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Lordmonkus last won the day on July 22 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Put it in the Default Command-Line Parameters box where I have -b -e You will probably have to remove the -b -e
  2. Lordmonkus


    My first guess would be an aspect ratio issue, according to the libretro docs for it the games should be running at 4:3. Your screenshot looks like its stretching the pixels.
  3. I can't tell when or if this ever changed. As far as I can remember you could only ever have one instance of LB running at a time.
  4. Please don't post the same thread multiple times, I have deleted the other 2 threads of this same topic.
  5. Don't know where you heard this but I have never heard anything of the sort. While I can't recommend anything specific as to what to buy but if I were buying I would try and get the fastest modern CPU and a dedicated GPU (no on board video) that fit within my budget. The GPU will help Launchbox / BigBox and if you wanted to use shaders or uprezzing of 3D games quite a lot.
  6. The poll was years ago. And no, it wasn't a threat, enjoy your weekend from posting here.
  7. It was added because it was highly voted for on a poll. Now I suggest you keep your snarky attitude to yourself.
  8. Really ? Gonna call people liars. I personally don't but it was a heavily requested feature and is something a lot people use so just because you don't use it there is no reason to call moderators liars.
  9. It should work fine, I haven't tested it out. I use Mame 0.240 and it works fine there so unless they changed something to break old settings it should work.
  10. The same solutions that applied back then would apply now. Make sure you are using the same core in LB as you are in RA on it's own. Make sure you imported the cue files into LB, not the bin files. Double check the games in LB that its pointing at a cue file. Make sure that when you imported your games you told LB to leave your game files where they were instead of copying or moving them.
  11. For the default theme yeah I believe so. Yeah, if you choose all the qualities LB will start with the best quality videos and move down to the lower tiers if no video is found at the higher quality level. If you set it to download box front and back (flyer for arcade since they didn't have boxes), clear logos, gameplay screenshots videos that will give you everything you need. All the other media options are fluff and not going to be used by the default theme though fan art may be used for back grounds but my personal opinion on those is that they are a waste of drive space (some are huge) and the quality of them can vary greatly.
  12. Box front (back optional) and gameplay screenshots. Clear logos and videos are optional if you want them, I personally don't use them.
  13. This is a feature to be used with great care however. Using it with Mame can break rom sets and using it with multi file games such as cue + bin disc images will delete only the cue file that got imported and not the bin or multiple bins that go along with the disc image.
  14. Nothing I can think of here, You can have multiple installs of Launchbox and keep em separate all you want. I have 2 setups on my secondary PC, one with all the systems and full rom sets and another one streamlined down to the systems and games that are actually worth playing.
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