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  1. This is probably a dumb question but where does it pull the fanart from? I get the clear logo showing up but the game background is missing me on every game. I have images in fanart-background for many but nothing shows up. Edit: Nevermind. I have never touched the setting but for some reason I had to go to Tools>Options>Background Priorities and choose fanart-background (only amazon background was selected for whatever reason)
  2. oh, i see now. "sidebar icons" Thank You
  3. I updated launchbox the other day and received the platform icons update but It doesn't really work with my non-conventional setup. I create playlists from mame based on Publisher that I enable to appear in the platform list, and use those instead of the "Classics" playlists that everyone has. So for example some of my listed platforms are "Atari Arcade", "BrezzaSoft Arcade", "Capcom Arcade", "Cave Arcade", "Data East Arcade", "Eolith Arcade", "Exidy Arcade" etc.. I can rename the icons from the default playlists to cover the more popular publishers, but there are a bunch which aren't covered obviously. I'm trying to either disable the icons so its just text again, or request additional publisher logo icons for BrezzaSoft, Cave, Eolith, Exidy, Gaelco, IGS, Incredible Technologies, Kaneko, MicroProse, Psikyo, Sammy, Seibu Kaihatsu, Seta, and Toaplan
  4. I was thinking something that looks more like this, with just a wall of box art, no spacing.
  5. How would I go about changing the colors for custom playlists/platforms? I created playlists which display as platforms for arcade based on major publishers, named for example Konami Arcade, Capcom Arcade, Midway Arcade, etc.. The problem is they all have grey on the left where its supposed to match the video, and green for the highlight color. EDIT: Also I notice a crt scanline overlay in the theme resources but I don't see it used anywhere. Is there a way to enable this for the gameplay videos?
  6. Is there a theme that presents the games as a box art wall, like on switch?
  7. I do have a ton of auto-generated playlists. Arcade is split into individual manufacturers (Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, etc..) For what its worth, I was able to get it working normal again. I don't know exactly how though. While it was greyed out and unresponsive I kept messing with different UI menus at the top right to see what would work and what wouldn't, then suddenly it snapped out of it and everything has worked fine ever since, even after restarting.
  8. When I import games from steam they automatically end up in platform "Windows" but on my setup I use "Microsoft Windows" because every other platform uses this full name format, and I'd like them to go there. Is it possible to change this somewhere?
  9. A couple updates ago (I think the one where the theme first changed to the new style), my launchbox started freezing up whenever I either make a configuration change or add/remove a game or even just adjust the zoom slider. The window itself and the open/close/minimize buttons stay responsive, but everything within sort of fades out and doesn't respond to anything until I close and re-open launchbox. Whatever changes I make to cause the freeze up seem to work fine after restarting, until I change something else and it happens again. I had imagined it would have been a known issue and would sort itself out after a couple updates, but it hasn't.
  10. Perfect, thank you
  11. Im wondering if the community here has some shared 3d box templates to use for making 3d box art for pc games. I have found many through google searching, but none ever quite match the ones I see most often in the games db, and I don't want to start making boxes that don't match..
  12. For anyone curious, this was the image that I was talking about. Clearly its not a good image for a box front in launchbox, but its a great unedited resource. This is just one small example of the type of material that gets removed and lost because it doesn't fit anywhere within the existing image categories. Im just saying if there were an additional category for archival purposes that isn't actually utilized anywhere in the frontend then this type of stuff could survive and serve as a resource for potential future recreation artists.
  13. Ive seen more than one occasion on the games database where there are images marked for deletion that I believe should be preserved for future reconstruction references, but are not in good enough shape to be used as the primary images that bigbox or launchbox displays. For example : https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/100029 Here there is one box front currently up for deletion that contains detail not present in the others (spine, back flap, and its cropped much cleaner), the other box front is cropped poorly with missing detail around the edges, but is higher resolution and would look less out of place when displayed in big box for example. I was just thinking it would be nice if we could have an additional category specifically for archival purposes, that way this type of stuff could be preserved and potentially reconstructed by the community rather than voted to deletion because it doesn't look pretty in launchbox. EDIT: aaannnd its gone
  14. This still appears to be an issue, but if it helps I think I may have narrowed down the problem. It seems when I import the full collection (clones and all) it populates almost every game in the playlists except a small handful (5 or 6 games across all playlists) where there are slight naming differences. For example in the Daphne Playlist I see missing "Dragons Lair" (no apostrophe) and in my Arcade collection I find Dragon's Lair (with an apostrophe). If when importing I choose to skip clones and prioritize a region (any region) I end up with tons of missing games in the playlists. I check my collection and find the games, but apparently not the specific clone that the playlist is looking for. So it seems the playlists look for a specific version of the game, and if you filter that clone out when importing it wont match the playlist with whatever version you keep.
  15. Hmm, when I started using kodi it was in the official kodi repository. It seems the original author Angelscry abandoned it and its no longer available in the official repos. I still have version 2.6.1 installed from before it was removed and as far as I can tell it still works perfectly fine as an external app launcher like I use it. With all of the time Ive been using it I never even realized it had been abandoned. I just create a launcher in advanced launcher, then add it to favorites, then set up a kodi main menu entry that points to the favorited launcher. After some digging I was able to find an unofficial fork on github https://github.com/SpiralCut/plugin.program.advanced.launcher
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