap as you might think actually) and load times are not perceivably worse. I also don't have to deal with unzipping or raring each time I want to play the games too. I am hoping this becomes a thing for PS1 games too. cue sheets can point at any type of file technically speaking.
  8. lordmonkus said Having a forum chat room would be better and probably more used though I would think. I don't have Steam open often unless I am playing one of my Steam games which actually isn't very many. I have too many Steam games, but it is a random option. A forum or IRC chat would be more functional in the long run.
  9. Actually, we technically have one on Steam. We have a stream group and there is a chat function there: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LaunchBox
  10. I wouldn't be surprised. I can't keep up with every little minutia. Also, this is a perfect case study for why we need a chat room...... @Jason....
  11. lordmonkus said SentaiBrad said Also make sure you use the _GLSL folder, the _CG folder may crash RA. I believe the CG shaders are for Nvidia cards and the GL shaders are for AMD and for the Linux and mobile versions of Retroarch. I use the CG shaders on my main PC with zero issues but I also have an Nvidia graphics card. One other thing I forgot to mention about shaders is that your ability to run certain ones will be dependent upon the power of your graphics card. Yea, Derek is good there for power and the Pixellate shader is fairly low power. Shader + Increased internal resolution (some cores have them in their Core Options which is completely separate) will take the power consumption even further. I didn't know the Nvidia qualification, I just know we've had reports of it crashing for some users.
  12. 15% off till the 31st, then back up to $20. It's actually on of the stories for RSS tomorrow. A very light episode though.
  13. I was asked to hold off on MAME because Jason wants to revamp it in LaunchBox first.
  14. Also make sure you use the _GLSL folder, the _CG folder may crash RA.
  15. Yea, check your PM's in a second Derek.
  16. lordmonkus said Glad you are starting to to love it :) I wouldn't switch from Mame either, stand alone Mame is still far superior. I would say give the Genesis and PSX cores a shot though since they are atleast on par with the stand alones but with far better shaders, ePSXe 2.0 is pretty awesome though. As far as Snes9x goes though it is exactly like the stand alone version but again with better shaders so I see no reason not to use it. The bSnes cores are also better from an overall compatibility and accuracy standpoint if you got a powerful enough system to run them. With the RetroArch announcements coming for every core, but also the specific ones for PS1 I would actually say RetroArch is currently on par, and about to get a lot better.
  17. I get that comment more than I thought I would for the tutorials as well. It's part of the reason why I wanted to do them though.
  18. wirtual82 said SentaiBrad said As for images, as long as they're the name of the game you can just drag and drop them in to the folder, but it probably could use expanding. Knowing about the Database though you see why it wasn't a priority. Re-naming images would be very tedious, though, I must say, I used a re-namer app to make things faster. Anyways, I think Launchbox should support such basic functions in the future. Speaking of filters, I think there should be an ability to select a few filters at the same time, which would exclude all other fields automatically. Currently, you can choose only ONE filter. Even if you don't manually rename it, edit a game and click it's image icon then select the image. It imports it and renames it. A renaming function in theory is a good idea except that it would require a lot of work from the user anyways, there isn't a good way to run an automatic re-namer like that. It is different from FileBot because you still have to tell it the show name before it goes through and fixes it up. It either guesses the show name or you input it, then it parses what season and episode it is based on the information it can read on the files then renames everything. Except in this case there is no basis or starting point. With the open Database though it is going to be less of an issue. We hope for that to be way more filled out then it is so that most users don't have to manually find images. this will hopefully solve that problem for everyone. As for expanded custom filters, I am sure that has been suggested on BitBucket. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues?status=new&status=open&q=custom+filters&sort=-votes Anyone can search for these things, vote and leave comments. If something you want doesn't exist you can create it, then others can vote and comment on it.
  19. That totally works, I just curious. Though you inadvertently made our new slogan, "So intuitive elders can use it!"
  20. Walrus13 said Thanks for pic.....no I dont have that space at all, and i just had a look around the options and cant seem to find anything that could make it. I sort of remember awhile back having something like that space, and it turned out it was caused by adding a game without a platform specified and it sorta bugged out like that. Like how it says it has 2 games for your blank space, makes me feel like you might have something similar, not sure... am far from an expert lol :) If I did I wouldn't be surprised, but it shows all my favorites for all my systems though. xD Regardless, lets add Proper favorite support to the BitBucket tracker for BigBox.
  21. It's a bug that Jason knows about, but thank you for letting us know. We thought we might have fixed it.
  22. https://i.imgur.com/JkKohSo.png Nothing? There might be an option for it, but I don't remember changing anything.
  23. An all tab wouldn't help in this specific case actually. Filtering or a Favorites specific tab to view would be the best possible solution so that it appears like when you open another system. Like I said though, if you highlight the top most line (should be blank) you'll still see your favorites on the left and you can navigate that menu. If you want a specific favorites view in BigBox though you're more than welcome to request it. Click Feature Request at the top of this page.
  24. DOS76 said On 2nd thought couldn't you just use your all platform and then use the favorites custom filter and it would display cross platform favorites There could be an entry marked as Favorites so it gets laid out like a regular System does. Shy of an update though, looking at the Platforms list in BigBox with your cursor all the way to the top, favorites show up on the right hand side.
  25. CADScott said SentaiBrad said Thanks for the report. Yea there are a few bugs. Also, just from looking at the pic, the place you're getting your disc images from is slightly notorious for bad disc rips. So if a game from there doesn't work that might be it. Brad is right, that site has created more issues for me than any other, especially for disc based games! I only use it now for downloads that can be verified with clrmame. There are much better places to look for your disc needs. I still love that site, it was the first site I used in 2000 and there is still a lot of value there. Not every disc is corrupted there either, but they didn't (or maybe still don't) have strict rules for accurate rips. Their GBA collection was notorious for having group banners before the games loaded. Like I said, I still use them all the time, especially because they have a few hard to find items, but I've expanded my website base a bit recently.
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