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Everything posted by Agent47

  1. When using a 3rd party program you will get a better response going through that forum. Post to the RL forum with logs and I will try and check it out. You're not likely to get any response here.
  2. 90% of those aren't platforms. Just slight hardware revisions which don;t make a difference in the software library.
  3. Yeah, you guys kinda opened yourselves up to those kind of responses. Other forums that don't allow pre-configured/loaded builds censor all talk about them. Whereas here the threads aren't deleted or even locked. Several turn into "PM me for roms" and that's all the replies are.
  4. Launchbox has never used RL to run. You can use RL if you want but it has never been required.
  5. You would have to use an AHK script to send the !{Enter} key combo after launch if it doesn't support any CLI params or use a settings or config file. That being said, I've never heard of this emulator, have no idea what the "Online" refers to, and from a quick google search the only thing I found related to this emulator is some random blog post mentioning a private Facebook group, a random GDrive link to the supposed binary, and no source code. Unless there's some compelling reason to use this over existing emulators like MAME or ParaJVE, I wouldn't bother. If there is, at minimum contact the dev and ask him to add a CLI param for fullscreen since that's trivial.
  6. How to dump physical copies of games varies greatly among media type and the system. Different systems require specific hardware and software in order to dump them.
  7. No problem. To clarify, LaunchBox doesn't actually run games. It's a frontend which is basically a fancy menu to view your games which executes emulators to actually run games. Since you're new, you should also know that asking for, linking to or discussing where to get roms is the cardinal sin on any legitimate frontend, emulator or frontend sites and will get you warned or instabanned. So you generally don't want to discuss such things on those sites. LaunchBox is much more lenient than other sites in that aspect (which is odd to me considering they're a business rather than hobby projects like most others) but that's their call.
  8. If you want to do it legally, buy a physical copy of the game and dump it. Or for recent consoles, buy it from their digital marketplace and transfer it to your pc. Aside from that very small exception, anyone "downloading" is pirating.
  9. HyperSpin does not do this.
  10. Nope, it shouldn't have. Like nearly all of the HS databases it's poorly done and doesn't follow the guidelines. I remember removing about 70 compilations from the gba db.
  11. I believe GameEx does vid and screenshot capturing, but I'm not positive. It's one of the few frontends I've never had any desire to try. I do know many emulators offer that functionality but having it in the frontend would save the steps of renaming and/or moving the captures. So that's a plus for people interested in the feature.
  12. Yeah, good luck with that, bud.
  13. So you then create a post with absolutely zero information about your problem...
  14. A Windows PC isn't just superior for curating ROMs, it's superior where it matters most, performance. Yes, a Shield or smartphone can run most of the 8/16 bit libraries well but once you get to 3D stuff it starts to fall apart. You're running on underpowered hardware to begin with and then have thermal throttling and battery life concerns on top of that. The only real place where Android shines over a PC is portability. Even then you have to lug around a snap-on or wired/wireless controller because touchscreens are just terrible for playing games. If you're not on the go there's no reason IMO not to use a PC instead. I can understand the appeal of emulation on Android to an extent. For people who want to play a few games while commuting on public transportation, kill time at the DMV or Dr.'s office or whatever and it's a device that everyone owns already. Even then, I don't really see the point of using a frontend. In the case of a Shield TV I get ppl like it for the small form factor but even then you could use a NUC or a PC with a similar footprint. Android is kinda like the Pi and the other SBCs that people use for emulation. It's more of a cheap "toy" or little project but it's just sub-par in every aspect to a PC. To each their own, though.
  15. For casual users, maybe. For anyone who wants better than decent emulation, never. Windows will always be king.
  16. Most people just use it to get videos and artwork. Usually the only posts you'll see there are people requesting stuff, not much else in terms of discussion or activity.
  17. The site has never been super active from what I've seen. That being said, 10+ of your posts were on old threads and they weren't questions or things that would generate responses. I never go in their discord so idk about activity there.
  18. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Jason used the HyperSpin system lists from hyperlist as a reference. Or someone suggested it from seeing it there. It never should 've been on HyperList either since its a collection/playlist and not a system. But any sort of QC on HS went down the toilet a long, long time ago despite the efforts of myself and others who were trying to fix or improve things.
  19. No, it's not. LB is sorting it by digit rather than the entire integer like Windows does.
  20. Removing the mame override will "work" but that will use the legacy RL command line syntax. Like Jason said you should create a RocketLauncher emulator instead of individual system emulators though. The params for RL are the same regardless of system so there's no point in creating multiple emulators for it. Doing so will also use the current RL command line syntax as from what I recall LB has that built in already.
  21. That error is due to an invalid syntax so the problem is how you have LB sending params to RL.
  22. Probably because there are dozens of well emulated systems that don't have complete quality logo sets. So the few people that do produce them already have a ton of work to do for those. I imagine people would focus on those first instead of systems that aren't emulated well or at all.
  23. Just part of the joys of dealing with end users, especially in closed source software.
  24. His initial post was pretty confusing but after the other posts the point seems pretty clear. "I want marquee support and don't like that it scored low and stuff I don't care about (xbox controllers) scored higher".
  25. Yes, it's open. Everything is in your RL/Lib directory. That's how people, like myself, have been modifying things. If it were closed source that wouldn't be possible. IIRC the post you mention was about Jason inquiring about the licensing, including RL in the LB download and making a new UI (which he didn't need permission for but was a nice gesture/courtesy). Regarding implementation, it's not as simple as just copy/pasting RL code. For one, that would mean using AHK rather or porting/implementing it to C# and doing it natively. Since Jason is the sole dev and it's closed source it's his sole burden to maintain it. That means figuring out the best way to work it into the existing codebase, allow for expansion and ease of maintenance going forward. It seems simple to end users but if you're a dev you know different. Natively handling control mapping for everything in LB would be a very hefty thing to do, it's not simple. Utilizing standalone keymapping software would be pretty easy to do via a plugin or script. And of course, everyone tends to think their requests are super important and/or wanted by most, whether that's the case or not. In the end, I'm sure Jason will tackle a bunch but it comes down to prioritizing what is easiest/most requested to implement.
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