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Everything posted by billyc999
i think i did , but cant find it
any chance the multi disc feature can be extended to include the likes of (Side A)+ (Side B) (Disk 1)(SIde A) +(DIsk 1)(Side B) im sure there's other types these are just the ones ive come across upto now
LaunchBox Game Info Utility
billyc999 replied to elliot763's topic in Third-Party Applications and Plugins (Released)
vlansix would you be able to make one that just gives these columns, i ask as im using my own info rather than the database info, so im filling the csv file and converting to xml ApplicationPath Completed DateAdded DateModified Developer Emulator Favorite ID Notes Platform Publisher Rating ReleaseDate ScummVMAspectCorrection ScummVMFullscreen StarRating Status Title UseDosBox UseScummVM PlayMode PlayCount Portable Hide Broken Genre -
ok after noticing a couple of errors , i got it to work. heres the xml file complete with corect names ,publishers, developers ,genre's and playmodes i had to edit the release date fields and left the star rating at zero due to it been 1-5 as my ratings i collected are decimal 0.1- 5.0 Amiga.xml
im just making a whdload database and a couple of things have left me stumped. can anyone tell me if i can use just the year format in the <ReleaseDate>1999</ReleaseDate> instead of the full <ReleaseDate>2000-03-01T08:00:00+00:00</ReleaseDate> also <Rating> how would Rating pending be applied between these tags, something like this <Rating> RP - Rating Pending</Rating> </PlayMode> what instances can be used between these tags one more <StarRating>0</StarRating> i assume this is for something like critic score, what format should this be written in something like 0.1 to 5.0 thanks for any help , its the only info i need so i can test my amiga database
anyone who as compressed there ps2 files to BZ2, will know it's time consumingand probably wont want to unzip them as it takes ages. i wrote an AHK script to decompress them automatically, just install autohotkey and place the script at the bottom of the post in a txt file (change extensio to ahk) also set the path to your pcsx2 emulator in the script and place the script in the same folder as ps2filelist.txt ps2filelist.txt needs to include full file path like this D:\Sony Playstation 2\Warriors of Might and Magic (USA).BZ2 D:\Sony Playstation 2\Warriors Orochi (USA).BZ2 D:\Sony Playstation 2\Warriors Orochi 2 (USA).BZ2 D:\Sony Playstation 2\Warriors, The (USA).BZ2 D:\Sony Playstation 2\Warship Gunner 2 (USA).BZ2 D:\Sony Playstation 2\Water Horse, The - Legend of the Deep (Europe).BZ2 run H:\Emulators\PCSX2 1.4.0\pcsx2.exe sleep, 1000 Send {f10} Send {v} Send {p} Send {Right} Send {p} sleep, 500 ;evrything below this part needs to loop Game: Loop, Read, .\ps2filelist.txt { Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab% { send {Tab} SendRaw, %A_LoopField% sleep 1000 ControlClick, Decompress Iso, CDVDconfigure sleep 1000 WinWaitActive, CDVDiso Msg Send {Enter} } } Escape:: ExitApp Return
you need to use a program called PIgz , you should have 2 files in the folder with the roms you want to convert, 1 is called pigz.exe the other is unpigz.exe. this is alot faster as it allows multi threading. my suggestion copy 1 game (Backup) to a folder with the pigz.exe assuming all your games are single file iso or bin , make a bat file with the code below and place in the same folder as pigz.exe and the game , just run it and it will convert the game/s this should convert your game , it also should delete the old game file (hence why i said make a backup) for %%i in (*) do ( pigz -9 "%%i") i removed all my file extensions from my games before i zipped them due to the zipped game ending up with a double extension something like gamename.iso.gz to remove all extensions use bulk rename utility once you are happy that the first game compressed fine , then make a folder and put multiple games in there with pigz and the bat file and it will convert all of them, due to the way the bat file reads the extensions (*) it will zip the bat file up so you will need to unzip to use again, i had to do this as some games would'nt compress automatically (it just skipped them) hope this helps
LaunchBox Game Info Utility
billyc999 replied to elliot763's topic in Third-Party Applications and Plugins (Released)
ignore last comment i've figured how to change program to my needs. all i need now is the basic list of fields needed in the new xml files and hopefully i can make a new xml for my amiga whd set -
LaunchBox Game Info Utility
billyc999 replied to elliot763's topic in Third-Party Applications and Plugins (Released)
any chnace of making anoter version of this that parses the game id at present it just says null, it works great, but what i want to do is convert my whdload amiga xml to csv fill the info in i need, then ill use a formula to convert back to xml. this is the one i mean <ID>db3297c3-98c6-439e-96f5-048afd91541e</ID> i assume LB needs this as i see it in all the xml files if anyone know a list of minimum data that is needed in the xml that would be great -
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Woman
not sure if it will be of use, just one of the files i made for HS amiga.xml
think i may of misunderstood the update, because if i have the tick box for use Launchbox database ticked it does name the files wrong, however i have just realised if i untick it everything imports fine, although not tried in bigbox mode i assume they will be no meta data for any games under cpc
whoop, just tried the new Beta importing cpc set, it's done a lot better job of importing with correct names now. just trying to figure whats happened to a game called Spy (France) im thinking it's added it as a second disc somewhere. is there an easy way i can find out? also, correct me if im wrong. on import LB hides disks other than disk 1, does it do the same with sides ie (Side A) ,(Side B) **edit** may of spoken to soon , i just noticed a game called Rock (France) listed as Rock star ate my hamster
is there anyway to resolve this issue, im trying to import my cpc,c64 and zx spectrum collections but loads of games are renamed meaning wrong artwork and titled wrong ive upped an image to show what i mean im on 6.8 beta 9
ive never tried ScummVm , i just posted that as an idea to what the amiga whdload xml one looks like, also i was unaware that scraper data was available for ScummVm. i have the full hyperlist databases converted to csv and 50+ with full info that ive filled , i was going to carry on filling them but as i changed to LaunchBox as my frontend i never carried on with them as i had no way of using them
wouldnt it be better to use my xml files. amiga i need to add descriptions but scummvm i completed, it looks like this, looks a bit odd in the code tags on the forum see attached file game name="toltecs"> <year>1996</year> <rating>ESRB - E (Everyone)</rating> <title>3 Skulls of the Toltecs </title> <pub>Warner Interactive Entertainment Ltd.</pub> <dev>Revistonic</dev> <genre>Adventure</genre> <score>3.4</score> <player>1 Player</player> <story>Fenimore Fillmore happens to rescue an old peddler being attacked by some rustlers, but it is also him who accidentally leads the old man to his death by passing him the hair lotion. Just a few minutes before his death, the peddler revealed that he owned one of three skulls that will unlock the treasure of the Toltecs. Fenimore takes hold of the skull, but is then shot by the rustlers and passes out, with the skull going to the hands of the rustlers. When he regains consciousness, he sets out to recover all three and unearth the treasure himself. And of course, beside Fenimore, some other people are also searching for these skulls... 3 Skulls of the Toltecs is a 3rd person cartoon adventure game in the same vein as The Secret of Monkey Island. The interface is point-and-click, and the player is given a list of verbs to select from to perform actions: open, close, pick up/give, use, look, move, talk, similar to the LucasArts games it emulates. Once a certain portion of the territory has been covered a map becomes available for travel, or the player can ride the train tracks with a hand-pumped trolley or travel by donkey. Puzzles are inventory-based, and the player must talk to other characters in the game and collect items in order to solve them. In many conversations, players are given multiple choices of what Fenimore will respond. Players' choice largely affects their process in the game.</story> ScummVM.xml
theres always my ods/csv/xml files. i can structure them in xml however you need them, perfect for whdloadgames , scummvm ect https://github.com/billyc999/Game-database-info
Damn , i looked first aswell. in principle it would be just the same as the mame xml , but maybe an option to browse for the scraper xml file to use making the xml files would be pretty simple would be really usefull for ScummVM (just trying to work this one out), whdload games and large sets
i added a ticket for allowing local scraping of xml files, this could solve a few problems like rom naming in amiga whload packs also ive added cpc, but it's giving a lot of games the wrong title when its scraping from the metadata, so im having to check everygame. take daphne emulator for instance , it assumed galaxy ranger was galaxy force , which was easy to spot as its a small system if we can get it implemented like the mame scraper i would be willing to do the xml files for it
i was thinking maybe its something to do with the file extension, as whdload games are lha
i was attempting to import whdload games lastnight using a custom mame.xml, but it sees no games. is there anything i can do to name whdgames correctly MameFile> <FileName>1000ccTurbo_v1.0</FileName> <Name>1000cc Turbo</Name> <Developer>Energize</Developer> <Publisher>Impressions</Publisher> <Year>1990</Year> <<Region>Europe</Region> <Genre>Racing - Motorcycle</Genre> <PlayMode>1p</PlayMode> </MameFile>
cheers. the launch box games database does that require inputing each game 1 by 1, if so isnt there an easier way of doing it. i dont mind all my csv data been used but adding it an easier way would make sense the problem i see with my issue on cpc is because all bracketed text is removed, if just regions and revisions where removed it would allow for different software houses inbetween brackets to be added to the database
ah i see, i assume thats from the meta data side of things. out of curiosity couldnt i edit the launchbox xml file and add the info from my csv file