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Everything posted by Cauptain

  1. Nintendo Game & Watch - Plataform Image View File Missing image plataform for Nintendo Game & Watch. Its use same rules from ReignStumble Pack standard (Thank u Sir for great pack). Claudio Submitter Cauptain Submitted 11/26/2018 Category Platform Console Images  
  2. Are 2 softwares to make this. 1 - Imandix Cover Profissional (Used for me on 3D boxes, have batch mode) 2 - Insofta Cover Commander (Batch mode) Both softwares have great templates. Claudio
  3. Thanks for new Beta @Jason Carr Latest translation (No more will go) for 9.0 version. ? ? ? Language-pt-BR_9.0_Final Version_No More_Its Real.zip Claudio
  4. @Jason Carr help me!! ? Brazilian Portuguese - Release Notes Included + Fixed Beta 11 some translations!! Language-pt-BR_9.0_Plus.zip Claudio
  5. Done! @Jason Carr Brazilian Portuguese - Release Notes Included Language-pt-BR_9.0_Final.zip Claudio
  6. Give me 10 minutes @Jason Carr.
  7. Brazilian Portuguese Language-pt-BR_9.0.zip Claudio
  8. Hi @Jason Carr, how do u do my friend? Make some translations and rewrite texts of all buttons. If you can insert in the next beta...Thank u. Language-pt-BR_Revised_9.0 Beta.zip Claudio
    Very nice intro and ending. Claudio
  9. Thanks for new update @Jason Carr. After -2 hours checking the version, make 187 fix (points, commas, relatives, accentuations..._ I have changed too the texts of all buttons to fit the right size. Corrected the meaning of some sentences that were needed. If you can insert in the next beta...?. Language-pt-BR_Revised_8.9.2.zip Claudio
  10. Hi @Jason Carr, Revised and refined some lines in the translation Some phrases are redoing to better visual spacing (legacy options) . Please if u can, insert in next beta to revised again. Language-pt-BR_Revised_8.9.1.zip Claudio
  11. Version 8.9 is fully translated for next release. Language-pt-BR_Revised_8.9.zip Claudio
  12. Hi @CliveBarker @AFaustini @Wattoo @Opak @dukeemu @cyanjiang @Bardock @MajKSA @gamehacker @Kondorito Its missing a </li> on Strings/Markup88Changes (Look screenshot): Claudio
  13. @Jason Carr if have time.. Language-pt-BR_Revised_8.8.zip Claudio
  14. You're correct mate. I saw this error a few days ago and already fixed to version 8.8 I was thinking of asking @Jason Carr to update in the next beta. I also refined some lines in the translation that were in the upper case. ? Claudio
  15. Magnavox Odyssey 2 - Cinematic Video View File Hi all, its my first mini-cinematic video from Magnavox Odyssey 2 system. Chose Magnavox Odyssey 2 because never found any cinematic good for it. ? Any suggestions will be welcome to next release, Claudio Submitter Cauptain Submitted 09/30/2018 Category Game Theme Videos
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Hi all, its my first mini-cinematic video from Magnavox Odyssey 2 system. Chose Magnavox Odyssey 2 because never found any cinematic good for it. ? Any suggestions will be welcome to next release, Claudio
  17. Of course @Jason Carr. Its a shortcut to start the translation only. I am very annoying with the Portuguese language and because of this I am always improving the translation, leaving it polished like a diamond. ? Claudio
  18. A very nice tip for anything person. - Create a Azure account (30 days with all included). - Start Translator API - Get a key. - Configure Zeta Resource to Automatic Translation - Enjoy. This will greatly reduce your work. PS: I only found out afterwards that I translated everything by hand ??? Claudio
  19. Just start translation @pitaru. Do you want? Maybe @Jason Carr can create an empty template for any translation. Claudio
  20. @Jason Carr another option is make a default action on right mouse. Go to image group and select prefer view, type Control+A to select all, right mouse button, options and save all option like screenshot below. Claudio
  21. Hi @Jason Carr I have a suggestion. In the audit part, can you put the "name" of default Box Images;3D Box Images;Cart Images;3D Cart Images;Screenshot Images;Clear Logo Images;Background Images just like the video? Well I have Atari 2600 system with 660 games. I want only the 660 videos, the 660 box front, the 660 clear logos, 660 3d box but its have various images and I need only default. . That would help a lot because if I had the name of the images, I could create a list and use a script to copy the 660 images from the total of 3000 images. Today: Suggestion: Is it difficult to implement? How could I get the name of the main image? Thanks, Claudio
  22. Hi @Jason Carr Final release for LB 8.6 is here: 68 translations/misspelled fixed. Language-pt-BR_Version 8.6_01.09.2018_Final.zip Thank you. Claudio
  23. Hi @Jason Carr If not a problem, ask you to use this new translation in the next BETA, because I saw missing string translation, some grammatical errors and I have refined some translations giving a better treatment. Language-pt-BR_Version 8.6_30.08.2018_Revised.zip Thank you. Claudio
  24. Hi @Jason Carr, Version 8.6 Beta-10 is fully translated for next beta ?: Language-pt-BR_Version 8.6_30.08.2018.zip Claudio
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