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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. I have noticed this a couple of times, thought I was just being stupid and not doing it right. lol.
  2. Lordmonkus


    I use the fb_alpha_libretro.dll core it works for both NeoGeo and CPS games.
  3. Adik said I finally found a solve !!!! The problem was the "Threaded Video" option in RetroArch. When I disabled the option, everything worked perfectly :D Thank you all for help :D Threaded Video should always be disabled unless absolutely necessary to get a core to run games at an acceptable speed
  4. Lordmonkus


    I 2nd what Dos76 said. Use Retroarch and the FBA core, it is by far the superior emulator.
  5. Lordmonkus

    Pong Console

    Nice find there, lovely shade of 70s brown. I used to play Pong on an old Coleco Telstar way back when I was like 3 or 4 years old.
  6. Ok, I just checked out Altirra and it a much nicer emulator but it does look like you are stuck with figuring out which game uses which mapper setting and doing it all manually which is unfortunate because it certainly is a nice emulator.
  7. Once it's setup you really shouldn't have to go into the UI though, it's just there for emergency use. Maybe I will take a look at Altirra in a little while. The 5200 is a curse I say :P
  8. Ok, just so I am not coming off as a complete dick here I just went through the effort of getting the Atari 5200 emulated and working through Launchbox. The emulator I used was Kat5200 which has a funky Win 3.1 like UI but it does get the job done and has some old tv looking video filters. You do need a bios file named 5200.bin and the emulator needs to be pointed at the file. Overall it wasn't terribley difficult to setup and the few test games I did try out seemed to load up perfectly and play. Like I said the UI is a little on the funky side but does get the job done. If you wanna list some games you are having troubles with in Altirra I can try them out in Kat5200 and see how it handles them. I still don't think the 5200 is worth the effort however :P
  9. /waves hand in a jedi mind trick motion "This is not a system you want to emulate" Sorry but the 5200 is just a waste of time and energy. The games are crap or have better versions on the 7800 or equal on the 2600 and the controller is a mess to try and emulate.
  10. They did sell out all of the original print run and they made a 2nd print run and that completely sold out. They make their real money off the digital sales. The Dreamcast version at least isn't too expensive to get printed up.
  11. Indeed, it is a game worth the money and purchasing the PS4 or the Steam version so you can have a legit copy. I still prefer to play the Genesis + CD audio version.
  12. My favourite version of Pier Solar to play is the Genesis version with the CD. I also have the PC version and I just didn't like the mix of standard and hd graphics, it looks weird to me. The Genesis version running through Retroarch with a shader just looks more "cohesive" I guess is the right word to me. There is a version floating around with the cd iso out there and running through RA will run the cd music with it.
  13. Lordmonkus

    Neo Geo

    See, I figured there was a way around it :) I'd still use Retroarch or Mame over WinKawaks unless someone can show me a very compelling reason to use it.
  14. Lordmonkus

    Neo Geo

    My order of preference for NeoGeo emulation would be Retroarch using the FBA core first, Mame second, stand alone FBA 3rd and WinKawaks last. The reasons for standalone FBA and WinKawaks as the last choices are because FBA itself has really funky keybinding and WinKawaks in my experience had troubles working through a front end. My WinKawaks issues may have just been my personal problems and maybe they could be worked around. I've never used Nebula so I have no comment on it.
  15. Lordmonkus

    Neo Geo

    I use Retroarch with the fba_alpha_libretro.dll core and it loads very fast.
  16. If there was a Mega Man Legacy on the PS3 I would grab it but I just checked the store and it isn't there. I thought about grabbing the Gamecube version of it since that emulator is so good but I have all of the games in some form or another. I got the 6 NES ones, I got the NTSC patched PAL Mega Man Wily Wars for the Genesis, I got the X series on the SNES with MSU-1 music, I got the X series on PS1 plus 8 and I got 9 and 10 on the PS3. So I kinda got the Mega Mans covered lol. My earliest video game memory is of an old Coleco Telstar Pong clone when I was like 3 or 4 years old. I have an old Space Invaders handheld from my 5th birthday and I used to go to the arcade when I was like 4 or 5 years old when I was lucky enough to go the mall that was 2 hours drive. Growing up in a small town in the middle of no where had its disadvantages when it came to new tech lol.
  17. Yeah everyone is different along with their personal tastes. I loved my Atari 2600 when I was a kid and I got it back in 82 for my 8th birthday but I played the shit out Asteroids but I cannot go back and play the 2600 version now. That might be because I have an actual Asteroids Deluxe standup arcade cabinet though lol. Check out Space Rocks on the 2600, it's a fan made version but with a chip in it like the FX chip and it has pseudo vector graphics, kinda neat. For the original Phantasy Star there is an updated graphically port for the PS2 in the Sega Ages 2500 series. It was originally in Japanese but there was a fan translation for it, it's on my back log list of games I need to get around to playing since I played 2,3 and 4. Phantasy Star 2 was my first jrpg. There are some 8-bit era games on the NES I can go back and play though but the list is fairly short. The Mega Man series is still great and holds up extremely well. Mighty Final Fight is amazing. There is also some cool stuff being done with the NES in the rom hack scene. People have figured out a way to actually upgrade the graphics a bit by mapping stuff to the MMC5 chip (don't ask me to explain it lol). I just got a rom hack for Metroid called mOther which adds a mini map and updates the graphics a bit.
  18. Oh don't get me wrong, I sure as hell got my share of unplayable junk. Sometimes it's just easier to grab an entire collection and go through it and sort out the good and bad. It's just no point in having like 10 version of Ghosts N Goblins across all the platforms like the ZX Spectrum and all those other old computer systems. Systems like the Atari 2600, 7800 and Sega Master System while it's easy to have the entire collection those games really don't hold up well and are really tough to go back and play for more than a minute out of nostalgia. Same with the Playstation and Saturn systems, to me the early 32 bit era 3D games are just too archaic for me to back and play. The sprite based stuff from the 16 and 32 bit era however aged very well and with a good shader are very playable even by todays standards. Once you get into the 64 bit and up 3D stuff started to get good with emulator upscaling. Then of course you have the really bad systems like the Jaguar, Lynx and 3DO which maybe has a couple of decent games for the most part they are ported to other systems. Another good example of easier to grab an entire collection bit overall quality of game is questionable is the PC Engine / TurboGrafx. It's much easier to get the entire set and sort it out but the reality is most of the games are horrible, there are some very good games hidden in there though. The CD games on those systems don't have much good as far as English North American releases goes but there are a handful of really good Japanese region games worth having. It seems the bulk of those Japanese games are digital comic type games or RPGs without translations. There are a couple of good shooters and of course Dracula X / Rondo of Blood. Launchbox does indeed make collecting and organizing easier. A buddy of mine is really into his Hyperspin and I tried to get into using that frontend but I just didn't like it, way too much work and messiness in setting it all up. Collecting is indeed fun and collect whatever is fun, I just draw the line at the obvious crap that I know is crap. I know the Jaguar, 3DO and Lynx are crap because I grew up with them and I even owned them when I was a teen and just after high school.
  19. It's really easy to inflate the numbers when you start emulating all the older computer stuff like the Atari, Amiga and Spectrum. Mame alone has something in the neighborhood of 12,000 or so when you include all the mahjong, video poker and clones. By the time you are hitting the 10,000 games total you really are duplicating a lot of games across all the platforms and so many of them are just plain terrible. For me personally I avoid all the old computer stuff and duplicating garbage. Lately I have been focusing on getting the good rom hacks and fan translations of Japanese only games that are actually worth playing. My Launchbox game total is just over 4300 games but that is not a full Mame set (only the games I would actually ever play). My CD based system collection is kept fairly small as well to only games I really want to play. I need better internet without usage caps before I start getting into that stuff heavily.
  20. Yeah WinKawaks and the stand alone FGA are both good emulators but the Retroarch FBA core is just that final coat of polish needed to make them even more awesome. I really hope the Dreamcast and Saturn cores get up to speed sooner rather than later as the stand alone version of those emulators are very lacking at the moment. Even though they do the job fairly decently they just need that Retroarch love.
  21. Ahh, fair enough. I haven't run into the issue you are trying to work around so I have no direct experience with trying to work around it myself. To me the real question at that point is are the Sega CD games worth the extra effort and for me the answer is pretty simple, nope. But that's just me, having owned a Sega CD it's just not that good outside a small handful of decent games. I don't mind putting in the extra effort if the pay off is worth it, like with the SNES MSU-1 games
  22. Cool, glad it worked out for you. Maybe you can use the custom command line option in Launchbox for the couple of games that you need this functionality. Just out of curiosity which Sega CD games are multi disk ? My Sega CD collection is kind of small at only 21 games since I don't really like many games on that system. 21 is being extra generous with my standards too lol.
  23. Yeah hit F1 or if you are using an Xbox controller the Live button should bring it up too. At least that button did by default for me.
  24. I have zero experience with what you are talking about but try checking in the core options for the Pico core and there is some stuff in there for opening the disk tray and changing disks within the Retroarch GUI. Maybe that will do what you need it to do.
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