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Everything posted by CADScott

  1. I am currently downloading to try on my 32bit Win10 machine, but due to my workplaces incredibly slow internet it looks like it will be about 40 minutes before I can test it!
  2. CADScott said I am having the same issues with metadata, constantly being asked to update the database, and also games showing as having no box art when adding new games. Some artwork is being detected, such as banners though. Latest beta has fixed all the issues I was having with metadata, all seems to be working fine now.
  3. I found that VLC keeps the black bars, but WMP removes them in BigBox. This is on both windows 10 and 7 but I doubt that would make any difference. I prefer the black bars removed so I use WMP, though I find VLC plays videos a bit better.
  4. I am having the same issues with metadata, constantly being asked to update the database, and also games showing as having no box art when adding new games. Some artwork is being detected, such as banners though.
  5. SentaiBrad said Being anonymous for who made the approval or rejection brings no accountability to the moderator. I understand the other reasons, but there needs to be accountability. While I agree that there needs to be accountability, giving submitters the names of people who rejected their submissions seems like a very bad idea! It would not take long for someone to get upset that a certain moderator has rejected a few of the their submissions and that leaves the moderators open to personal abuse. Also, we all make mistakes, and I could see people getting irate if I say rejected some Fanart and they did not like the reason. Accountability should always come from a person or group higher than the person being held accountable, not from the users of a system. The requirement of having 3 approvals on all changes is a form of accountability, and users should be able to raise concerns with yourself or Jason, and you can then look at the issue and ensure that the moderators are doing their job properly. I certainly would not feel very comfortable knowing everyone of my rejections is being seen by the person who submitted the change. Anonymity gives us the power to make rational decisions that are better for the data in the database, rather than having to concern ourselves with pissed off submitters.
  6. The video folder is an option, but it is per platform, so you have to change to location for each platform separately.
  7. @Jason, I would be more than happy to pull out all the images for consoles with missing images in the database and post them somewhere for easy access if required. It is one of my OCD peeves that so many consoles are missing images!
  8. This site has many fantastic quality images of consoles that are missing images in the database: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Evan-Amos They are all common media too, so no issues with using them on our database I hope! This include some really nice transparent background PNGs.
  9. Another vote for Retroarch here, it may seem a bit daunting at first but it works so much better than MAME / MESS for everything other than arcade!
  10. Would it be possible to have the letter jump list only show the letters that are actually available in the list? This is only really an issue for the platforms, but it would neaten up the list and speed up navigation.
  11. Jason Carr said Thanks guys, has anyone tested for the errors on the previous release? Do they seem fixed? I'll see if I can bump up the keyboard navigation in LaunchBox in my mind a bit. Just tested the latest beta, and everything seems to work fine, the letter jump lists still work well for me, and I can now set a pin and clear it without any errors.
  12. I definitely agree that the moderations and contributions should remain anonymous, and I also think that we should not be able to see the reasons for rejection until after the item has completed moderation. If moderators can see others reasons, then it will sway our opinions and make people less likely to check information themselves. Perhaps if an item is rejected for addition to the database then the person who submitted it could get some sort of notification or list with all the reasons (Anonymous of course!) that would allow them to resubmit the correct info.
  13. The new rejection reason is great, works very well! One more suggestion, I was wondering whether there might be the possibility of having the option to skip a moderation. There are some that I have found that I just cannot be sure of the data, and would like to continue on with other items. Perhaps we could have a limited amount of skips per day or something, to stop everyone skipping the hard ones!
  14. With new games, would it be possible to have a separate approval for each field, rather than the entire game at once. This would allow mods to reject parts of a new entry that are wrong, without removing the entire entry from the database. I think this would solve a lot of issues with the current approval system for new games.
  15. I have had a few new games with the cheats added to the descriptions, but I have approved them, as I feel that it is much better to have a new game added to the database that is not 100% complete. It is quite easy to fix the game later, for a simple text change, but much of the artwork that is uploaded is quite hard to get. I would rather have games added to the database, especially Amiga which is very lacking, and correct errors later.
  16. I have been accepting new games with the Hall of Light logos, but rejecting single images. I agree that we should not have any watermarking on the images, but I feel that we need to get all the games for a platform into the database, then it is much easier to replace any images that are not up to standard. I also very much doubt that Hall of Light have any legal claim over any of their watermarked images!
  17. I have rejected the ones you have submitted if they have the same name as the originally released game, but I have approved games that had their names changed for the Sears rebrand. Whether these games have different roms to me does not matter. I feel that we are trying to create a historical record, so all versions of a game should be present, whether there is a rom available or not.
  18. I spoke too soon, I am getting crashes when I try to set a pin in BigBox, with the following error: Once it crashes once, it continues to happen randomly while navigating BigBox until I exit.
  19. No crashes for me. The letter listing is fantastic, very nicely done @Jason so much easier to navigate!
  20. That is great, looking forward to testing these out, both will be much appreciated by me when my kids are using BigBox!
  21. There are a lot of submissions of new covers (Front and back) for N64 at the moment, and I would like to point out the need for close scrutiny of images that are being submitted for replacement of existing images. The images that are being submitted are in most cases worse that the originals that are in the database, but it in not obvious unless you really look at the images properly. Both the submitted and original images are approximately the same resolution, around 2100 x 1500, but the submitted images are much more highly compressed, often with file sizes of a third of the current images in the database. This leads to a large amount of detail being lost in the images, and a LOT of jpeg artifacting, which is only really obvious at 100% zoom. For example, below is a 100% crop of a back cover that was submitted (Notice the softness and artifacts around the text and the seal points): This is the same crop for the current image in the database: The existing image is a larger file size, and is clearly better quality! Please, all moderator and submitters, check images at 100% to ensure they are actually better than existing image, otherwise we risk losing good quality scans to save a few megabytes!
  22. CADScott

    N64 Boxes

    I have been moderating a lot of these uploaded N64 covers today, and I really am not sure what the difference is between many of the uploaded covers and the existing ones. They seem to be almost exactly the same resolution, around 2100 x 1500, and the existing ones are good quality scans. The only difference that I can see is that many of the uploaded images are a little bit darker and have had some softening applied to hide some noise compared to the original image. I have rejected quite a few because I feel that the original image is actually a better version. I hope that people uploading images are actually checking before they upload to ensure that what they are adding will actually significantly improve the quality of data!
  23. CADScott


    Do these games launch directly from these shortcuts, and play full screen with a controller? I like my emulation to be seamless!
  24. CADScott


    DOS76 said In reality though does EmuMovies own the rights to those videos or are they all copyright infringements of the original right holders? Not that you should do anything underhanded to them just they wouldn't really have any legal recourse if you did. Interesting point actually as they are making money from these movies. I guess this is not much different to people making money from play through videos on YouTube, and the rights holders don't get anything from those. EmuMovies is also hosted from the Netherlands, so Japanese and American rights would have little jurisdiction. Either way they were created by Emumovies, and I feel LaunchBox should not host anything that is created commercially by another company. The legality of the source material is someone else's problem to sort out!
  25. CADScott


    I think that the Progretto video snaps are only standard res ones, where the premium Emumovies ones are 480p and up. Most of the newer Emumovies videos I have downloaded (I am a premium Emumovies member), especially the arcade ones, have a thumbnail in windows that shows that it is from Emumovies.
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