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Everything posted by polygonslayer

  1. @shadowdragon Yeah, I updated it on my new one as well, but I'm not sure I 100% trust it to be fixed but yeah, so far I haven't had any issues with my new dolphinbar, although I do turn it off whenever I don't use it just to be safe.
  2. Cheers man, that looks really interesting, I'll give it a read through. The only thing is whenever I have experimented with RA shaders before to get CRT looks etc, I never really liked them much. I've gotten to used to seeing "every pixel" through years of emulation etc. I feel like I'm stuck in this weird limbo between wanting it authentic and wanting it like it is "in my mind" haha. But yeah, I'll definitely check your stuff out and have some fiddling around. I have always liked the idea of shaders for this stuff, just as I said, never found one that I feel give me what I want
  3. A quick note regarding the Dolphinbar, make sure you turn it off when your not using it. My first one had it's LEDs wear out because it was always on when it's connected. You can check if the LEDs are working by looking at the bar using the camera on a smartphone. There should be three purple-ish LEDs on either side of the bar, on my old one all of them on the right side died which made some games act really weird and twitchy.
  4. Hi folks, I got a question regarding some PS1 emulation. In particular when it comes to dithering. I'm one of those weird people who like the look of how old PS1 games feel, not necessarily how they originally look. So what I mean by that is that I want it to feel like I'm playing a PS1 game, not a slightly cheap looking PS2 game (which is what I feel like when I upscale PS1 games too much, add texture filtering etc). Also I don't necessarily like how they originally look like when stretch onto a HDTV, it is not give me a feeling of a PS1 game. So what I tend to do is to double the internal resolution and keep pretty much everything else the same, woobly textures and all For most games this looks great to me. Got that PS1 feeling without being overly pixelated! However, there are some games, most notably the original Silent Hill which really benefits from the PS1's dithering. It adds that nice grainy/noise to the game IMO. However, when running that through most emulators and doubling the internal resolution I feel a lot of the atmosphere just vanishes. There is a great section here about it http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/PlayStation_emulators but I thought I'd ask here if anyone has any good tips and have experimented with mednafen and/or PCSX-reARMed to achieve this effect while scaling the internal resolution and how successful they were? My backup plan would be to just accept the lower resolution and run it through Xebra or something which retains the dithering very well. Cheers
  5. Sorry for double post, but it now works for me. Any luck?
  6. I was adding some games yesterday and it worked fine. So seems to be a recent thing? Maybe something on emumovies' side?
  7. I'm getting the same as well, I'm not on the Beta so it seems to be another issue perhaps? I can log in to emumovies through a browser though.
  8. Yeah, I think it's really dumb looking. However the name change I got to moderate is suggesting replace the title "Finding Nemo" with "Disney's Finding Nemo" which looking at the box is also incorrect. It say's "Disney-Pixar Finding Nemo" (The "-" being a dot). So if we are going by what's on the box then I'll reject this one and mention it as a reason.
  9. Hey folks, What is the policy and consensus on games like Toy Story, Finding Nemo etc. A lot of the time I see them in other databases listed as "Disney's Toy Story" or in some cases "Disney-Pixar's Toy Story". (I suppose it could also extend to some Sid Meier's titles and even SNES games like Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank: War in the Gulf). I personally do not like this since I don't feel it's actually the title of the game and it bunches all of these games together in the games list, but I'm wondering since I gotten it on my moderation list. I don't really mind what they are in the database since I can edit it on my own collection, but just wondering what the policy is on this for moderation purposes. Cheers
  10. Ah, I see. I did not notice that download button. I saw the one up the very top, but that for downloading Launchbox itself so I thought it must have been here on the forums you meant. I'll put them up there as well a bit later then Cheers
  11. I'd love to be able to quickly choose a different emulator as well. One example to pop to mind would be NES and being able to choose to run in RetroArch of 3DNES emulator. Without the need to set up a whole new platform entry or additional app etc.
  12. After asking around about how people split their arcade games on the forums, @Pietro posted some of his great looking clear logos he has made and @SentaiBrad suggested that he uploaded his on here. So heck, I thought I'd do the same. They surely aren't full sets like some of the amazing stuff people have uploaded here, but it might help some of you out there or maybe you wanna grab them and modify them. I don't mind either way, so here are the arcade clear logos (as well as some of the console/PC platforms) I have made for my HTPC (I use quite a dark background so not sure if these would work on brighter ones).
  13. Those logos are awesome I ended up doing a bit of a mixture myself. I added a platform for PlayChoice10, Mega-Tech, Mega Play, Sega Model 3, Triforce, VS System, Naomi. Mahjong, Casino and Laserdisc. Made some clearlogos as well. I could upload them as well
  14. Ah, well that makes sense. Now I feel like a muppet! haha
  15. Hey, So I've requested a PSP game that has snuck itself into the PS1 section to be deleted. http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/59325 For some reason it has gotten 5 rejections and 4 approvals. Just wondering why someone would reject what clearly is a PSP game released in 2010... as far as I've seen this was its first release and not been out on the PS1 before. Even the info on the LB page has 2010 in it and a PSP boxart. A bit confused by this to be honest. What will happen if it just keeps going with about even rejects/approvals? Is there a move platform option I'm missing? Cheers guys
  16. This looks interesting, will have to give it a go Cheers
  17. Hey folks, So I'm considering splitting my arcade games up in Launchbox into seperate entries. Sega Model 3, Laserdisc, PlayChoice-10 etc. How many "platforms" make sense? Do people lump the remaining games into just an Arcade "general" platform? Basically just seeing what is common for people to do here. EDIT: Looking at this list here and it seems a bit unrealistic to split it into this many different "platforms"..? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_system_board#List_of_arcade_system_boards Cheers
  18. Yep, fixed here as well now Cheers!
  19. Same happening here.
  20. A question somewhat related to this; I just started moderating and come across a game (PAL) on my moderation list which is already in the database under the US name and not sure if we currently decline these or accept them as new entries? Cheers
  21. Awesome fix, I will try that when I get back home. Love that I'm away from the internet for a few days and things are already getting sorted and fixed Love this community! Cheers everyone
  22. So I managed to get it fixed by going back to the custom setup for RocketLauncher in the Emulator options. Whenever I try and use the official one I get that error. Quite weird since it looks like the settings should just work looking at what sends over, but maybe something under the hood that my PC or setup doesn't like As for the error in RL I think I got that fixed when I did a full update on Retroarch, it seemed to be only happening on systems which use that emulator (which is a lot of them, haha).
  23. Hi, So I've not really been following the development too closely lately, but saw that now apparently Rocketlauncher and Lanchbox can talk to each other. So I decided to update both and now everything is broken. I switched the emulator in LB to use the official Rocket Launcher entry. I have set Launchbox up as the default frontend in RL and my systems come listed into RL now with the naming I got there. The first thing is that some of my naming don't match what RL expects so it doesn't know what emulator to use. Is there a quick way to tell RL or LB which system is which? Before I did this manually by listing each system under associated platforms. It says it's not necessary there any more, but can I list them anyway? The second thing is that when I try to start any game on any system (even one that the naming matches and RL finds the default emulator) I get this error: --------------------------- AutoHotkey.dll --------------------------- Error: Memory limit reached (see #MaxMem in the help file). Line# 1318: systemXML := CheckFile(frontendPath . "\LaunchBox.xml") 1319: FileRead,xmlContents,%systemXML% 1321: if (substr(frontendPath,1,1) = substr(dbPath . "\" . dbName . "." . dbExt, 1, 1)) 1322: searchStringStart := "<ApplicationPath>" . getrelativepath(frontendPath,dbPath . "\" . dbName . "." . dbExt) . "</ApplicationPath>" 1323: Else 1324: searchStringStart := "<ApplicationPath>" . dbPath . "\" . dbName . "." . dbExt . "</ApplicationPath>" 1325: searchStringEnd := "</Game>" ---> 1326: GameXMLInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0) 1327: if !(GameXMLInfo) 1327: { 1328: currentobj := {} 1329: currentobj.Label := "Name" 1330: currentobj.Value := game 1331: infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj) 1332: Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended - no ""Game Name"" found. Assigning """ . game . """ to the label ""Name""",2) The current thread will exit. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- I've looked around on forums, but the error is so long to search for and searching for any of the keys in it doesn't seem to show up anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks! EDIT: I also keep getting this error when trying to launch anything that uses Retroarch directly through RL: File.__New -fullFilePath parameter cannot be blank to instantiate this class Maybe someone know what this means? Cheers
  24. Hi again, finally been able to try out those tricks. None of them seemed to do anything unfortunately, but it's the HDD for sure. Whenever it happens I get a spike on the read shown in the task manager while RAM, CPU etc are fine and no change. Cheers guys, not sure if there would be a solution to it :/ not the end of the world anyway. :) Cheers
  25. I've searched on there and google in general yeah, the ones I've found are about general stutter and the ones that I found that I thought might be the issue have not worked :/ It happens in both software and hardware and I tried openGL, Direct 9 and 11. No speedhacks are on and I tried most of the settings in various configurations. I have not tried to apply a 4gb patch though, might try that! :) But yeah, it's not the end of the world and in long gaming sessions I tend to forget about it. It might be one of those weird things that just happens on certain hardware/software configurations and maybe down the line it "fixes itself". :) Cheers
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