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Everything posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @Vlansix Your cursor hiding thingy v2 lol is working extremly well all round no problems thank you, will download the will download the hikaru fullscreen and try it out, i use the escape key on the keyboard for exiting demul and have a key combination setup for escape in bigbox.
  2. @SentaiBrad No if you read my post i want sega hikaru to launch in fullscreen from a standalone demul, i have no problem with any other games naomi, naomi2 atomiswave going fullscreen, and know about the fullscreen setting. But Sega hikaru games need you to alt+F4 in order to go fullscreen that is why i asked @Vlansix if he would be kind enough to create a little program for just sega hikaru through a standalone demul.
  3. Agree its not something that usually happens just today for some strange reason and I agree totally Jason's time is better spent on his developing. But it has happened on several occasions that i had to resort to copying what i was posting then clicking on activity, going back into the thread and pasteing and retrying to send what i was trying to send. Phew. ps just happened again while trying to post this.
  4. Am having major problems posting as well sometimes having to retype 3 to 5 times before the post will actually post also had problem reporting using the report error on the forum after one such error as well as not being able to quote someone and post.
  5. @Vlansix the noquit version works fine now you just need to get it to run hidden in background if possible? KUDOS
  6. @Vlansix Its working fine with just Demul and gpu in config text with the NoQuit version however it keeps running and doesn't close after closing game having to click on x.
  7. @Vlansix did that working fine for demul itself when add demul plus gpu and game name but when launch through launchbox cursor comes back after a few seconds
  8. @Vlansix thats fine thank you will you try your cursor app with demul as well as cant seem to get it to hide the cursor even though i added demul to the config or do i need to add the exe as well ie:-demul.exe sorry for the double post there seems to be a major problem with replying to posts at the moment as it seems it is not posting even though it apparently is
  9. @Vlansix thats fine thank you will you try your cursor app with demul as well as cant seem to get it to hide the cursor even though i added demul to the config or do i need to add the exe as well ie:-demul.exe
  10. @Vlansix Very cool will try this out later, on a side note could you create something like this to say have an emulator go fullscreen ie demul for Sega Hikaru games (using a standalone version of demul for hikaru games) that will press Alt+F4 on your keyboard after the emulator has started, have tried autohotkey scripts but on the most they don't seem to work or not as intended for the Alt+F4 and dont work if added to the emulator autohotkey, or even a how to if you have this working would be appreciated.
  11. @SentaiBrad @Jason Carr When using VLC from LaunchBox yes the video keeps playing in the background when you launch a game. WMP works perfect no video playing in background when launching a game or when you close the details. Just checked it out now. ps couldnt post this when quoting you @SentaiBrad had to take your quote out in order for it to post correctly.
  12. @Jason Carr If you click on Details and then a game while using VLC engine in LaunchBox and then close the Details (top Right Menubar) the Video continues playing in the background. ps works fine for WMP. pps was like this in the last beta and this the newest beta.
  13. @kyoken These were scraped as arcade and not from chd folders but the actual zips for the games.
  14. @Jason Carr here is a list of Naomi games that are not scraping properly pics logos etc with the download metadata but all have database id's if you type in the full names in single edit however that picks up the id's of the games and and allows you download pics etc for the games that have it see below list psyvar2 Psyvariar 2 - The Will To Fabricate quizqgd Quiz Keitai Q mode senkosp Senko No Ronde sfz3ugd Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper shaktam Shakatto Tambourine shaktamb Shakatto Tambourine Cho Powerup Chu shaktmsp Shakatto Tambourine Motto Norinori Shinkyoku Tsuika shikgam2 Shikigami No Shiro II / The Castle of Shikigami II spkrbtl Spikers Battle sprtjam Sports Jam ss2005 Super Shanghai 2005 tetkiwam Tetris Kiwamemichi trgheart Trigger Heart Exelica undefeat Under Defeat usagiym Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen this is spelled wrong usagi should be usagai vathlete Virtua Athletics / Virtua Athlete vtennis2 Virtua Tennis 2 / Power Smash 2 wsbbgd Super Major League / World Series Baseball
  15. @viking the 1st one is for background videos set to the canvas size ie each persons screen size when you have show background videos ticked in options, video in BigBox. The second one is for when Background videos is not checked and shows a small screen placed on the grid in a certain column or row.
  16. Your right at the moment ive been reading up a lot on aspect ratio in xaml but all the examples are for images but not for video. There are ways of resizing video by changing both Binding ElementName=Video but this will make the videos the size of what the person videos are, so if a persons video was 640x480 they would have a small video in the left top corner. You could also change the size of the video to your screen resolution example Height="720" Width="1080" for someone with that screen resolution however that would only work for for people with that precise resolution, so The way @Jason Carr has it setup at the moment is the best solution possible at the moment (been trying different things with background video today).
  17. You want to keep it proportions, i think you'd probably be better off to send the xaml view you are working on to @Jason Carr and see if he can sort the aspect ratio out usually in the themes the way the video background works is that 16.9 videos stretch to the canvas on 4.3 monitors from my recollection, i would also like to know how in xaml how to have the videos do as you want and keep their aspect ratio.
  18. Have you tried it with the horizontal alignment and vertical alignment Center with no stretch
  19. @viking try "Fill" instead of Uniformtofill
  20. @Bilbotorm if you have the games already imported another way to do it is in LaunchBox, click on the platform you want to strip games from, click on game and while holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard click on each game you want to delete, when finished, right mouse click and then click on delete. If you do not want to delete the Roms and only the Games from LaunchBox/BigBox make sure the Allow deleting roms when deleting games is not checked under options General in LaunchBox. See screenshot.
  21. @Jason Carrthat example is single import as am redoing new 3d boxart for my Naomi system, but has happened before in batch import but cant tell exactly where as has been awhile since ive used the batch import.
  22. @Jason Carr Here is an example of scraping not working as intended if you scrape say Naomi games as arcade and use the game zip name it picks up the wrong game ie in this case even though it is scraped as arcade it picks up a ps2 game. however if you scrape as the game name Title it picks it up properly. See Screen shots.
  23. @Jason Carr Editing images and names with right click and refreshing with F5 is now working properly again KUDOS for such a quick fix.
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