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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Oh I know Microsoft wants to do the same thing, there are desperate to catch up power wise. Sony, MS and Nintendo better watch themselves though. Market over saturation and customer confusion is what caused the video game crash in the early 80s. This could be leading the way for a 2nd video game crash, people do not buy consoles to be upgrading them every 3 - 4 years.
  2. Yeah the 4K talk is pure bullshit, upscaling is not 4K no matter how much they claim it is. It definitely is gonna need this power for the Sony VR because it's gonna need to be running at an absolute minimum 60 fps and even then its very iffy. The Oculus Rift wants games running at 90 fps. I would be very skeptical about current games getting a texture and draw distance upgrade without a major patch since the games were not designed for that scalability, but running games at 1080 res and 60 fps will be very good. Texture upgrades would be possible but I wouldn't count on it considering upgrading textures would in turn murder the frame rate needed for VR if the current games are planning on running in the VR. It is very shitty of Sony to be making a PS 4.5 when people just invested in the PS 4. I am not a true console person at all, hell I just bought a PS3 last year that's how far behind the console curve I am nowadays. There was a time when I bought them day one, Saturn, Daytona and 2nd controller for 700$ Canadian. I am glad I held off on a PS 4 though, I do want one for Final Fantasy XV.
  3. This emulator is legit, and so is Austin. Having said that, it is early days for the emulator and still needs a lot of work. Games are gonna be glitchy and certain games are gonna run better than others. There is a big difference in one or two games running really well and running 100% and most games running well. Like Brad said about the Playstation 2 emulator, while it is really good it's an absolute mess of an emulator. Look at Super Nintendo emulation as an example. While it has been very good for a long time it's only recently that we got 100% emulation with bSnes / Higan. Some people are perfectly fine with zSnes but the honest truth it is a very bad emulator even though it runs really well on lower end systems and plays the popular games just fine. Don't get all hung up on emulators that are new and not really out yet for public consumption. Be patient and it will eventually come. The thing about emulators is this. It's not an easy thing to do, it takes the right person with the right skill set and knowledge and the desire to program them. We have seen some really great emulators come out in recent years that are very good at what they do and are developed quite quickly. Look at PPSSPP and Dolphin for example and while they are both excellent they both have a long ways to go to be considered close to perfect.
  4. Well yours is definitely the right way to do it when it's for the entire platform. Otherwise my way would involve doing it for each game separately and that would be a pain in the ass. There is a difference in a way that works and the right way. Either way hopefully it gets the OP the desired outcome he was looking for.
  5. Lol, I knew you would have the proper way of doing it :P Mine was just a quick dirty test way that I could find quickly.
  6. Ahh, I think I understand now. All you really want is a different config to run for each platform. You would still use the same core but can have it run custom configs by using the "Use Custom Command-Line Parameters" option. Brad did a tutorial on this but the basic gist is create a cfg in retroarch and rename it to something else and then call that config using the custom command line option. I can't recall the exact command for it off the top of my head but I will post back if I find it unless Brad pokes his head in here before hand :) Edit: Ok as a quick test I went into my configs folder in Retroarch and made a copy of my mednafen_supergrafx_libretro.dll.cfg and renamed it to test.cfg. I then loaded up Ghouls N Ghosts and changed a my shader to something I would know immediately which config was loaded. Then for Ghouls N Ghosts I edited that rom and in the emulation tab I checked the"Use Custom Command-Line Parameter" and in the command line box I put in --config config\test.cfg I then loaded the game and it is using it's own shader different from other games using a different shader. I know I am talking about shaders but the same should apply to overlays. Set up one config for the overlay you want for your PC Engine stuff and rename that config to whatever you want. Then in your PC Engine platform emulator you should be able to tell it to load that custom config with the overlay you have set. I don't know if this is something easily bulk edited or not but I suppose you could just use the supergrafx core for Japan region games and the PCE Fast core for North American games. I hope this works for what you want, I don't use overlays personally.
  7. Well in terms of the config and Retroarch core they will be identical since they are the same system. In my setup I just have them all in one platform so as a test I created the platform PC Engine and tried importing to that and like you said it just defaults to the TurboGrafx platform which is a bummer. The only real workaround I found quickly but unfortunately will be a little bit of work on your end is bulk edit your PC Engine games and change the platform to the PC Engine platform. You may need to just edit one game first and manually type in PC Engine in the platform field first. The quickest way to do it probably is to import all your PC Engine games first to the TG platform then bulk edit them over to PC Engine. Then import all your North American TurboGrafx games into the default platform. After doing this on some test games it did work for moving those games over to the PC Engine platform and like I said above the Retroacrh core and config are the same anyways unless you really wanna use separate cores and configs for whatever reason you have but it is easily edited.
  8. Make a new platform called PC Engine and import the games for that platform. I also highly recommend using the supergrafx core for PC Engine games. It will let you play the handful of games for that system like Ghouls N Ghosts.
  9. I learned a long time ago back in the Win 95 / 08 era that the only thing that should ever go on C: drive is windows and basic programs. Everything else should go on to a second hard drive or if you only have one physical drive a second partition is better than putting everything on to C: drive. When, not if but when you do have to format the drive for a Windows reinstall it is a huge time saver. You can easily use a program like EaseUS Partition Master to create partitions without the need to destroy your current C: drive installation and you can even re-merge partitions as well without data loss as long as they are the same file format. So just as an example you have a single 2 terabyte drive labeled as C: and you have 500 megs of total data on it and 1.5 gigs free you can use Partition Master to create a 1.25 gig partition as D: drive. You would now have your 750 meg C: drive and 1.25 gig D: drive. Then say somewhere down the line you wish to expand the 750 meg C: drive to 1 gig as long as you have the free space from the 1.25 gig D: you could take 250 megs off of D: and merge it in to C: making it 1 TB. Great tool for when you do need to use it and it is completely free, I highly recommend it. There are paid versions but for general use the free version will do what the vast majority of people need it to do.
  10. As you can tell from the trailer it's an action platformer but it's also very much a metroidvania type game with some character building rpg elements to it. I have the PC version of the non definitive edition but I will probably get the definitive edition as well when it releases for PC.
  11. After messing around with my flight stick and trying it out and looking around there are some settings to look at. For each game in MameUI right click and go to Properties. Then in the controllers section try setting the deadzone to 0 and saturation to 1.00. For Star Wars after starting up the game move your stick around in a full circle or else the aiming cursor will be off center.
  12. The Logitech stick gets good reviews from the Elite: Dangerous guys as well. That button is an 8 way hat switch.
  13. The T-1600 is probably the one to go for then. That's the one that gets a lot of praise for its quality especially in it's price bracket.
  14. What sort of budget do you have in mind ? And by thumb button on top for dial operation do you mean a hat switch ? At the lower end price range the Thrustmaster T-1600 M (amazon link) is supposed to be good quality, the guys over on the Elite: Dangerous forums swear by it at the lower price range sticks. I have a Saitek X-55 which has mixed reviews ranging from piece of crap to quality to people having no problems with it. I have had no problems with mine, but it is kind of pricey at near 300$ US on Amazon currently. I got mine on sale for 200$ Canadian. There is also the Saitek X-52 which is a bit more affordable at 140$ and 160$ for the Pro version, again mixed reviews like the X-55. And then of course you have the beast of a flight stick, the Thrustmaster Warthog at 400$ but it is made of metal and is supposedly awesome. I haven't set mine up for Tron, I will try it out later and I will give it a go on Star Wars as well.
  15. I tried the 3 different FBA cores, fb_alpha_libretro.dll, fb_alpha_neo_libretro.dll and fba_libretro.dll using the online updater and I even tried copying over the cores from 1.3.0 build. In the end I am sure there is something i'm missing but I wasn't about to spend any more time troubleshooting it for no real gain in the end. I know the problem was in the core options not remembering to use the Unibios option, it just kept defaulting back to one of the MVS bios options. I tried saving the config but no luck. I looked in the retroarch-core-options.cfg and found in there that it was set to MVS and I have no idea what it would have to be so it would be set to use Unibios and I really just didn't care anymore to mess with it anymore. It's probably something simple, it usually is lol.
  16. They are basically the latest non official versions, think of them as super ultra alpha. They may or may not be improved upon latest official releases and may be buggy as hell.
  17. I got no problems updating, especially when there's a feature making the switch worth it but something in 1.3.2 and the FBA cores it was having some issues with NeoGeo. From the little time I spent at it it seems to want to default to one of the MVS bios files instead of the Unibios even after I told it to use the Unibios in the core options. Certain games weren't loading. So for now there is no compelling reason to make the switch, 1.3.2 has no features in it to make me switch. When they come out with the next point release with worthwhile changes like the difference from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 I will make the switch and figure everything out.
  18. Their forums are such a treasure trove of goodies though
  19. I did try with Higan and had no luck, I spent a few nights messing with different versions of bSnes and finding the best version was a royal pain but I eventually settled on 0.88 for all the MSU enhanced games I got except for MegaMan X2 which worked only with 0.75 which is weird because according the that link it says that this feature wasn't implemented until 0.81. I had varying degrees of success with each version of emulator used. I tried bSnes 073, 075, 088, Higan 095 and 097 and still have those versions on my hard drive. I also tried other versions I had to dig around for but deleted them. For example one version will load 1 or 2 games with the CD music files but none of the other games or it will load with either no sound or very mangled sound. 088 really was the best middle ground I could find. I'm not sure of why Higan doesn't work for me but my best guess for now is because of the way Higan made it's own folders for roms and all that mess. I do know the latest version of Higan allows for just straight loading roms, I might give it another try later tonight. The other problem was that these games that are patched and compiled were more or less done so with the SD2Sness cart in mind rather than an emulator, might just be a side effect if an emulator actually works. No problem on the edit to remove the mention of that site, I will keep that in mind in future posts.
  20. For those of you that don't know what this is. http://www.smwiki.net/wiki/MSU1 "MSU1, also named "Media Streaming Unit revision 1", is a homemade enhancement chip made by byuu for the SNES. It allows the SNES to have 4 GB of storage space and CD quality Stereo Audio. It can be used for every SNES games, but is so far only emulated by bsnes, and supported by future SNES flashcart, sd2snes. You can add MSU1 registers just by having .msu with the ROM. (since bsnes v081)" So basically what this does is that allows people to have CD quality audio and FMV "injected" into the games. Now by injected I don't mean it's placed directly into the rom. You need to have a folder with a patched rom, a bunch of pcm audio files and xml file for it to all work together. As of right now there is only 2 ways of playing these games, through an SD2Snes cart and the bSnes / Higan emulator. Patching the the rom and injecting the music is not a simple task but it has been done for several games and if you look around you can find them pre patched and compiled for you (search Google). One game you will not find done for you is the Chrono Trigger but the rom patch file is easily gotten on romhacking.net but you will need to get the flac format sound track "Chrono Trigger Symphony (Vol. 1,2,3) - Blake Robinson Orchestra" and convert all the music yourself. When you do find these pre patched games they are designed to be played through the SD2Snes cart and playing them through an emulator is hit and miss at best but I have had the best luck using bSnes version 0.88. Some games work with earlier versions but not newer, while some work with newer versions and not previous. Version 0.88 gave me the best all around compatibility but I did have to use 0.75 for MegaMan X2. Do a youtube search for Snes MSU-1 and check out some videos showing off how cool this stuff is. It is a pain in the ass to find these pre patched games but it is worth it in the end. The list of games that has had this done for them is not very big but the notables are Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Link to the Past, Mario World, DKC 2 Super Metroid, the MegaMan X series and a couple of others. Hopefully someone does this for other games like Final Fantasy, Castlevania and Super Ghouls N' Ghosts, these games are just crying for CD quality audio. Let me know if any of you have found a better and more reliable emulator than bSnes 0.88 for playing these games. Now if only someone can figure out a way to do the same thing for the Genesis since Watermelon was able to do it with Pier Solar on the physical hardware. Edit: I forgot to mention that these need to be played through the standalone version of bSnes. I had no luck in my attempts to get them working through Retroarch using any of the bSnes cores.
  21. I had a little bit of a go at 1.3.2 last night to see if it was worth switching to. I got 3DO working but I had to switch my launchbox file to point at the actual iso image instead of the cue sheet but it did work. The one problem I did run into was NeoGeo using the FBA core because it was defaulting to one of the MVS bios and not using the Unibios and nothing I could do to fix it would stick. At the end of the end I just went back to using 1.3.0, the newer version has nothing important to make it worth the headache of changing.
  22. Austins videos are great, lot's of great information in his videos even if they are a bit long they are entertaining.
  23. I just did an import of my 7800 collection into my main gaming PC and the scraper (from what I could tell) grabbed the box art and meta data for 57 of 60 games. The ones it didn't grab correctly were just wrong named roms, Asteroids Deluxe which was just a wrong named Asteroids, Pac-Man Collection which was just Ms Pca-Man and Mario Brothers which should have been named Mario Bros.
  24. Yup, all mine are like that. I noticed you said yours were zipped ? I don't have any of mine zipped at all and they all work just fine.
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