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Everything posted by Cauptain

  1. Thank you very much @lilbud Im search for it in every site or group but no way. Finally!! Claudio
  2. Maybe because TRURIP and REDUMP are more up-to-date and more complete. Claudio
  3. Sorry, just answer now Cid. I understood what you said and it's a pity that you can not change the font or colors or type of that core. It really is what I use the most. Anyway, thank you very much to the answers. Claudio
  4. Hi @CriticalCid shots 3, 4 are green gradiented titles. No white. Its default to view. My desire is get shot 2 equal others green gradiented titles.
  5. Make this. Every start its reboot settings changed. Correct. Every start, reset preference changed. But other views with missing wheels work perfect. Look:
  6. Hi all, How can I change the font and color of text 1 to make it equal to text 2? Even with the gradient. Thanks in advance. Claudio
  7. Hi all, Has anyone this "speaker bezel" to share? Claudio
  8. Eu me disponho a continuar o seu trabalho meu amigo. Minha sugestão: O LaunchBox e Big Box agora oferecem suporte a Retro Achievements do retroachievements.org! As estrelas de classificações da comunidade, agora estão disponíveis e compartilhadas entre LaunchBox e BigBox! A sincronização de sua coleção com a nuvem, agora mostra barra de progresso e está muito mais rápida. Falando nisso, como está sua esposa? Espero que esteja muito bem. abraços Claudio Raphael
  9. Hello sagaopc, how do u do my friend? In the Facebook has a brazilian group named Hyperspin Owner, has a guy called Fabyo Guimarães, he develops apps for Hyperspin, he could make the LB plugin for Youtube scrapper. If you want, I'll give you an invitation. Ah in some days I will release a complete Launchbox tutorial in portuguese. Claudio
  10. I have this issue using Windows 10 Pro + LB 7.12 on External USB on my 4º PC. Really strange because BB not go to background. Sometimes open various emulators windows. Dont try on 7.14. I will and post here. Claudio
  11. I get 3382 games on LB 7.10 (using forced duplicate). If make this on 7.14 get 2951 roms only. I will change to 0.190 split set to view any difference. The bug on "play version" solved after open xml in Visual studio Code and look in structure. "Emulator ID" was wrong, probably using ID version from 7.10. Just check in other system , copy Retroarch ID and replace all lines. No more error now. Claudio
  12. After some tries. More bugs. Launchbox 7.10 works flawless. Make a new xml and export to 7.14, showing all games. Its play normal the "default rom" but if used play other version...bug I dont have other emulator, only Retroarch and works for all other system. Still buggy for all other versions roms. Claudio
  13. Hello @Jason Carr, After update to LB 7.14, MAME roms not import correctly. Various games are missing. I,m tested using a MAME 0.191 Split/Non Merge full packs. Same error. Make print screens for help. Not show Street Fighter 2, 3 Alpha, Final Fight and others. Claudio
    Wow!! The most beautiful circular clear logo I have seen. Congratulations Sir. Claudio
  14. @Jason Carr No translate "Welcome Screen" for brazilian portuguese!! The fields order has same error reported previously too. Claudio
  15. @Jason Carr please, fix the order of fields whe used portugueses language. Its buged in all system. Claudio
  16. For better compatibility, use Handbrake or Vidcoder, its make 4:2:0 files only (Full compatible with RPI, HS, AM, LB...) For highets quality, use Xvid4psp because produce 4:4:4/RGB output files full playable on LB but HS and RPI not. Claudio
  17. Hi guys, Its a my Easy tutorial about make snaps videos from any emulators frontend. Learn to compress any video to higher quality too. Used only freeware tools. Tools: https://goo.gl/prsccf Any question, reply or e-mail to cauptain@gmail.com Claudio
  18. @harryokeI share this on my FB page. Awesome job Sir. Claudio
  19. No new AAA PC game get 60fps at 1080p. I5 7600k + GTX 1050TI. But u have a reason, OP need extra money to GTX 1070. Claudio
  20. If he wants to build a new PC, why not buy one that does not have make tweaks? He says he wants to easy upgrade later, so will he buy already thinking about upgrade? I do not understand your vision. Claudio
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