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Everything posted by Cauptain

  1. Maybe user run Windows Vista and dont have support really.
  2. Windows 7? Time to upgrade for 10. Look your PM in 30 minutes Claudio
  3. Do u use any codec pack? If not try Normal K-lite Codec Pack Claudio
  4. Thank you very much @Jason Carr Everything 100% now. ? Claudio
  5. Final version with About Form complete. Language-pt-BR_9.6_Final Release.zip __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @Jason Carr I saw that there is a difference when I select the Brazilian language on Theme Select. In the theme version if you use English, it comes with "." If you use Brazilian Portuguese it comes with ",". Can you fix this before official release? Claudio
  6. Hi @dukeemu, I think he already gave a positive signal in "9.6 Changelog" New Russian translation thanks to @alexposad on the LaunchBox forums Claudio
  7. Me too @Jason Carr ?? I got home a few moments ago. Brazilian Portuguese - Launchbox - 9.6.zip
  8. @Jason Carr now I've seen that we can change. Forget my request. Its ok. Claudio
  9. Hello @CriticalCid Is there any way to put fanart background per game work in the theme? I have tested on the other versions of Unified and none of them have this option. Thanks Claudio
  10. Hi @Jason Carr everything good? My friend, I made the new translations for 9.6 BETA and found that there are at least 4 strings that were not created. In screenshot I show them what they are. Can you create them? New Translate file too. Brazilian Portuguese - 9.6 (Beta) Language-pt-BR_9.6_beta 4.zip Thanks, Claudio
  11. Hi @lunaticx, Just post here that makes it easier for him to respond. Jason always answers the questions, but have you thought about how many? 10, 100, 1000... Claudio
  12. Wow. Amazing cinematix. Very well portrayed the war of enterprises. The music is memorable. Claudio
  13. Get Advanced Renamer, add files, add method, remove pattern, type % and run. Try again. Claudio
  14. Personal 2D Uniform Boxes - Nintendo Famicom View File Hi all, I'm sharing my personal collection of 2D Uniform Boxes. The resolution used is 730x730 in .png format. Some images may be distorted, but I tried to leave the best shape and if you want, just give resize. I also made use of Photoshop to correct the images and did many that I didnt find on NET. Some images were in horrible resolutions 240x180 or smaller, so as soon as I thought I'd better update here May have some duplicates or variants. I hope it will be useful for you. Will share all the systems I have. Platform: Nintendo Famicom Files: 1125 Claudio Raphael (cauptain@gmail.com) Submitter Cauptain Submitted 02/17/2019 Category Game Box Art  
  15. Version 1.0


    Hi all, I'm sharing my personal collection of 2D Uniform Boxes. The resolution used is 730x730 in .png format. Some images may be distorted, but I tried to leave the best shape and if you want, just give resize. I also made use of Photoshop to correct the images and did many that I didnt find on NET. Some images were in horrible resolutions 240x180 or smaller, so as soon as I thought I'd better update here May have some duplicates or variants. I hope it will be useful for you. Will share all the systems I have. Platform: Nintendo Famicom Files: 1125 Claudio Raphael (cauptain@gmail.com)
  16. @Jason Carr If u can, update the pt-BR pack language, because I sent an old version "strings" and not the new one in my last update. Language-pt-BR_Latest.zip Thank u. Claudio
  17. Dont worry Jason. There was no cofusion. I already separated the unused files into a folder. Now, I want to ask for the creation of a new translation file, "changelog". I always felt the lack of this file and this left the translation incomplete. I already have more than 40% of the translated Changelog. Any chance of that happening? Claudio
  18. @Jason Carr, Do you still have time to include this latest version for the final release? Final version: Language-pt-BR_9.4_Final_V3.zip Claudio
  19. I love read BETA word. One more time to correct any error ???
  20. @Jason Carr my last version for 9.4 (Promise not change anything else until the official release) ? 152 uppercase and lowercase corrections 17 retranslations 8 best-translated phrases Language-pt-BR_9.4_Final_V2.zip Claudio
  21. Hi @Jason Carr Brazilian Portuguese - 9.4 (Final Release) Language-pt-BR_9.4_Final.zip @Opak @dukeemu @cyanjiang @Bardock @MajKSA @gamehacker @Kondorito @Nyny77 Claudio
  22. Hi Jason, Brazilian Portuguese - 9.4 Language-pt-BR_9.4.zip Claudio
  23. Claudio
  24. Hello @Jason Carr, Startup Game initialization message is fixed now!! But Platform Editing fields is wrong, yet. I have verified that the problem is only in the first field and I have re-translated using another synonym (using a smaller word). I hope this time it works perfectly. Language-pt-BR_9.4_Beta_2.zip Claudio
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