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Everything posted by Cauptain

  1. Many Thanks guys. Bundangdon tip make works for Plataform and Criticalcid reply works for games. Now, my LB is very personalized. Thanks again. Claudio
  2. Hi guys, I have little problem. I need set a background static image on my LB but not working. Its show LOGO on background zoomed, but I need static image on background and no zoomed. How to?? Thanks Claudio
  3. Paid: Mirillis Action - https://mirillis.com/en/products/action.html Freeware: O.B.S - https://obsproject.com/ Favorite: Mirillis Action (Can record at 4k, easy to record, excepcional quality and very nice to stream) Claudio
  4. Hello Jason, thank you very much for the Launchbox App. My friend, I was wondering if you can not make a lite version of the bigbox for free users. The biggest qualities of the bigbox version are the themes (videos, fanarts, musics, logos) and this only with the paid version. Would not it be interesting to give a preview to free users? I figured I could only have 3 screens: - Plataforms - Screen System - Games - Screen Game - Exit All extremely simple. Without any option to be modified. I made an example of how it could be. Anyway, it's just a suggestion. Claudio
  5. JJLR, make this 1 - Download and use version 1.5.0 2 - Make a default path from your roms/is os like: C:/Emulators/System/Roms or Isos Don't use space in name roms/isos ; capcom_vs_snk2.iso Try and reply. Claudio Enviado de meu ASUS_Z00AD usando Tapatalk
  6. Agree, but no have any problem with DEV versions. Claudio
  7. Please, get latest version here: http://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/ Try and reply. I used this version and works flawless for me. Claudio
  8. Hi all, How to emulate MSX2+ .DSK / .ROM multiple files using Retroarch? Its possible only BlueMSX/OpenMSX? Whats parameters?? Claudio
  9. Wrong forum!! - Sorry!!
  10. Cauptain

    Forever license

    Hello Team Launchbox. How to hide my name on Launchbox title? I want install LB on my brother house but my name is show alltime. Any tip for hide definitive?? Claudio
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