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Everything posted by CliveBarker

  1. I have a very old AMD cpu and it bottlenecks my computer really bad, specially since I love to play RTS and Grand Strategy games. Those games are heavily cpu bound due to AI calculations and such. Emulators also rely on the cpu. Yes, there is the new AMD Zen cpus coming but they are going to focus on the enthusiast market first ($$$) so I think they will be around 400-500$ and that's too much for me right now. There is a Xbox emulator project in development called Xqemu but the developer struggles to find free time to develop it because of real life issues. The emulator boots some games but at this rate, we are going to have a PS4 and xbone emulator first hehe
  2. At least, after years waiting for this, this mod has been released in English. Basically a whole new game with the Skyrim engine for free and with a more interesting plot in my opinion. Time to reinstall Skyrim... http://enderal.com/
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/id/VeniVidiViciVixi/
  4. And you tested them without overclocking? Thanks for the info man I knew Haswell is awesome but wanted to be sure if the small 10% IPC skylake increment made a difference. "Wish all emulators progressed as fast as CEMU" ....Yeah, I am still waiting for the original Xbox emulator to be functional, my Xbox died years ago and all my games are there accumulating dust.
  5. Hey twasjesto, have you tried any of the newest emulators like CEMU, Xenia, Citra? Do they run well? I want to buy a new CPU but Intel's Skylake is freaking expensive in my country so i´ll probably have to go with a Haswell one.
  6. Hi! You can go here http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/ Under the GamesDB menu you will find the add new game option. Or you can add specific metadata and images to games you want by looking for them
  7. "The first four Dragon Quest installments were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan and North America. The first two installments were released in Japan on NES and ported that same year to the MSX; all four games have been remade for newer systems. Dragon Quest was first released in Japan on May 27, 1986 and in North America as Dragon Warrior in August 1989.[8][27]Dragon Quest II Akuryo no Kamigami was released in Japan in 1987 and in North America in 1990 as Dragon Warrior II. Dragon Quest III Soshite Densetsu e... was released in Japan in 1989 and North America as Dragon Warrior III in 1992. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen was released in Japan in 1990 and in North America in 1992 as Dragon Warrior IV. A 2001 Japanese PlayStation remake of Dragon Warrior IV scheduled for the North American market was never released.[8][28] The Nintendo DS remake of Dragon Quest IV was released in North America, Europe, and Australia under its original translated title; the European release removed the number from the title.[ The game (DQII or Dragon Warrior II) has been released in the next platforms: Famicom/NES MSX MSX2 Super Famicom Game Boy Color Mobile phone Wii Android iOS I prefer Breath of Fire honestly but its been a lot of years since I played a Dragon Quest game, I used to play on my playstation You can check here to see what are the best versions of each iteration of the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/3lyy59/best_way_to_play_16/ http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=949546&page=1
  8. Yeah I was talking more about that type of judgement (more like danger prevention as you said). I do not like to judge someone just by race, or anything like that. I am actually sad by all the things that happens in your country as I have two Muslim friends living in the USA and I know they get bullied a lot because of people judging them. If you were referring to that type of judgement in your main post I 100% agree with you. Thanks for your kind words and don't let your past define your future actions and thoughts.
  9. I actually try to adopt an approach in real life more like yours Jason. I have a lot of empathy ( maybe a bit too much for my tastes) and I always try to comprehend other people rather than just discriminate it. I just cannot evade some sort of judgement. Some years ago I lived in a rural town filled with drug-lords and assassins and very sick people. I lived there for 5 years and maybe I became traumatized by all the horrors I saw. So I tend to automatically analyze my environment looking for possible threats (prejudice).
  10. I played the Rise of Nations Extended Edition but didn't know they had a fantasy spin off. It sucks I cannot find it either digitally, and doesn't seem to be available physically for pc in my local stores. Being honest I will probably going to download a pirated copy if I can't find a simple way to buy it.
  11. Hi Jason. I have reflected about this in the past, I need to say I am an atheist but my reflection doesn't really base upon that. I feel like we are predisposed to prejudice due to survival instincts. Think about it and I will put an example: You are walking on the street at night, not that many people around. You see two guys some steps in front of you standing there, watching you. My first reaction would be to judge them as potential threats even when I have no actual evidence they are dangerous. I think this reasoning is more subconscious than conscious. Mathematically it is more likely for those two unknown guys to be a threat than a third age woman you found on the street. I hope my words are not misinterpreted. I personally think stereotypes suck but the judging problem really is something deeper than just an emotion or thought. Of course, one can judge a person but that doesn't mean you need to materialize that judgement towards said person and insult him/her like that. Animals show this behavior. For example if you walk towards a group of birds they will label you as a threat and fly away even when you are not trying any harmful action. It is just survival. We as humans and conscious beings, have the ability to overcome instincts. So as you said, we can choose to reduce or eliminate this instinct. I just don't know if eliminating it completely would be the best thing to do.
  12. Yeah, we really need another breakthrough in the RTS field nowadays. Battle Realms really felt like something fresh. I have been playing a lot of 2D stuff lately so I am used to the graphics, I found the betrayal at krondor pack at GOG and the reviews are very promising, definitely will play it, thanks.
  13. Thanks, I like games that stand far from the typical good and evil dichotomy. So I will try Dream Web. As for Krondor, I've never played a DOS game before, so this will probably be my first one. My recommendation would be an strategy genre gem called Battle Realms Winter of the Wolf: https://www.gog.com/game/battle_realms_winter_of_the_wolf If you like RTS with a blend of mythical and cultural Japanese aspects this is the game for you.
  14. Don't get discouraged from contributing, just learn from this experience as this is not the proper way to do it. Thanks for your efforts in contribution
  15. Lets all calm down then and wait for official response.
  16. Maybe we should retake the discussion about making public who changes what and who adds what and so on. Pros: It provides a sense of responsibility because by seeing your name displayed on a change, it is more likely for said person to be more careful and dedicated. Cons: This puts some pressure on people and in some cases this could lead to drama and verbal violence due to know who rejects what.
  17. Take some vacations from it FistyDollars, I am sure something will be done to solve this
  18. I feel bad for the people who is going through the hassle of trying to change the platform field for all these games but I have no option but to reject them. I hope @Jason Carr manages to solve this. No pressures, I just don't want this to turn into a battle royal and don't want to discourage people from contributing.
  19. Hi Cid, could you tell me what rejection reason you are giving to all these requests? I am using : "The platforms will get merged soon. There is no need to change the platform field" But I don't know if that explanation is enough
  20. Hi and welcome!

  21. Have you tried loading a game from LaunchBox using a different core(I mean another platform core)? I ask to know if your whole Retroarch configuration in LaunchBox is messed up.
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