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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Amazon is running a sale on this awesome controller, regular price is 45$ US and is now on sale for 30$ US. Great controller for anything you don't need an analog stick for. Great buttons, d-pad and long cord, not sure the exact length but it's something like 10 feet or maybe a little longer. http://www.amazon.com/HORI-Fighting-Commander-Controller-PlayStation-4/dp/B00TKLFES8/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1459712910&sr=1-1&keywords=hori
  2. Yeah the throw can be huge compared to the old arcade sticks since they are made for modern flight sims. All I can suggest is have a look at the settings in Mame itself and also in game open the menu with "Tab" and mess with the sensitivity settings in there. You may be able to tweak to be suitable for your needs.
  3. I am not worried about this whatsoever and in an odd weird way I kind of hope it's true because if this were to happen game devs would hopefully finally make the jump to Linux and that would be an awesome thing.
  4. Just an update on this topic. I have been able to get some of the MSU patched games to now work with the bSnes Mercury Balanced core within Retroarch. To do this you need to point Retroarch at the manifest.bml file that comes with the patch files. My hit to miss ratio on this seems to be about 50/50 though. Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Metroid, MegaMan X, X2 and X3 all work. Donkey Kong Country 2, Zelda and TMNT did not work however.
  5. On my main gaming rig setup I use the clear logos but on my tv setup I use the posters, im not sure which I prefer.
  6. Having a forum chat room would be better and probably more used though I would think. I don't have Steam open often unless I am playing one of my Steam games which actually isn't very many.
  7. Indeed we do need a chatroom, something I thought about too :) Yeah DOS you are more than good to go on hardware for shaders. I don't know where your tastes lie but I use a modified CRT-Royale which is one of if not the hardest on system power shaders and I absolutely love it. I didn't come up with the combo though, I followed someone else modifications over on the RA forums. It's supposed to recreate a high quality PVM monitor and it looks perfect to me.
  8. I won't swear my life on it but I believe I read over on the RA forums that the CG shaders are built on a framework by Nvidia.
  9. SentaiBrad said Also make sure you use the _GLSL folder, the _CG folder may crash RA. I believe the CG shaders are for Nvidia cards and the GL shaders are for AMD and for the Linux and mobile versions of Retroarch. I use the CG shaders on my main PC with zero issues but I also have an Nvidia graphics card. One other thing I forgot to mention about shaders is that your ability to run certain ones will be dependent upon the power of your graphics card.
  10. Not sure if you need all 3 but I have them all just in case. Shaders are where Retroarch really shines. I don't know where your tastes lie but there is a ton of them to cover just about any personal preference you may have. Some quick recommendations to check out though. If you just want a sharp upscaled look check out the pixellate shader in the retro folder of the presets. If you like the smoothed out look then the xBR series of shaders is what to look at scalenx shaders. If you like the CRT look I would say look at the Hyllian, Lottes or CRT-Easymode presets, those are a good starting point. I really prefer the CRT look but shaders are very much all about personal preference.
  11. Up until ePSXe 2 the Medanfen PSX core was much better in terms of accuracy but the new ePSXe actually is a hair better in accuracy now but it is extremely close and both are very near perfect. I saw a comparison chart after version 2 came out and it is something like 93% for Mednafen and 94% for ePSXe 2. It's nice that Retroarch and it's cores are open source it means that development is on going or at least if people stop working on it someone can come along and pick it up.
  12. Glad you are starting to to love it :) I wouldn't switch from Mame either, stand alone Mame is still far superior. I would say give the Genesis and PSX cores a shot though since they are atleast on par with the stand alones but with far better shaders, ePSXe 2.0 is pretty awesome though. As far as Snes9x goes though it is exactly like the stand alone version but again with better shaders so I see no reason not to use it. The bSnes cores are also better from an overall compatibility and accuracy standpoint if you got a powerful enough system to run them.
  13. There may be an option for that but I don't know what it would be either. On my main gaming computer I have that black space at the top but on my TV setup there is no blank space.
  14. What game and mods specifically ? I would imagine as long as the game launches with whatever mods it would work. Something like Skyrim launches with its mods already as like most every other PC game. Unless the PC game needs some oddball external command it shouldn't be a problem and even then it's probably doable with the command line options within Launchbox for each game.
  15. @slashguns04 I have made a short tutorial video on getting the Turbo CD as well as PSX and Sega CD systems running in Retroarch if you wanna check them out. Be sure to read the description notes for the video. I also made a text tutorial, check my forum sig. If you still have troubles send me a PM. https://youtu.be/jXSrVEU7cWc
  16. Oh I know everyone has their own personal preferences and I don't mean people are trying to make it look crappy. I just meant I see a lot people over on the Retroarch forums and other places using shaders to recreate that old 80s basement TV and RF connection look to recreate that memory. And that's fine if that's what the person wants. Some people even like to stretch the old 4:3 aspect ratio games out to fill a 16:9 and use smoothing shaders, not my taste at all but meh, not me playing it. Personally I love the middle ground of a CRT shader to recreate a PVM or high end consumer TV. To me that is what the art style of older pre 3D era games were designed for and it just feels right, and like I said 3D polygonal stuff looks best upscaled because polygons are suited for it unlike sprites. None of my old consoles are modded and I will never drop the cash on a Framemeister. I much prefer playing my games through an emulator. Things are gonna get really interesting with the new monitors coming out, all of the really good CRT shaders are not meant to be displayed on a 1080 resolution screen. Shaders like the CRT-Royale are meant for 1440 and up. My monitor is only 1080 and the CRT shaders look decent on it but I am very interested in seeing it on a higher res monitor. Even the hardcore CRT / PVM guys are saying the new low latency high resolution displays and shaders are going to be better than a proper CRT.
  17. The latest version of Retroarch has per game configs now as long as the core supports it. No clue if the Lynx core does or not.
  18. CRT shaders for 2D sprite based games and just straight upscaling for 3D polygonal games is the way to go for my tastes. I find it funny that you see real hardware enthusiasts trying to clean up their output signal as much as possible to the point that they are investing money into RGB modding their consoles and buying PVMs or upscalers like the Framemeister for modern TVs. And then you have the emulation people looking to recreate the crappy old with the terrible RF connection.
  19. Indeed, it is good to see these 2 emulators seeing work being done and if you include the Yabause core for Retroarch it's kind of like 3 and more is always good. The new test version off SSF doesn't seem to offer much in the way of noticeable improvement but the GPU rendering option is nice. Like I said above, it allows me to run the Full Compatibility mode with zero slow down and that's always a good thing.
  20. Looking at that screen shot it looks like a possible internal resolution / shader combo issue. Not sure if it is that though, I have noticed at times with certain shaders and the way they render being really screwy with internal resolution scaling.
  21. Retroarch won me over initially with the shaders. Some standalone emus have decent shaders / shader like effects but Retroarchs shaders are far better and you can get a consistent look across all systems.
  22. Hehe, I figured it was something stupid and simple. Glad you got it figured out.
  23. I didn't have any gameboy color games at all so I grabbed a copy of Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening and Pokemon Yellow and tried it out and works perfectly for me using the official 1.3.2 build and gambatte core. I would be willing to bet it's something simple and silly like a wrong path or an extra letter somehow found its way into something some where it shouldn't be. Do you have 2 different installs of Retroarch and your Launchbox settings are pointing at the wrong version by chance ? I know I have found my own screw ups that way :)
  24. Use the Chrome web browser and there should be an option to translate it, it seems to do a pretty good job of it. I would rather have some actual documentation for what all the settings do.
  25. After some more tinkering I found that by using the No Bios setting in the Program 4 tab in Options all but 2 of my games load and play. The 2 games that don't seem to want to work for me is Soukyu Gurentai Otokuyo (it just black screens) and Cotton Boomerang (spits out a bunch of SH2 error stuff) One nice setting I found that is new to the test version is on the Program 1 tab of the Options and that is the option now for GPU Rendering. I found this to be quite a nice performance boost, I can now use the Full Compatability (very slow) setting in the EZ Setting tab and get no slow down at all. Edit: Ok just straight up mounting the bin file for Soukyu Gurentai Otokuyo using Virtual Clone Drive works in SSF when I set the CD drive to that virtual drive. But using my LaunchBox mounting bat file and Daemon Tools doesn't work, might be something wrong with my cue sheet.
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