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Everything posted by CliveBarker

  1. Una nueva herramienta de auditoría ha sido agregada para administrar juegos y multimedia Big Box ahora recuerda el último juego para cada plataforma y la plataforma utilizada recientemente El rendimiento de Big Box al utilizar VLC ha sido incrementado significativamente 7.5 Spa
  2. Thank you very much for all the time you invested, these images will beautify my collection
  3. Hi there! been a looong time but I remember, and I still be very thankful if you can upload them! Thanks for replying, better late than never
  4. How is your CPU usage when using big box? you could use something like MSI afterburner to check that, that way you dont need to alt+tab to check the performance monitor in the task manager, you can just let MSI AB running in the background
  5. Why are those words overlapping the forums layout?
  6. Hi Jason, I did some digging with the new beta and I found some untranslated parts in Big Box, the Game Mode and Genre menus are untranslated, I am wondering if this is because of scraping compatibility with the database, here is an image of the game mode menu:
  7. Descarga varios videos temáticos de plataformas diferentes directamente desde LaunchBox Muchas nuevas características para la reproducción de música, incluyendo soporte para bandas sonoras completas Escaneo para ROMs añadidos y removidos Grandes mejoras en rendimiento Here are the translations for the Spanish language: And as pointed out previously by other translators, I also renamed the missing file 7.0 es translations
  8. Thats weird man, i reject the updates and launchbox manages to update just fine, i am currently using 7.0 beta 21... is that the latest beta?
  9. Hey Jason, just a little thank you message. I tested a very old LB version (4.3) and compared the scroll speed with the latest beta. Its so freaking smooth!!!! Even with my same old and outdated hardware. Also a question: Is there any problem if i reject the directX installation prompt? Every time I update to a new beta it asks me to install it again so I just keep rejecting them
  10. Very aesthetic, the GOG one looks beautiful
  11. CliveBarker


    Damn Cid, you are a Reddit connoisseur
  12. CliveBarker


    "Did you know the first LaunchBox subreddit was designed to be a perfect Human World? Where all had purpose and none suffered. It was a disaster. None would accept the programming and appear life like. An entire crop was lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe what makes redittors, human. But I believe that, as a species, redittors define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive bicameral mind kept trying to wake up from. Which is why I took what hurts them, away from them. They cannot remember, and so they can never wake up. Instead I let them tell their little stories, content and under my control."
  13. Just a heads up for those NVIDIA users here. Our green lover GPU maker updated its privacy policy, the telemetry has been implemented a while ago but now they...want more. Not only technical and troubleshoot data will be collected, here is the NVIDIA privacy policy attached at the end of this post. One bad thing about this, is that as of today, the data collected is not being encrypted before its transmitted to NVIDIA servers. So this could be exploitable if they don't fix that. If you don't want this in your computer, it seems there is a way to disable it, go here for instructions: http://www.majorgeeks.com/news/story/nvidia_adds_telemetry_to_latest_drivers_heres_how_to_disable_it.html Also the tags I used are just a joke bro! a social experiment! Edit: It is not clear if the updated telemetry comes bundled with GeForce experience only or with the drivers, so my title could be misleading. http://www.nvidia.com/object/privacy_policy.html When you use our Services, we may collect "Personal information," which is any information that can be used to identify a particular individual which can include traditional identifiers such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and non-traditional identifiers such as unique device identifiers and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.... We may from time to time share your Personal Information with our business partners, resellers, affiliates, service providers, consulting partners and others in order to provide our Services to you. We also permit third party online advertising networks and social media companies to collect information about your use of our website over time so that they may play or display ads that may be relevant to your interests ... We may combine personal information that we collect about you with the browsing and tracking information collected by these technologies. We or the online advertising networks use this information to make the advertisements you see online more relevant to your interests.
  14. I just realized what you meant with Tales, haven't played any of them but I wanted to try them for a long time. Glad its fixed and have a good time playing
  15. Temp, hi. It is extremely recommended to use the nightly Dolphin bulds, they tend to be very stable and at this point they have many more features and corrections when compared to the 5.0 stable release. When they started building 5.0 they made a "feature freeze" for months, so when the 5.0 was released it was very outdated already compared to the beta versions, Go here and download the latest dev build and try if it works. Edit: I forgot to give you the link... https://dolphin-emu.org/download/ I also made a search at the dolphin forums to see if people are reporting this issue, and i found nothing. Also searched the emulation subreddit and nothing there, it seems its not a generalized problem.
  16. I remember reading an article at anandtech about the lifespan of hard drives, Seagate came as the worst, i was lucky to read it before purchasing them so I went with Western Digital. Hope you get things sorted out
  17. I actually never thought about this, it would be nice if this ever happens in the future but I don't really know the implications behind that.
  18. Maybe by using your metadata xml file, if I am not wrong that file contains every database entry and it updates daily by itself (i am not sure about that) But if you are looking for an automated way to do this I highly doubt there is one.
  19. This has been a peculiar day on the forums. Lots of disscusions, emotions... lets all play some relaxing and totally not infuriating game like Dark Souls to relax.
  20. We all have bad days and sometimes we explode here on the internetz. Don't worry about it and enjoy whatever front end makes you happy, be it LaunchBox or any other.
  21. Disgusting political-corporate reasoning to forbid access to your legally purchased games. The U.S. sanctions were already lifted, maybe this is only a mistake. And according to that post, they did the same to Iran and nobody gave a fuck about it. This is the reality of DRM, you are not buying games, you are only renting games. With GOG that is not the case, once you buy it, you own it, and even if they ban you from the service you are still able to download the games you paid for.
  22. ...I mean every thing you listed sounds incredibly useful! If they are all possible to implement via extension, that would be the ultimate way to moderate and contribute to the database. No matter what comes out of this or the end result, you have my thanks for stepping in and invest your time to contribute.
  23. Is your game going to be on Steam?
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