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Everything posted by CliveBarker

  1. Mejoras en el rendimiento, cacheo y renderización para la vista de arte de caja en LaunchBox Soporte mejorado para configuraciones multi-monitor para Big Box Soporte de marquesinas para gabinetes arcade en Big Box I sent you the translations to your gmail! Good day
  2. Hey Brad, could it be possible to open source the database? I don't really know how this stuff works but maybe that could attract contributors who know how to code and Jason could decide if he merges a change or not. Like Dolphin development for example
  3. Hello! Jason just answered me and the update is legit, he says it is a false positive and LaunchBox is virus free. He will run an antivirus check tonight
  4. If you meant this post It is not official. Jason usually announces versions at the beta test thread and LaunchBox social accounts like twitter and facebook and I haven't seen any official post about the 6.11 update. I have contacted him directly and linked this thread to him, but he is not currently online. It just seems weird to me because they were at the Retropalooza convention this weekend so I thought there wont be any update those days. Anyway there has been multiple user reports similar to this one in the past and it seems that the conclusion is that the antivirus is reporting a false positive. I will wait for Jason's answer and let you know.
  5. Hello What? As far as I know there is not 6.11 version Are you sure it says 6.11?
  6. Wew lads lets keep it calm. I am also an atheist, and some months ago I was going to suggest Jason to make an option to it opt in-out from some religious quotes at the Games Database. But I was going to suggest it so user profiles could have this option. That way we can give a choice to anyone. But honestly I forgot about it and I only notice those quotes when someone speaks about them, otherwise I don't notice them at all. But the more I think about it, the less it makes sense. Like, if a person do not believe X thing, why would that person be bothered by a quote from X thing? Like, lets say I dont like Star Trek, and I see Star Trek quotes all over the place at a forum. Why would that bother me? Those are only words for me, without meaning so why do they bother me? In my opinion, if a person is sure about him/herself, about his beliefs or non beliefs, that person shouldn´t be annoyed by a simple quote, unless that person is still unsure and reading those words sparks something in him/her. Jason and the staff are at Retropalooza so, Tony, there wont be any official statement about this soon i think. Sorry for my grammar and cheers!
  7. CliveBarker

    Hurry up!

    Just give it 10 more years, it will release along with Elder Scrolls VI
  8. My country is in a similar position hehehe 1.4 Mb/s download.... But at least you got Italian women
  9. You are really putting a lot of effort with the Italian translation dukeemu, thanks I didn't know Italy had a bad internet, I just assumed it was good because it is a EU member
  10. CliveBarker


    Damn Jason, that is really nice. I have Brazilian family and these guys seem to be from there, I know their local currency is being devalued a hell of a lot so buying things prized in dollars/euros is ridiculous right now considering their minimum wage. Of course that is not an excuse for their behavior, one can really enjoy LaunchBox for free without Big Box, I did that for a long time. So guys, please be patient and save money to buy licenses if you can. My own currency, the Mexican peso has lost 50% of its value the last year or so, for example if I buy a product that costs $100usd, that would be around 1200 Mexican pesos before the devaluation. Nowadays, $100 usd is equivalent to 2025 Mexican pesos approx. I wrote all that just for you guys to be aware of the situation. And please, if someone cannot afford a license, stick with LaunchBox.
  11. LaunchBox Premium now includes voice recognition for both LaunchBox and Big Box! Attract mode is now available for Big Box LEDBlinky is now supported ¡LaunchBox Premium ahora incluye reconocimiento de voz para LaunchBox y Big Box! El modo Atracción ya está disponible para Big Box Soporte para LEDBlinky
  12. I don't know if it's just my browser and my bad eyesight but I found pretty hard to read the spoilers content. For me the font appears greyed out over a white background, is it the same for everyone? Anyway I read through it all and I agree with basically everything I hope Jason and Brad take some time to read and discuss this, although Jason is pretty busy right now fixing the LB voice commands implementation Edit: I figured out the problem. Do not try to read this while using the forums dark theme.
  13. So it is finally happening Jason, I remember you told me about this a while ago. Good work. Does the engine supports other languages?
  14. Thanks DOS76-sama @flores9 Flores, DOS76 recomienda que intentes editar tu xml con el software llamado Notepad++, tiene una función para reemplazar esa linea(WIKI ID) de una sola vez de todos tus juegos. Pero haz una copia de seguridad de tu xml por si las cosas salen mal
  15. Hi @Jason Carr Flores9 seems to have an ID problem with his XML file. Check this: <Status>ROM importado</Status> <DatabaseID>4184</DatabaseID> <WikipediaID>6084071</WikipediaID> <WikipediaURL>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaahh!!!_Real_Monsters_(video_game)</WikipediaURL> <Title>Aaahh!!! Real Monsters</Title> For some reason he has both IDs (LBDB and Wikipedia) I have checked my own XML and no matter what I do I can't replicate the situation. My XML always has one ID (be it Wikipedia or LBDB but not both at the same time) Is this normal?
  16. Aún así le preguntaré a Jason el porque tu tienes dos IDs distintas en tu xml. Ya reverti todos los cambios que le hice a mi juego de Crusader Kings 2 y me quedo asi: <Status>Imported from Steam</Status> <DatabaseID>9279</DatabaseID> <WikipediaURL>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_Kings_II</WikipediaURL> <Title>Crusader Kings 2</Title> Pero a ti te aparecen dos IDs... le preguntare que paso ahi.
  17. Existe un plugin que te exporta todos los datos de tus juegos a un archivo de Excel, es este
  18. Lo que ocurre es que tecnicamente, no me las descargo per se. Las imágenes se quedaron en mi carpeta de launchbos y estas al ser dependientes de la ID de la LBDB aparecen o desaparecen dependiendo si estan o no asociadas correctamente.
  19. Que porcentaje aproximado de tus juegos tienen este problema?
  20. El proceso de desasociación y de reemplazar metadatos desde el menu de herramientas son diferentes por lo que pude ver.
  21. Hice exactamente lo que me pediste y me descargo las imagenes desde la LBDB correctamente. Pero como dices, no me desasocio el juego. En el menu edit sigue apareciendo como wikipedia. En este caso debe ser que son procesos distintos. Mi xml quedo asi: <Status>Imported from Steam</Status> <WikipediaID>32074247</WikipediaID> <WikipediaURL>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_Kings_II</WikipediaURL> <Title>Crusader Kings II</Title> Lo que concluyo seria que tendrías que desasociar manualmente los juegos que lo requieran desde el menu Edit, a menos que sepas programacion y puedas hacer un script para hacer esto de manera automatica. Yo no tengo conocimientos de ese tipo. No es raro. Al reemplazar los metadatos no borras todo. Solo reemplazas los metadatos que este sujetos al cambio. En este caso la url de la wikipedia no se ve afectada por el cambio.
  22. Todo el proceso de asociacion y desasociacion lo hice desde el menu Edit del juego y simplemente dandole click al icono X y posteriormente dandole a buscar metadatos y seleccionar la entrada de la LBDB.
  23. Al revertir el proceso mi xml queda asi: <Status>Imported from Steam</Status> <DatabaseID>9279</DatabaseID> <WikipediaURL>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_Kings_II</WikipediaURL> <Title>Crusader Kings 2</Title> Las imagenes y metadatos se cambiaron correctamente Como ves, a mi si se me borro la Wikipedia ID de mi xml
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